Eyevis Ensures West Georgia Residences Have the Power They Need5 July 2016 Con este objetivo ha proporcionado al centro de control de Carroll EMC un videowall, made up of 4 screens of 70 pulgadas EC-70-LHD-1000, el controlador netPIX 4900 and the ...
LG's OLED technology, one of the visual claims of the N tower in Seoul4 July 2016 Considerado como uno de los símbolos de la capital de Corea del Sur y uno de los lugares más visitados, esta torre cuenta con cuatro espectaculares instalaciones de digital signage, ...
Exterity shows the advantages of its IP video solutions and digital signage for stadiums1 July 2016 El uso del vídeo IP para la distribución de contenido de alta calidad, end-to-end, con digital signage incorporado para fomentar la participación y experiencia del usuario han ...
Torre Cepsa Madrid entrusts its auditorium's AV project to Tower TBA in collaboration with Earpro30 June 2016 With the aim of technologically renewing and giving new uses to its auditorium, those responsible for this Madrid skyscraper have entrusted the supply, equipment, audio system integration and execution, video ...
ViewSonic develops its new line LS of laser digital projectors based on phosphor29 June 2016 Compuesta por los modelos de ultra corto alcance LS810, LS820 y LS830, estos sistemas están especialmente indicados para entornos en los que la alta luminosidad puede ser un problema, how ...
NEC incorporates InGlass touch technology in X551UHD and X651UHD-2 screens28 June 2016 They are designed to be used as tables, being ideal for sectors such as entertainment, education, Corporate environments, Creative media and interactive games. Estas soluciones ofrecen una interfaz XUHD con rendimiento ...
The Cathedral of Tarragona offers multimedia video guides with AR to encourage cultural visits27 June 2016 Atraer al templo a nuevos visitantes, principalmente jóvenes, y que conozcan su patrimonio cultural es el principal objetivo del nuevo servicio de videoguía multimedia, creado por DNA Expertus Turismo y ...
Panasonic unveiled in InfoComm its novelties of visualization and laser projection24 June 2016 Diseñado para eventos y aplicaciones del sector de alquiler y escenarios, la novedad se centra en el proyector de 3 chips DLPTM y 27.000 Lumens, PT-RQ32K. For its part, the ...
La sala de control más alta de Alemania gestiona las señales de radio y televisión con eyevis23 June 2016 Para monitorizar la transmisión de las señales y la calidad de la imagen se ha instalado un videowall, configurado por tres pantallas LCD Ultra-HD de 58 pulgadas EYE-LCD-QHD en la parte ...
Daktronics provides its visual technology Led to offer the best image during the UEFA Euro 201622 June 2016 Dos pantallas Led gigantes de 70 metros cuadrados de este fabricante, instaladas en el estadio Matmut Atlántico de Burdeos, ofrecen a los aficionados del estadio una experiencia visual más cercana ...
Repsol Guide 2016 was presented with an innovative audiovisual show reproduced on the tables and dishes of the attendees21 June 2016 Para este proyecto se utilizaron 6 proyectores de diodo de láser Christie DWU555-GS con tecnología 1DLP, WUXGA resolution and 5.400 ANSI lumens. Los equipos estaban colgados del techo en vertical ...
Salamanca transforms its buildings into a visual spectacle during the Festival of Light and Vanguards20 June 2016 The city of Salamanca has been transformed for its citizens and visitors into a spectacular lighting show, audiovisual pieces and projections on the facades of its many historic buildings ...
Sono performs AV integration in the new offices of Banco Sabadell in London17 June 2016 Located on the floors 37 and 38 of the central Leadenhall of the British capital, The new meeting rooms of this financial institution have had this engineering specialist ...
Ingram Micro shows its commitment to Collaboration and Led Technology in the fourth edition of IMagine Event16 June 2016 During the day yesterday, the wholesaler brought together the channel to show in practical scenarios the solutions most demanded by the market. In addition, took the opportunity to present the new ...
super 8, the new DooH brand of cinematographic exhibition, events and culture in the Gran Vía axis of Madrid15 June 2016 A new brand to offer 360º experiences in cinema, Digital Advertising Out of Home, event production and culture define the proposal of the City Lights team, now Super ...
NEC Display offers up to twelve touch points on its interactive screens with ShadowSense technology14 June 2016 Las pantallas de gran formato de las series E, P y XUHD de este fabricante integran tecnología táctil ShadowSense mejorada para fomentar la colaboración y productividad en entornos empresariales, retail ...
Userful provides 8K content, over network, to large video walls13 June 2016 The version 8.6 of this videowall controller is characterized by supporting large configurations and higher resolution content, from a single computer. Offers great improvements ...
Planar and Leyard introduce a solo bezel 1,6 mm and 3D visualization in its clarity matrix videowall range10 June 2016 InfoComm 2016, which ends its edition today in Las Vegas, has been the event chosen by the manufacturers to show two new models of their Clarity Matrix series, uno con ...
Christie unveils its new tools for large-scale visual experiences at InfoComm 20169 June 2016 Mystique es el último desarrollo que la multinacional ha anticipado en este certamen para ofrecer experiencias de gran escala, que incluyen software, hardware y servicios, para dar respuesta a la ...
Just Lamps, the largest projector lamp specialist, passes into the hands of the distributor Stampede8 June 2016 Con la adquisición del mayor especialista en lámparas de reemplazo originales para proyector del mundo, este distribuidor audiovisual extiende el alcance global de su red comercial en Estados Unidos, Canada, ...