Leyard and Planar showcase their display and Led innovations at world-leading AV fairs12 April 2018 Los certámenes Prolight+Sound en Frankfurt y NAB en Las Vegas muestran estos días las nuevas pantallas de vídeo LCD de la serie Planar VM, el videowall Led de la gama ...
Elo reinforces its commitment to the retail environment with its new touch monitors11 April 2018 Los monitores Elo Serie 02, que llegan a España de la mano de Macroservice, incorporan la tecnología Elo TouchPro PCAP y se ofrecen en formatos de 19 to 27 Inch. Macroservice ...
Multi-screen digital scenography around an ice show10 April 2018 The entertainment show on 'Art on Ice' relies on the Dataton Watchout multi-screen display system to offer unique images and visual effects. The entertainment concept of the show ...
Christie and Charmex provide immersive projection technology for the CIM of Vila-sana9 April 2018 Manufacturer and wholesaler have collaborated with Inside Consultores and Creative Rent in the creation of AV of the Immersion Center of Vila-sana (CIM), that has revitalized this town in the province ...
Crestron incorporates AirMedia technology 2.0 to its new AM-300 wireless presentation system6 April 2018 The AirMedia AM-300 enables secure wired and wireless presentation in salons, lobbies and open spaces, and integrates with calendar platforms. This computer has a DM input, ...
NanoLumens y Float4 crean una instalación dinámica e interactiva en el Aeropuerto de Vancouver5 April 2018 Los pasajeros que esperan para embarcar en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Vancouver (YVR) tienen una nueva forma de pasar el tiempo gracias a una singular instalación de señalización digital interactiva ...
BrightSign manages the content of the Iron Palace's spectacular digital signage network4 April 2018 Los media player 4K de BrightSign son los encargados de proporcionar el contenido de las pantallas de este centro comercial mexicano, que ha sido actualizado con una esfera Led de ...
The Papalote Museo del Niño returns to bet on Panasonic to renew its projection system3 April 2018 On this occasion, the PT-RZ12K model has been chosen to update the eight projectors that give life to the large immersive screen of the Citibanamex Domodigital. The Domodigital Citibanamex is a ...
The matrox C900 video wall card powers the IBase SI-61S digital signage player2 April 2018 Este sistema de visualización se compone de nueve monitores, en configuración videowall 3x3, para ofrecer una conectividad simplificada y procesador gráfico dedicado. Matrox Graphics y el proveedor de PC y reproductores ...
Christie Pandoras Box manages an interactive screening at the Barbican Centre28 March 2018 Interlock: Friends Pictured Within es una proyección multimedia interactiva, realizada en homenaje al director de orquesta Simon Rattle. Para su realización se utilizaron los servidores de medios Christie Pandoras Box ...
Extron provides AV and collaboration equipment to Delta Galil's new headquarters in Israel27 March 2018 In its new facilities, DTP series digital switching systems have been installed, gateways for ShareLink Series wireless collaboration, Control Solutions ...
Samsung installs Korea's largest Led display to create 'Times Square’ Seoul26 March 2018 A visual spectacle thanks to a huge Samsung Led display, with attractive ads and images to attract tourists, stars in the center of Korea's capital. Emulating the ...
Dataton Helps Redefine Digital Signage at 18Montrose Flagship Store23 March 2018 Con la solución Watchout se impulsa la experiencia dinámica, made up of 132 pantallas NEC MultiSync de 46 Inch, instalada en la tienda de 18Montrose en King's Cross. La tienda de moda ...
Christie's 4K projection makes the dream of flying at the Voletarium attraction come true22 March 2018 Six Christie Mirage 4K35 projectors are responsible for immersing the visitor in a 3D tour of Voletarium, the latest attraction of the German theme park Europa Park. The dream of flying ...
Royal Preston Hospital renews AV systems in its conference room to promote teaching21 March 2018 In order to support the educational process of the Health Academy, Renovated conference room audio and video systems using Extron systems, Screens ...
Charmex supplies AV innovation to J Leukemia Research Institute. racing20 March 2018 The technology equipment project, awarded to Semic, has had the engineering and construction management work of AVLab. The new building of the Research Institute against ...
The touch screens of Elo Touch renew the image and increase the sales of the British Hardy Amies19 March 2018 An innovative approach, interactive and omnichannel is the goal that the prestigious men's clothing store has achieved with the installation of Elo touch screens to attract new ...
La ciudad de Carmel utiliza Matrox para optimizar los webcast del consistorio16 March 2018 Esta pintoresca ciudad californiana ha renovado sus sistemas AV y ha implementado el codificador Matrox Monarch HDX H.264 para ofrecer webcast en directo de las reuniones del consistorio. Carmel by the ...
Sono supplies AV equipment to Seville's new Cartuja Center Cite cultural space15 March 2018 A Led Absen A3 Pro display has been installed in this centre 3,9 mm and a Christie Boxer 4K30 projector. The sound system counts 24 loudspeaker and ...
Tech Data celebrates METIC18 and confirms its growth in the Spanish market14 March 2018 At the annual meeting, METIC18, organized yesterday in Barcelona with the ICT sector, the wholesaler announced its economic results in Spain, tripling market growth ...