The spectacular lighting of the Super Bowl 2020 counted on Ayrton and Claypaky's teams7 February 2020 In this multitudinous sporting event a total of 113 Ayrton Perseus and 60 Claypaky Xtylos laser source beam units, as well as 12 moving heads ...
Christie will land at ISE 2020 with a wide range of integrated visualization solutions4 February 2020 En su stand se podrán ver MicroTiles Led con nuevas prestaciones 3D, paneles LCD individuales y en mosaico, así como el proyector láser Crimson 31 y los sistemas Roadie 4K40-RGB ...
Tripleplay integrates with Mersive Solstice to transform meeting room experience3 February 2020 This integration will optimize the content sharing of the Solstice meeting room and Tripleplay's digital signage solution. Companies and educational centres will be able to implement it in all ...
Mondo Ibérica equips with Led solutions the sports centers of Arroyomolinos3 February 2020 In the sports complex La Dehesa has installed an outdoor Led screen of 9 m2 and pixel pitch P10, as well as a second indoor 12 m2 with a pixel ...
EADA Business School moves towards the 'smart campus'’ powered by Sony30 January 2020 This manufacturer's Teos solution, integrated by Nunsys, optimises the operations of this educational institution at its facilities in Barcelona, ayudando a crear un 'campus inteligente' de aprendizaje y ...
Stonex starts a new training cycle for lighting control with ETC consoles30 January 2020 The new ETC EOS courses will begin next February and will be divided into two levels, to respond to the needs of both professionals and non-professionals. ...
Christie ayuda a poner en marcha el primer parque temático de robots28 January 2020 Para la puesta en marcha de las principales atracciones del Gyeongnam Masan Robot Land se han utilizado 48 proyectores láser DWU850-GS y ocho D13WU-HS; además de reproductores Single y Quad ...
Walford's teaching center uses digital signage to optimize internal communications23 January 2020 Carousel Cloud digital signage software has been integrated into the digital signage network, made up of 20 Screens, and has allowed Apple TVs to function as players. the ...
Netipbox Technologies to debut at ISE 2020 to show the advantages of Nsign-tv23 January 2020 The specialist in intelligent digital communication solutions will present this all-in-one SaaS platform, with unlimited integration and scalability to control any other management system. in ...
Nureva develops a cloud platform to remotely manage its audio conferencing systems22 January 2020 Console merges a web client, that installs on Mac and Windows room computers, y un panel de control en la nube desde el que configurar y mantener cada ...
Stonex announces new lighting control courses with MA Lighting22 January 2020 Estas jornadas de formación están orientadas a técnicos y profesionales del sector que desean ampliar sus conocimientos de GrandMA2. Como distribuidor oficial en España de MA Lighting, fabricante de soluciones y ...
Cincinnati Museum Center installs a network of digital signage powered by Visix20 January 2020 Infrastructure includes 35 Screens, located in public and employee areas, whose content is managed by AxisTV Signage Suite software and powered by HDn players. Cincinnati Museum Center ...
Elation Professional illuminated NAMM 2020 with its new product ranges20 January 2020 Magmatic's new effect beam, together with Smarty luminaires, Fuze and Paladin, managed with the lighting control of Obsidian Control Systems have been some of the ...
Work Pro's LS nodes boosted URA's innovative multimedia experience15 January 2020 The intense lighting transmitted by these devices has helped create the atmosphere of this creative proposal installed along the coast in Quebec (Canada). The transmission device ...
PowerVision provides artificial intelligence to its new Drone PowerEgg X8 January 2020 Este equipo cuenta con resolución 4K Ultra HD a 60 Fps, estabilizador de cámara de 3 ejes y transmisión de imágenes a tiempo real a resolución 1080p, desde una distancia ...
Momu recreates the eruption of Vesuvius with Genelec audio technology3 January 2020 En la última exposición realizada en el Museo Moesgaard se han utilizado los altavoces Smart IP 4430 para crear un paisaje sonoro que sumerge al visitante en la atmósfera que ...
Master color mixing by working with LED lighting and ETC EOS console3 January 2020 Este sistema de control de iluminación se ha convertido en un referente en teatros y musicales por su fácil manejo del color, versatilidad y soporte técnico. Como señalan desde Stonex, distributor ...
Poly amplía su línea de soluciones de audio para optimizar la satisfacción del cliente2 January 2020 La familia de auriculares EncorePro se ha visto incrementada con un modelo de entrada, mientras que el procesador de audio MDA 500QD está diseñado para las empresas que han trasladado ...
Wells Fargo's new headquarters in New York installs a 'Led column' with Leyard and Analog2 January 2020 With more than eight meters high and almost two wide, the videowall has been configured seamlessly with the DirectLight X solution and the picturall Pro media server. Analog ...
MA Lighting takes the lead stage with GrandMA32 January 2020 The new version of this lighting control tool has a new interface that facilitates the programming and operation of the console, enhancing the philosophy of its manufacturer. GrandMA3 ...