Galileo powers dazzling videowall in eSports training facilities27 November 2020 GameStop Performance has been equipped with an extensive viewing infrastructure, integrated by 4K videowall and screens of different sizes, as well as two Galileo processors that are responsible for ...
Atlona adds Velocity audiovisual control and Omega series to the SnapAV ecosystem27 November 2020 Esta asociación añade accesibilidad y personalización al canal de distribución e integración de SnapAV en sus proyectos. El sistema de control AV Velocity y la serie Omega de Atlona forman parte ...
Chimelong theme parks rely on Luminex to manage their AV shows26 November 2020 These two well-known leisure facilities in China, with 47 Attractions, of which many are interactive use the platform of this manufacturer to support complex and spectacular elements of ...
Deneva.Catalog is Icon Multimedia's new bet to boost digital signage 2.026 November 2020 It is a new way of presenting and segmenting content in real time, that seeks to provide a better service at the point of sale and allows the ...
Digital Projection technology visually revitalizes Roshen's cake factory25 November 2020 Twenty M-Vision Laser Projectors 21000 of the manufacturer are part of the permanent installation of videomapping created by the agency Les Éclaireurs for this well-known confectionery factory in Ukraine. The emblematic ...
'Nature On' transforms the Botanical Garden of Madrid into a magical luminous spectacle23 November 2020 This emblematic natural space in the center of Madrid has focused its theme on nature this year, which is accompanied by more than one million Led lights, mapping and ...
Avaya Redesigns Vantage to Increase Remote Worker Productivity23 November 2020 Mejora la experiencia de la oficina en el hogar al incorporar la herramienta cloud Space, así como la tecnología de ‘cambio de pantalla’ para proporcionar una mayor flexibilidad al participar ...
Digital Design Services and BrightSign: a decade of partnerships creating immersive experiences23 November 2020 Numerous projects have been in which both companies have participated, such as the one held in Forest County Potawatomi in Wisconsin, at the entrance to the zoo's Gathering Place ...
Ditec Communications transforms Pompeu Fabra University classrooms into a hybrid space18 November 2020 The company's project department has designed a technology solution based on the requirements for a hybrid classroom: collaboration and two-way communication between different spaces. Pompeu Fabra University ...
NCSoft updates its headquarters' AV system with Extron17 November 2020 An XTP solution has been designed for each room, which supports HDMI and SDI signals, with 4K/60 video routing 4:4:4. It operates using the control products of the ...
Exterity helps create IPTV solution at Scotway House student residence16 November 2020 More than 260 Screens, including LG Hospitality SmartTV equipment. A display network that is managed by ArtioGuest software. The residence of ...
AVIT Vision markets the new touchONE Assist space reservation tool16 November 2020 Esta solución está disponible en dos versiones: Assist-Room, for the reservation of rooms, y Assist-Workplace, orientada a la de recursos, as workspaces, desktops and the like. TouchONE, firma que ...
Symetrix helps create an audio system for a commercial space that becomes a stage13 November 2020 The Yeti store in Chicago presents an original format as it includes an area where live presentations can be held, screenings and events. For its sound design it was used ...
Powersoft louds the jungle bar-restaurant with Turbosound and Klark Teknik12 November 2020 The sound system of this modern and spacious establishment in Poland is integrated by the DM8000 processor from Klark Teknik, that sends signals to the Pa Turbosound iQ12, and amplifiers ...
Robe lights up the first hybrid show to celebrate German Unity Day11 November 2020 With a special meaning for the pandemic, the manufacturer has contributed with its luminaires to the production of a special program on TV and face-to-face, organized by the federal government. the ...
Audac simplifies the setup of your Touch control software11 November 2020 The version 2.4 convierte a esta solución en una herramienta 'todo en uno' para instaladores e integradores. La interfaz de usuario ha sido mejorada, se ha incluido control de terceros ...
Ultraleap TouchFree Adds Touchless Gesture Control to Interactive Displays10 November 2020 Esta aplicación permite modernizar los quioscos interactivos, los tótem publicitarios, touch screens. Es capaz de detectar la mano de un usuario en el aire y convertirla en un cursor. the ...
Leadenhall building renews its display structure to provide an immersive experience9 November 2020 Visitors are welcomed into the reception area with a large video wall of 32 m2. The installation of this Led solution, configured with Samsung technology, has been ...
BrightSign players take off at Edinburgh Airport5 November 2020 For this project has been used the model XT244 and the software BrightAuthor. With these players, multimedia and advertising content is delivered to the screen in Full HD resolution ...
Christie uses UV technology for indoor commercial disinfection3 November 2020 El primer producto de su línea CounterAct es una luminaria que contiene dos lámparas de excimeros far-UVC Care222. Esta permite desinfectar en presencia de personas y reducir patógenos como los ...