GameStop deploys a pan-European digital signage network powered by Signagelive11 March 2016 With the small media player MBR-1100 of Iadea and the software System on Chip (Soc) and HTML5 from Signagelive, Cedemo has developed a turnkey solution of high definition ...
Ericsson grows IoT in vineyards with the TracoVino connected system10 March 2016 Already known as 'the Internet of grapes', the TracoVino system, supported by Ericsson Device Connection Platform, Monitor essential data to improve wine quality with extreme encrypted connectivity ...
Riedel connects av equipment used by athem of the Seas cruiser for his shows9 March 2016 An all-in-one solution allows connection, management and distribution of multimedia signals that affect both the IPTV services of this great Royal Caribbean ocean liner and ...
Lumentium Lux Tables: mapping and haute cuisine at the Neptuno Palace in Madrid8 March 2016 Mix 3D images and mapping on a large table for 88 people simultaneously while celebrating a corporate dinner is the goal of this company and its Lux Tables, What ...
Sharp expands its line of videowall for digital signage with the 55" screen PN-V5507 March 2016 Esta pantalla combina una resolución Full HD con un brillo de 500 cd/m2 y la tecnología de calibración uniforme del color UCCT de Sharp. Un equipo idóneo para utilizar en ...
"In LG we bet on the channel to offer a quality digital signage to the customer", Pablo Gomez, B2B display4 March 2016 Provide a high quality visual solution in any business environment is the maximum of developments in professional digital signage screens (4K, outside, Windows, Etc) of the ...
"With our complete portfolio we respond to the needs of any type of audiovisual application", Christian Orcin de Leyard3 March 2016 Tras la adquisición de Planar, la compañía dispone de un amplio portfolio con el que dar respuesta a cualquier tipo de aplicación audiovisual. Como explica Christian Orcin, VP of Sales EMEA de ...
One of China's leading TV networks uses eyevis technology in its newscasts2 March 2016 In the studio of Jiangsu TV have been urged two videowalls, en configuración 6x4 y 8x3, formed by the DLP rear-projection cubes eyevis EC-60-LHD-1000, que el canal utiliza durante las emisiones de ...
"The differential of Tripleplay is to cover with a solution all the needs of the client in digital signage", Carlos Amorós1 March 2016 The IPTV Solution Provider, cartelería digital y vídeo streaming ha dejado patente en la reciente edición 2016 of ISE the differential elements of its solutions, software-based, What ...
"ISE has allowed us to talk to our partners and create business for next year", Joan Aixa, director TD Maverick Iberia29 February 2016 TD Maverick, división AV profesional de Tech Data, acudió a la feria de Ámsterdam para compartir experiencias con sus partners, pero sobre todo, para hablar de negocio y de la estrategia ...
Sharp at ISE 2016: High-performance visual innovation and system convergence26 February 2016 Referente en el desarrollo de paneles de gran formato y sistemas interactivos, el fabricante ha dejado su impronta en I+D en ISE 2016 con la presentación del primer monitor comercial de ...
Peerless AV: a winning company with its new AV assemblies in ISE 201625 February 2016 With a clear objective: "to be the number one supplier of AV mounting solutions and to become the preferred partner of installers, distributors and manufacturers in Europe", the Director General ...
Moment Factory flys over the Muse Drones World Tour stage with 3D systems and interactive content24 February 2016 La gira mundial de la banda de rock británico Muse llega a Europa respaldado por el éxito y la crítica durante sus conciertos en Estados Unidos, no sólo por su ...
"We manufacture Led screens for all kinds of applications with a very international vision", Jerry Wu, Product Manager at Absen23 February 2016 La tecnología Led de Absen ha estado representada en la pasada edición de ISE por dos grandes protagonistas como son el panel X5 y la pantalla N2. Como explica en ...
"With Crestron Fusion Cloud we create smarter workplaces", Nic Milani, Director of Cloud Solutions22 February 2016 Fostering the 'culture of collaboration' is the objective that Crestron has in each of its developments, as explained in this video made during their participation in ...
Interactive education with Ventuz's graphic software at the Prague National Museum19 February 2016 La exposición permanente de ciencias naturales del Museo Nacional de Praga cuenta con dos instalaciones educativas e interactivas compuestas por el software gráfico de Ventuz integrado por el especialista checo ...
"The future lies in a more collaborative environment, interactive and bidirectional", Frederick Haba, NEC Display at ISE 201618 February 2016 Soluciones completas y verticales, desde un plató de TV a una sala de reunión colaborativa, un entorno de retail o un centro de control, ha sido la apuesta de este ...
Vogel's: a cutting-edge company in AV media in its participation in ISE 201617 February 2016 Universal solutions for videowalls, supports for tablets of any format and manufacturer, accessories for videoconferencing furniture and systems for fixing televisions to the wall, Designed, above all, for ...
Toshiba brings its digital signage solutions to KFC restaurants16 February 2016 Junto con el integrador M4B, el fabricante ha firmado una alianza con AmRest, propietaria de los restaurantes de comida rápida KFC, para instalar sus soluciones de cartelería digital en estos ...
Leyard displays at Lang's stand at ISE 2016 the largest 8K Led videowall in the world15 February 2016 With a few measures of 9,5 meters long and 5 high, Leyard's modules with Lang's rental expertise and visual presentation equipment enabled lifting ...