Karolinska University Hospital builds largest NUCLeUS facility in Europe11 May 2018 Con la implementación de esta plataforma de vídeo a través de IP en 31 operating theatres, este centro sanitario de Suecia mejorará el flujo de trabajo de imágenes quirúrgicas. El Hospital Universitario ...
Projection with Christie Mirage in the first live 3D dental surgery in Europe10 May 2018 As a technological partner of this event organized by Carl Zeiss and the COEM in Madrid, two projectors Christie Mirage HD14K-M have been used, with 3D Experiences streaming. The manufacturer Carl ...
Maverick AV Solutions presents the innovation in LCD videowall of Barco UniSee9 May 2018 With the UniSee solution, the Belgian firm Barco has completely redesigned and optimized each component of an LCD videowall to obtain a new form of large format display. available ...
Mapping of 30 meters on the catwalk with 8K images at the III Panorama Awards8 May 2018 Cinco proyectores láser RZ21K en blending de Panasonic, each with 20.000 Lumens, crearán este espectacular mapping durante la gala de los Premios Panorama, que se celebra hoy en el ...
Christie expands the Extreme Series with an ultra-narrow 49" bezel model7 May 2018 The FHD493-XE display has a distance of 1,8 mm from bezel to bezel which makes it ideal for applications that require a videowall with imperceptible separations. Christie has expanded his ...
Leyard's new CarbonLight CLI series will configure the main screen at the Panorama Awards4 May 2018 Este videowall Led de Leyard ocupará una superficie de 21 m2. con una diagonal de casi 7 metre, y se empleará tanto para la proyección de los vídeos de la ...
Art and spectacle merge in a spectacular projection on the work of Michelangelo3 May 2018 Thirty Panasonic laser projectors create this unique show about the masterpiece Michelangelo created in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Artainment Worldwide Shows, in collaboration with the ...
DFW Duty Free Implements Spectacular Digital Signage Infrastructure30 April 2018 En esta tienda de la Terminal D del Aeropuerto de Dallas-Fort Wort se han instalado tres pantallas Led curvas de NanoLumens, dos videowall LCD de paneles múltiples, seis LCD independientes ...
The Czech National Technical Museum bets on AV technology for its exhibition of historic buildings27 April 2018 Con objeto de ofrecer una atractiva e interactiva exposición, la instalación cuenta con pantallas de 47 and 42 pulgadas de las series LFE y LFV de Panasonic, además de cinco ...
Spanish technology in the technical development and museographic integration of The Founder's Memorial26 April 2018 Acciona Productions and Design (APD) has been in charge of these areas in this memorial that has just opened its doors in Abu Dhabi, in honor of the founder and first ...
The Austrian Patscherkofel cable car upgrades its information system with Peerless-AV25 April 2018 En la zona de las taquillas se han instalado tres pantallas outdoor Xtreme de 49 Inch. Estas están completamente selladas, son resistentes a la intemperie y a los impactos, and ...
Lluís Vives Business School renews AV infrastructure of its function room with Vitelsa24 April 2018 La solución tecnológica implementada está integrada por equipos AV de última generación, que se combinan con los ya existentes. El objetivo ha sido crear un recinto polivalente que permite realizar ...
Barco reinforces its position in the lcd videowall market with the OverView KVD5521B23 April 2018 The panel of videowall LCD KVD5521B incorporates some of the functionalities of the UniSee platform as a modular structure, silent operation, automatic brightness and color calibration, y la posibilidad ...
Transitions by Panasonic Design commemorates the company's centenary with an immersive installation20 April 2018 Technology, design, Japanese art and traditions merge in the installation 'Transitions by Panasonic Design', with which the company participates in Milan Design Week and shows ...
Datapath deploys its technology at Hong Kong Navy Training Center19 April 2018 Cinco controladores de videowall, veinticinco tarjetas de captura y diez gráficas, junto con potentes procesadores y software, todo de Datapath, componen esta estructura de simulación para formar a los oficiales. the ...
Leyard and Planar strengthen their position in Europe with the acquisition of eyevis18 April 2018 The acquisition of German manufacturer eyevis is part of Leyard and Planar's technology investment strategy in visualization and geographic expansion in EMEA. Los fabricantes de pantallas Led y ...
Christie DHD635-GS and DWU635-GS: Laser phosphor projection for fixed installations and rental17 April 2018 Estos nuevos equipos de la Serie GS de 1DLP, dotados de la tecnología RealBlack, alcanzan los 6.750 lumens with a contrast ratio 4.000.000:1 y una operatividad de 20.000 hours. Christie ...
Architectural projection with Panasonic laser technology on the façade of The Deep aquarium16 April 2018 QED Productions has used seventeen Panasonic high-brightness laser projectors to create a spectacular mapping event with architectural projection in this iconic aquarium. The Deep Public Aquarium, ...
Edge Hill University creates a flexible learning space with Panasonic13 April 2018 En la Facultad de Salud y Atención Social se han diseñado tres salas de conferencias independientes y se las ha equipado con proyectores láser PT-RZ670, pantallas 65LFE8 y cámaras remotas ...
Leyard and Planar showcase their display and Led innovations at world-leading AV fairs12 April 2018 Los certámenes Prolight+Sound en Frankfurt y NAB en Las Vegas muestran estos días las nuevas pantallas de vídeo LCD de la serie Planar VM, el videowall Led de la gama ...