Christie and SIA show Argentina's cultural heritage in an immersive 4D projection17 July 2015 The star of Sensorium, stand designed by SIA Interactive in Tecnópolis, was a nine-meter-diameter 4D projection dome that used six Christie DHD800 projectors to display ...
Holo-Gauze creates holographic magic for Lewis Carroll's musical16 July 2015 The visual effects of Albarn's musical have been created by 59 Productions, que ha utilizado la solución Holo-Gauze de Holotronica para crear los hologramas envolvían a los ...
Glastonbury 2015 re-trusts XL Video's immersive projection for Shangri-La15 July 2015 Following the success of the event at last year's festival, XL Video has once again been the company chosen to make creative video projections in 180º in ...
The Carrefour of Alcobendas makes the difference with an indoor curved Led screen14 July 2015 At the entrance of the TecnoEspacio, inside the Carrefour of Alcobendas, an indoor curved Led screen has been installed 7,68 square meters. A system that has been designed with the ...
Seat refreshes users while waiting for the bus with an interactive marketing action13 July 2015 The canopies have become a digital and interactive support in which developers, advertisers and users can offer different and surprising experiences. In the middle of a heat wave, the mark of ...
Eyevis acudirá a IBC 2015 con un completo catálogo de pantallas y soluciones para videowall10 July 2015 Los cubos de retroproyección Slim Cubes de 422 mm Bottom, módulos Led para diferentes configuraciones de videowall, sistemas para aplicaciones táctiles y monitores profesionales para visionados previos son algunas ...
Zytronic PCT technology is used in a multi-touch table designed for large spaces9 July 2015 @Table es la nueva mesa multi-táctil interactiva en la que se ha integrado la tecnología proyectada capacitiva, consiguiendo una solución robusta de 42 Inch, idónea para el entorno retail, restaurants, ...
Al Hikma Tower completes its construction with two gigantic Led screens by Arch8 July 2015 La torre AL Hikma, en el centro de Dubai y uno de los más altos de Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU), ha culminado su diseño con la instalación en su cúspide ...
Exact Change installs three indoor screens Led&Go at your Barcelona Sants office7 July 2015 Tres pantallas Led de interior del especialista Led&go, with a size of 9,55 metros cuadrados cada una y pixel pitch de 5 Mm, ha sido la solución de visualización elegida ...
Copernicus Milan: Sony projection and collaboration technology to boost productivity6 July 2015 This modern business center, located in the central Via Copernico of the Italian city of Milan, has equipped its workspaces, meeting and cinema rooms with ...
Italy turns the interactive installation 'Tree of Life' into the symbol of the Universal Expo in Milan3 July 2015 Esta instalación interactiva de luz, projection, efectos y sonido, en forma de árbol de 37 meters high, es el símbolo del Pabellón de Italia en la Exposición Universal 2015 What ...
Wet Electric Festival 2015 set your stage on the water with Elation Professional systems2 July 2015 Pantallas Led de exterior y dispositivos de iluminación de Elation Professional han superado las pruebas logísticas y atmosféricas para equipar el singular escenario del Wet Electric Festival 2015, located in ...
Los tres videowalls del nuevo plató de Arte TV News crean una experiencia envolvente1 July 2015 El nuevo plato del canal Arte TV News cuenta con tres videowall configurados con 20 pantallas TH-55LFV70 de Panasonic. El reto era conseguir un entorno envolvente que consiguiera sumergir al ...
One World Observatory elevates visitors to the top of audiovisual technology30 June 2015 Climb to the floor 102 of One World Trade Center in an elevator with walls that simulate glass and reach destination to be received by an installation ...
Christie offers real 120hz with its new 4K 3DLP omnidirectional projector29 June 2015 El fabricante ha presentado el modelo Mirage 304K, un proyector omnidireccional y con capacidad para 120Hz, durante IVR 2015, la mayor exposición de Japón dedicada a la tecnología de la ...
National Amusements instala la solución de proyección 4K de Sony para sus pantallas XPlus26 June 2015 El operador de cine ha seleccionado tres soluciones de proyección 4K SRX-R515DS de Sony para sus nuevas pantallas de gran formato Premium XPlus, bajo un acuerdo de servicios gestionados de ...
Mellon Independence Center's Led Visual Support Redefines DooH Advertising in Philadelphia25 June 2015 La solución Mediamesh de GKD, la tecnología Led de Daktronics y la plataforma Aerva Cloud son los responsables de la pantalla de publicidad dinámica Dooh que A2aMedia ha instalado en ...
The London Marathon 2015 shortens distances with Panasonic projection systems24 June 2015 With record participation, more than 38.000 Athletes and amateurs, The recent celebration of the London Marathon has had an important audiovisual deployment by the technology provider Marathon IT, ...
ViewSonic completes its LightStream range with PJD7 high definition projectors23 June 2015 El fabricante acaba de presentar en el mercado español su nueva serie de proyectores de alta definición de la gama LightStream, que cuenta con dos puertos HDMI, Optional wireless connection ...
A surprising videomapping entertains and whets the appetite of the diners of a Belgian restaurant22 June 2015 'Le petit chef’, un conocido restaurante belga ha decidido ir un poco más allá en su oferta gastronómica y ofrecer a sus comensales un entretenido y sorprendente videomapping para hacer ...