Barco WallConnect Cloud: control, Diagnosis and remote monitoring of videowall16 September 2020 Con esta solución basada en la nube, se puede verificar a distancia el estado de estos soportes de visualización y sus parámetros críticos, resolviendo cualquier problema que pueda surgir. WallConnect Cloud ...
STG optimizes AV equipment from the Methodological Center for Mathematics and Computer Science14 September 2020 The educational project of this institution in Latvia has included solutions from Arec to improve the follow-up of speakers, The Recording, the transmission of talks and the realization of ...
Harman offers immersive AV solution to Modena By Fraser Buriram hotel11 September 2020 To provide guests with clear, crisp sound, an immersive audio experience, a networked solution based on JBL computers has been installed, Soundcraft and ...
Eizo installs with matrox technology a creative videowall in its headquarters in the United Kingdom10 September 2020 In order to achieve maximum impact, has installed a 6x2 videowall, non-rectangular and spacing, configured with 12 ColorEdge CG2420 and CG319X monitors. likewise, it also incorporates a card ...
Cayin, QNAP fuse digital signage and facial recognition technology10 September 2020 This solution seeks to maximize the effectiveness of the advertising platform, increase customer engagement and improve brand communication and image. QNAP and Cayin have joined their ...
Luxembourg Parliament modernizes its conference system and migrates to a digital environment31 August 2020 To renovate its old analog infrastructure, a solution integrated with Biamp's AVB conferencing technology and Clockaudio microphones has been installed. specifically, consists of 90 ...
Yamaha, Promethean and DisplayNote team up to deliver a complete collaboration solution31 August 2020 The proposal is made up of the CS-700 soundbar, the ActivPanel Titanium Pro 4K interactive touchscreen from 65/75/85 inches and Launcher software, that allows you to start meetings using ...
The new Wilvo headquarters has a modern audio system with Biamp27 August 2020 The Apart MASK6CT speakers have been the chosen option for the industrial area, which is used by the Yamaha motocross team; while the AudioControl12.8 control unit ...
The Adelaide Convention Center renews its sound system with Meyer Sound26 August 2020 Speakers and processing system have been expanded or replaced with new equipment in seven rooms, including the addition of the Lyon line array. In total the center counts ...
National Museum of Korea comes to life with Christie technology26 August 2020 In the Interactive Digital Gallery projection solutions have been installed, image processing and SDVoE with which the visitor is captivated and transported on a journey ...
Black Box Reserva: signage for touchscreen meeting rooms25 August 2020 Esta solución está impulsada por la plataforma de señalización digital iCompel, que permite ofrecer oportunidades de comunicaciones dinámicas en la gestión de salas. Esta disponible en versiones de 10, 15,6 ...
The Mt. San Antonio College bets on Extron to teach his culinary classes25 August 2020 An XTP system has been installed at this California higher education center, for switching and distribution of AV signals, and a series control system ...
Yamaha UC and Sharp Business Systems develop a solution to optimize customer service24 August 2020 Remote Concierge Station integrates the flat screen of 40 or 50 Sharp inches and Yamaha video and audio bar CS-700. With this ...
Biamp Community brings quality sound to the vintage FHGP space24 August 2020 In this old fire station two IV6 GlidePoint arrays have been installed, with three IV6-1122 speakers each and two IS6-115 subwoofers. Scenario monitoring is provided by ...
Barco presents the new generation of RGB laser retroprojection videowall24 August 2020 Con este anunció refuerza su compromiso con el mercado de salas de control de misión crítica. El nuevo motor cubre tamaños de 70 to 80 pulgadas y admite resoluciones FHD ...
A sign of things to come: “It's time to embrace the new normal and restart our industry”21 August 2020 Audiovisual technology plays a fundamental role in companies when it comes to keeping people safe in a post-COVID-19 world, says Franck Racape, Vice President EMEA ...
Navori QL software boosts Dooh advertising at Istanbul Airport20 August 2020 This digital signage tool was chosen to synchronize players with different operating systems and screen designs. To do this, the company's engineers created a streamer that makes ...
BrightSign helps revitalize and unify communications at Rockefeller University19 August 2020 The center has a network of digital signage integrated by more than four dozen XT244 players. These deliver the content to an equal number of LG 49UH5C displays. ...
Audio-Technica facilitates a training space focused on Allen consoles & Heath19 August 2020 Factoría 96 kHz es una sala de prácticas, diseñada en un entorno digital a 96 Khz con red Dante, que se dirige a ingenieros y técnicos de sonido. En sus instalaciones ...
AtlasIED Atmosphere simplifies installation and operation of digital audio systems18 August 2020 The new platform is designed to enable contactless control. It is ideal for use in restaurants, Bars, Hotels, School grounds, Places of worship and retail establishments. The manufacturer ...