Sono provides the AV equipment for the 4th edition of Antena's 'Tu cara me suena' 320 October 2015 En el plató de ‘Tu cara me suena’ se han instalado 9 tótems verticales configurados por pantallas Barco I6 XP, 2 grandes pantallas de Leds Absen A3 Pro y un ...
Ingram Micro shows in its Symposium 2015 and ante 2.500 assistants how a wholesaler reinvents itself19 October 2015 With a single strategic vision: to add value to the channel and differentiate itself in an increasingly competitive market, Ingram Micro ha celebrado la décimo cuarta edición de su ...
The Volkswagen Forum Drive in Berlin welcomes visitors with an eyevis video wall19 October 2015 En la zona de entrada del Volkswagen Group Forum Drive, los visitantes son recibidos por pantallas de 40 Inch, instaladas verticalmente en seis pilares, y un videowall Led de eyevis ...
HyperMedia FZ selects BroadSign CMS for its DooH network in the UNITED Arab Emirates16 October 2015 The initial conversion of the dynamic advertising network that the company has into shopping malls, retail and gas stations to BroadSing's cloud-based management software is ...
Nissan celebrates production in Barcelona of its new pick-up with the help of Sono15 October 2015 Para la realización del acto, Sono proporcionó el equipamiento audiovisual compuesto por un proyector Christie Roadster HD14K-M, 4 Barco RLM W8, besides 4 pantallas LCD de 80” y dos ...
JCDecaux will turn London into a digital DooH showcase with 84" screens at bus stops14 October 2015 After winning the digital advertising contract at London bus stops, The company aims to create a digital network in the city (LDN), composed of a thousand screens ...
Planar renueva su línea de pantallas UltraRes 4K para una óptima experiencia en Ultra HD13 October 2015 Available at 75, 84 and 98 Inch, la última generación de pantallas LCD UltraRes Series de Planar incorpora avanzadas funcionalidades para proporcionar una completa visualización 4K de contenidos procedentes de ...
Ise 2016 hangs the 'sold out' sign for the four days of exhibition and reaches out to the IT community9 October 2015 The edition 2016 from Integrated Systems Europe, the first in its four-day trajectory, breaks record months before its celebration, of the 9 to the 12 February ...
Sony introduces 4K in the medical sector with two monitors of 31 and 55 Inch9 October 2015 Los monitores Sony LMD-X310MD y LMD-X550MD de 51 and 55 Inch, respectively, permiten a los equipos médicos visualizar cuatro imágenes Full HD de diferentes fuentes, además de las procedentes de ...
Sono provides AV equipment for the V Esteve Symposium in Analgesia8 October 2015 Esteve ha confiado en Sono para realizar la instalación de los equipos audiovisuales que se precisaron para la celebración de su evento healthcare en Madrid. El V Simposio Esteve Analgesia ha contado ...
New York CityFest uses Elation's Led panels for the stage7 October 2015 Led Elation EPT6IP panels were used for mounting screens located on both sides of the stage and those located in towers with delay speakers, posicionadas ...
Interactive and dynamic experiences to mitigate anxiety in child patients6 October 2015 Cuatro experiencias sensoriales donde predomina el audio, los vídeos y la iluminación en 360º permiten a los pacientes del James and Connie Maynard Children que su paso por el hospital ...
Swisscom updates its digital signage system at the point of sale5 October 2015 La empresa de telecomunicaciones Swisscom ha actualizado su red de digital signage y ha convertido su canal promocional, compuesto por pantallas NEC de 46 pulgadas en configuración 3x1, in a ...
Czech Rudolfinum auditorium serves as stage for world's longest immersive videomapping2 October 2015 Fruto de un proyecto de colaboración internacional para celebrar los 190 años del banco Ceska Sporitelna y su asociación con la Orquesta Filarmónica Checa, The Macula ha creado una experiencia ...
AMX Technology Takes Center Stage at CSIS in Washington's Global Collaboration Vision1 October 2015 El Centro de Estudios Estratégicos e Internacionales cuenta con un nuevo y moderno edificio que cuenta con avanzadas tecnologías audiovisuales y de comunicaciones para realizar conferencias y reuniones a cualquier ...
An AV installation brings to life the new gallery of the Science Center of Turkey30 September 2015 Electrosonic has provided the AV equipment of the new room that the Konya Science Center of Turkey has opened and that focuses its theme on health and the body ...
Madrid Zoo designs a digital communication channel with Tecco29 September 2015 Tecco ha proporcionado al Zoo de Madrid una solución de digital signage integrada por dos tótems verticales modelo A Outdoor de 42”, para la entrada principal y el área de las ...
Christie amplía su línea de paneles LCD planos para digital signage28 September 2015 Los modelos FHQ552-T y FHQ842-T son pantallas de planas de 55 and 84 Inch, respectively, que Christie ha diseñado con tecnología multitáctil de 10 Touch, mientras que el FHQ-981-L presenta ...
Rotman School promotes its events with a digital signage network managed by Omnivex25 September 2015 Con la red de señalización digital, made up of 27 Screens, 16 reproductores multimedia y el software Omnivex Moxie, el Rotman School of Management de la Universidad de Toronto ha mejorado ...
Interactive and virtual AV technology for an immersive tour of Gaudí's figure and work24 September 2015 Gaudí Barcelona Projects has relied on Samsung as a technology partner and has commissioned Sono to integrate the audiovisual systems for the new museum installation 'Walking with Gaudí', one ...