A large vaulted LED display welcomes nh collection eurobuilding guests24 October 2014 Audiovisual solutions are the main elements in the recently renovated NH Collection Eurobuilding that can already be seen on the façade where 3D digital art has been used and ...
VIA helps create an immersive shopping experience in the Breeze Center23 October 2014 El Breeze Center está diseñado para convertirse en el centro comercial inteligente del futuro y VIA Technologies ha participado con sus soluciones de señalización digital y videowall, gestionadas con su ...
Vitelsa installs the AV systems of the emergency centers 112 of Seville and Jaén22 October 2014 Las sedes de Jaén y Sevilla, así como la de Andalucía Occidental han modernizado los centros de operaciones de los servicios de emergencias 112. Vitelsa se ha encargado del diseño, supply ...
Richard Heslett, Christie: "We have room for growth in interactivity, 4K/UHD, OLED or low pixel distance LED"21 October 2014 Christie's Senior Director of Product, Richard Heslett, Says, in this interview for Digital AV Magazine, the firm's decision to bet on display technologies, Like this ...
Calvin Klein Uses Digital Signage at Macy's to Optimize shopping experience20 October 2014 A touch screen of 75 pulgadas de Samsung y asistentes virtuales de ventas es lo que Calvin Klein ha instalado en su tienda insignia de Macy's para sumergir a sus clientes ...
Panasonic TH-55LFV70: 55" ultra-thin display for videowall configuration in uninterrupted use17 October 2014 Diseñado para funcionar de forma ininterrumpida, Panasonic ha introducido en el mercado el modelo TH-55LFV70, un display ultrafino, with a framework of 3,5 Mm. y formato de 55 Inch, for ...
NEC Display integrates ShadowSense touch technology into its Professional large format screens16 October 2014 Las pantallas de gran formato de la Serie Professional de NEC Display, que integran la tecnología ShadowSense, son idóneas para utilizar en aplicaciones de señalización digital para el sector retail, in ...
Sony's 3LCD laser projection promotes immersive visual collaboration in engineering BIM projects15 October 2014 Odeh Engineers, engineering consultancy specializing in the design and analysis of commercial buildings, ha escogido los proyectores 3LCD con fuente de luz láser de Sony para crear un gran panel ...
Copenhagen bets on digital signage for its public health centers14 October 2014 Scala ha implantado una red de señalización digital compuesta por más de 500 screens in 20 centros sanitarios públicos de Copenhague. A través de su solución Info-TV se centraliza la ...
The London Underground is committed to a modern design with automation systems and digital signage13 October 2014 Digital signage displays, WiFi connectivity, sistemas de automatización e iluminación LED son los ejes principales de la renovación tecnológica y diseño en sus vagones que el Metro de Londres ...
Sapienza University reveals the advantages of the Sony HMS-3000MT viewfinder in surgery10 October 2014 A study conducted by the Sapienza University of Rome to evaluate the advantages offered by the Sony HMS-3000MT headmount viewfinder in the field of surgery, revela ...
Havas Media boosts its business presentations on large format projection screens9 October 2014 The new headquarters in New York of the global communication group Havas Media has given a fundamental role to AV and projection solutions as tools to promote ...
The charity Age UK implements a digital signage network in its solidarity stores8 October 2014 In order to optimize communication with customers, donors and employees, the charity for the elderly, Age UK, has installed in its stores a network of digital screens with ...
Augmented reality will take the Plaza de Callao for fans of Fox series to interact with their characters7 October 2014 Already qualified as a "unique and unprecedented augmented reality experience", Fox Spain has taken another step in the interaction between fans and the contents of their ...
A videowall built with MicroTiles is used by Stanford University as an educational tool6 October 2014 RP Visuals has designed a videowall of 439 square meters with Christie's MicroTiles to replace the old projection system that Stanford University had at the Wallenberg ...
NanoSlims screens focus the debate in the meeting room of Elon University3 October 2014 The new student hall of Elon University, the Global Neighborhood, has been equipped with two NanoSlim LED screens of 5 mm that measure 2,7 meters high by ...
The National Museum of Astana impacts visitors with a spectacular videowall installed on the ground2 October 2014 The floor of the National Museum of Astana has become a very important part of the exhibition on display, thanks to the great videowall that GDS has installed with ...
Tres60 Grupo will carry out the immersive audiovisual production of the Spanish Pavilion at the Milan Expo 20151 October 2014 The Spanish Pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015 will have the production and post-production of the audiovisual systems of Tres60 Grupo, through its subsidiary Videoreport, how ...
Epson's 3LCD projection technology fosters creativity at LABoral Centro de Arte30 September 2014 Más de treinta proyectores 3LCD de Epson instalados en LABoral Centro de Arte de Gijón hacen posible la exposición de contenidos tanto en el archivo permanente de 'Mediateca Expandida', one ...
Acciona Producciones y Diseño's AV immersion project at Wu Kingdom Helv Relic Museum, awarded with a Red Dot29 September 2014 The audiovisual immersion show designed and executed by Acciona Producciones y Diseño for the Wu Kingdom Helv Relic Museum in the Chinese city of Wuxi, the largest made up to ...