River 2016: the Spanish joint venture MoveWild creates the interactive space for the candidacy of Los Angeles18 August 2016 Este grupo de empresas españolas han desarrollado el concepto y producción de un innovador espacio de proyección interactiva e inmersiva que puede visitarse durante los actuales Juegos Olímpicos para conocer ...
Chelsea football club installs digital signage with Tripleplay's IPTV system17 August 2016 Mejorar la oferta audiovisual para los aficionados, generar nuevas oportunidades de ingresos y abrir nuevas líneas de negocio en el estadio londinense Stamford Bridge, sede de este equipo, have been ...
The Abu Dhabi Education Council is committed to Wavetec's management and interaction systems16 August 2016 Este organismo educativo de la capital de Emiratos Árabes ha mejorado la experiencia de servicio a sus ciudadanos con la tecnología de este fabricante, que ofrece interacción, medición y organización ...
BGL provides audiovisual equipment to Sport Xperience by Rafa Nadal29 July 2016 This museum, which has just been inaugurated, It offers a spectacular screening room, The latest museum technology and simulators for different sports. A complete environment that provides an interactive space ...
The largest Led baseball scoreboard is located at Munhak Stadium28 July 2016 This screen 64 meters wide by 18 high, ha sido construida por Samsung con 16.320 módulos Led ubicados en 96 gabinetes. Una estructura que proporciona una resolución ...
Audiovisual technology supports emerging talent at the Attenborough Centre27 July 2016 This building, located at the University of Sussex, has been recently remodeled and equipped with different panasonic projection and visualization equipment. The Attenborough Centre for the ...
Eyevis completes its line of 4K screens with a model of 50 Inch26 July 2016 Con esta nueva incorporación, la línea de soluciones de visualización LCD-QHD se compone de seis modelos que van de las 50 at 98 Inch. Unos equipos profesionales, available in ...
The Alfriston school optimizes communication with students thanks to digital signage25 July 2016 La plataforma de señalización digital TripleSign de Tripleplay ha sido implementada en las zonas comunes y en cada una de las cinco áreas whanau de la escuela, permitiendo una gestión ...
The AV facilities of the Olympic Museum of Norway recall the history of the Games22 July 2016 The centerpiece of this audiovisual exhibition is the 'Lysgaardsbakkene', an elevated interactive circular platform of 3,5 meters in diameter representing a ski jumping track. For your ...
Leyard Led technology presides over the sessions of the delegates at the European headquarters of the UN21 July 2016 En la recién renovada Sala de los Emiratos se ha fusionado tecnología de vanguardia con un diseño que combina funcionalidad y una retrospectiva al patrimonio cultural de siglos de antigüedad. ...
Sony's 4K laser projection brings to life the first car-free exhibition in Amsterdam20 July 2016 Con el equipo de ultra corta distancia VPL-GTZ1 y la solución de pantalla interactiva Vision Presenter, se ha creado una experiencia envolvente en el concesionario central de Bentley en Ámsterdam que ...
Panasonic will carry out an extensive AV deployment for its marketing campaign as official sponsor of Rio 201619 July 2016 Contará con un pabellón corporativo, el Estadio de las Maravillas, donde se proyectarán imágenes que mostrarán su colaboración con los JJOO a los largo de 25 years. In addition, realizará diferentes ...
The University of Kent modernizes its library with a network of digital signage18 July 2016 The infrastructure is based on the Samsung Smart Signage Platform and cloud-based digital signage software Embed Signage. more than 35 screens have been installed in ...
LG XS and XE monitors for digital signage applications in retail environments15 July 2016 Pensadas para utilizar en escaparates, estas pantallas ofrecen 2.500 nits de luminosidad y resistencia a las variaciones de temperatura de hasta 45º. Están diseñadas con panel IPS M+ y la tecnología ...
Clevertouch Plus Lux: large format touch monitors for the educational environment14 July 2016 Available in versions of 55, 65, 75 and 84 Inch, this line of interactive displays incorporate the Android OPS module and the Lux user interface that provides an intuitive experience, ...
Panasonic expands its display offer for digital signage with the EF1 series13 July 2016 Available at 32, 75 and 84 Inch, this line of screens combines Led technology, which generates a brightness of 350 cd/m2 at Full HD resolution, con un panel IPS ...
"LG Partner 360º is to provide customers with differential value solutions", Ivan Gonzalez12 July 2016 With the premise that "innovation means making everything that the client's business needs a reality", Ivan Gonzalez, professional display sales manager of LG Electronics Spain, analiza en esta ...
Leyard leads the world market in the development of smaller pixel for Led videowall11 July 2016 Futuresource Consulting's latest report on the global video market notes that this manufacturer nearly triples the market share of its nearest competitor in ...
More dynamic and informative video walls with Matrox Mura IPX 4K cards8 July 2016 Con una densidad de transmisión aún mayor y desde una misma tarjeta, estos sistemas facilitan a fabricantes de equipos originales y diseñadores de sistemas audiovisuales crear controladores de murales de ...
Panasonic shows at Icom Milan how visualization solutions improve the experience in museums7 July 2016 At your stand, está presentando su innovador proyector de luz híbrido Space Player, que permite crear atracciones de micromapping, así como la tecnología basada en Light ID, con la que ...