Sls Las Vegas resort offers a new visual concept with Daktronics technology20 November 2014 Daktronics has designed for the SLS Las Vegas 12 LED screens that offer a new visual concept with more immersive experiences, attractive and dynamic. The largest of these facilities ...
El Corte Inglés bets on DooH technology in Callao with a large Led screen from Daktronics19 November 2014 A giant Led screen presides over for a few days the shopping center that El Corte Inglés has in madrid's Plaza de Callao, that like the rest of ...
Vitelsa installs the audiovisual solutions of the permanent exhibition of the Tribunal de las Aguas18 November 2014 The Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia commemorates the V anniversary of its designation as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity with a permanent exhibition that integrates an audiovisual installation ...
Paco de Lucía returns virtually to Córdoba thanks to a 3D videomapping to pay tribute to him17 November 2014 The ruins of the Roman Temple of Cordoba have served to virtually recreate and pay tribute to the guitarist Paco de Lucía with a 3D mapping made by the company Congress System ...
Tecnilógica's digital signage solutions promote Poncelet's gastronomic proposal14 November 2014 The Cheese Bar of Poncelet are entering the world of digital signage by the hand of Tecnilógica. The madrid venue has two screens of 42 Inch, while ...
The audiovisual infrastructure of the Courthouse of Huesca allows to record with the highest quality the trials13 November 2014 Dis Solutions, Shure, LexiconPro and Panasonic provide the technology needed by the new Palace of Justice of Huesca for its audiovisual infrastructure. A team environment that enables ...
Aristarkh Chernyshev fuses LED technology with 3D animations in his sculpture Userpic, an ode to classical art12 November 2014 The latest work of Aristarkh Chernyshev, Userpic, uses LED screens as the protagonist of his work of art. A sculpture in which a fluctuating 3D animation is visualized ...
Projection Artworks performs a 4D multimedia mapping to promote the new British Airways route11 November 2014 British Airways has used 4D projection technology from developer Projection Artworks to promote the first flight of the A380 from London to Singapore with a multimedia display ...
Minneapolis Convention Center Enters the Advertising of the Future with NanoLumens Screens10 November 2014 The digital signage platform that has implemented the Minneapolis Convention Center integrates two NANOCurve LED screens of 5 mm covering an area of 1,5 X 27,4 metre. ...
A spectacular videomapping transforms the Puerta de Alcalá in the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall7 November 2014 Madrid's Puerta de Alcalá has become its German counterpart in Bradenburg to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.. Until next time ...
The new headquarters of Chateauform in Paris has a MultiTaction iWall video wall7 November 2014 En un entorno donde se recrea el estilo de los años 50, MultiTouch ha instalado un videowall MultiTaction iWall de 3x3 con pantallas de 55 Inch. Este proyecto ha sido ...
Infinitus incorporates seven LCD screens of 75″ for digital signage to your Imotion line6 November 2014 La línea Imotion de Infinitus dispone de nuevos modelos con un formato de 75 Inch, idóneos para aplicaciones de cartelería digital y proyectos donde se precisan pantallas de gran formato. ...
RoboScreen: 100" screens handled by robots entertain passengers on royal caribbean cruise ship5 November 2014 On the occasion of the float of 'Quantum of the seas', Royal Caribbean's new luxury cruise ship, la compañía ha realizado una nueva apuesta tecnológica con la incorporación ...
Christie projectors pay tribute to Khan Jangar with an immersive 360º show4 November 2014 A screen of 12 meters long by 6 de alto y ocho proyectores DS+6K-M de Christie son los elementos que ha utilizado el museo chino Jangar Culture & Arts ...
Ingram Micro shows in its Symposium 2014 the consolidation of its business proposal in Spain3 November 2014 Optimismo en el mercado y consolidación del negocio marcan el mensaje de la reciente celebración del evento de referencia del mayorista Ingram Micro, the Symposium 2014, que en esta edición ...
NASA relies on Planar to monitor operations on the International Space Station31 October 2014 El centro de operaciones de la NASA ha confiado en Planar para diseñar el videowall que permite monitorizar y controlar desde tierra las operaciones de la International Space Station. This ...
The Mercat de Glòries in Barcelona boosts its image with Led screens&go30 October 2014 Inspirado en un mercado tradicional, el nuevo espacio dedicado a la alimentación y restauración del centro comercial Les Glòries de Barcelona cuenta con dos pantallas Led de gran formato fabricadas ...
El Museo de Auckland sumerge a los visitantes en un océano virtual con los proyectores de Sony29 October 2014 El Museo de la Guerra de Auckland ha utilizado la inteligencia artificial y cuatro proyectores de corto alcance Sony VPL-SW535C para crear una imagen de 270º sin bordes visuales y ...
Digital signage and 3D mapping technologies take the Cavaliers' court to host LeBron James28 October 2014 The Cleveland Cavaliers NBA basketball team has not hesitated to continue investing in display technologies in its new season, tanto para que sus aficionados vivan ...
NPR has bet on digital signage for its Washington headquarters27 October 2014 NPR's new headquarters in Washington has a large video wall and several screens located in the building's lobby, as well as a large digital tower and screen ticker ...