ArKaos and NovaStar join their technologies to advance HDR9 July 2020 Integration of MediaMaster video control software 6.0 and NovaStar's HDR ecosystem simplifies setups for live events, Shows and presentations, Directly importing the configuration ...
Bose Professional improves sound experience for Juventus FC fans9 July 2020 La infraestructura de sonido del Allianz Stadium ha sido renovada con una solución que se basa en los altavoces ArenaMatch DeltaQ e integra los amplificadores PowerMatch, a signal processor ...
CTouch for Teams: touch interactivity and collaboration with Microsoft teams7 July 2020 For Teams Go and for Teams Talk enterprise collaboration solutions provide frictionless connection between Microsoft Teams and CTouch interactive touchscreens. CTouch ...
Matrox QuadHead2Go Q155: controller card for videowall configurations of multiple screens7 July 2020 This solution accelerates the artistic development in the configuration of videowall. Designed for digital signage applications and control rooms, captures a video signal, up to 4Kp60 and ...
Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling 2 and Bose ES1 Ceiling: Zoom compatible6 July 2020 Bose ES1 Ceiling es una solución de comunicaciones unificadas que incluye el micrófono TeamConnect Ceiling 2, el DSP de conferencia Bose ControlSpace EX-440C, el altavoz de techo EdgeMax EM180 y ...
Earpro and Oomnis join forces to offer workspace reservation solutions3 July 2020 A través del software de gestión Flexo, el mayorista pone a disposición de empresas e instaladores una herramienta que facilita la reserva de salas y el control del aforo en ...
Extron expands its range of TouchLink Pro displays to offer powerful AV control2 July 2020 A esta familia ha incorporado tres nuevos modelos de 12 (TLP Pro 1225), 15 (TLP Pro 1525 ) and 17 Inch (TLP Pro 1725). Unas pantallas que cuentan con procesadores ...
The 'The Voice' program’ Ukraine bets on Robe's lighting2 July 2020 As a key part of the retransmission carried out in full confinement and with all the protections established, a spectacular lighting system was designed, based on MegaPointe and Spikies luminaires ...
Hypersign creates the virtual event platform “The Arena”1 July 2020 This is a solution, developed with Crestron, Planar y UrbenTech, combining the capabilities of videoconferencing and broadcast studios. It consists of a series of display towers, ...
Vioso helps to live and share the immersive experience of the virtual world without a helmet 13-2 Studio29 June 2020 Cylinder is a space, with tailor-made content, built for use in presentations and training and entertainment applications. It is equipped with five Optoma 1080GTDarbee projectors, four Yamaha speakers and ...
Steelcase solutions help protect workspaces against COVID-1929 June 2020 Room Wizard allows you to make room reservations through a customizable screen, while the Workplace Analytics sensor system detects and reports on which jobs are ...
Sennheiser updates Control Cockpit with improvements in remote troubleshooting26 June 2020 In addition to optimizing the design and facilitating its handling, the version 4.0.0 adds the ability to monitor the new SpeechLine multichannel receiver and the EM receiver 6000 of the series ...
Gaplasa markets Bluesound Professional audio products in Spain26 June 2020 The new brand features powerful audio streaming systems for professional installation environments, already available in the Spanish market. Bluesound Professional es una nueva marca que se está abriendo ...
BrightSign and 22Miles solutions improve Georgia Tech University connectivity26 June 2020 Para optimizar y gestionar la infraestructura de digital signage del campus, composed of more than 70 soportes de visualización, se ha unido el motor de 22Miles con los reproductores de ...
Exterity expands its IP video and digital signage ecosystem for all types of environments24 June 2020 The recent celebration in virtual format of InfoComm 2020 Connected has been the event chosen to show its advances in multimedia players, Applications to improve network workflows ...
SNA Displays designs a spectacular Led screen for the roof of Times Square23 June 2020 This large format solution, designed with a model from the Empire outdoor line, features a pixel pitch of 8 mm and a resolution of 2,460x3,200 pixels. SNA Displays has manufactured ...
The Beatriz Madrid auditorium renews its facilities with the sound of Shure23 June 2020 Con la tecnología de esta marca, representada por Earpro, se ha instalado en este espacio de cerca de 300 metros cuadrados un sistema de conferencias, microfonía y traducción simultánea. Beatriz Madrid ...
Grupo Schaeffler impulsa su compromiso con los clientes con la tecnología de Extron22 June 2020 Los sistemas de control DTP, of collaboration, inalámbricos y de la serie Pro de este fabricante protagonizan los espacios de reunión de esta multinacional de rodamientos en la región de ...
Quividi updates its Dooh audience measurement platform and digital signage22 June 2020 Con objeto de adaptarse a la actual situación, en la que cada vez más personas llevan cubierta la cara, la nueva versión de AMP permite la detección de los que ...
Pacific Visions: an innovative AV environment immersed in the Pacific Aquarium19 June 2020 The expansion of this facility, including an innovative theatre and multiple interactive installations, It is an example of technological integration with systems of multiple companies with the aim of creating ...