"ISE 2018 it has been the world window that has given us image and visibility", Santiago Verdú, CEO of Charmex13 February 2018 Esta ha sido la primera vez que el mayorista acude a la feria celebrada en el Amsterdam RAI con stand propio y lo ha hecho con el objetivo de llevar ...
Elo amplía su línea de monitores táctiles para digital signage y entorno sanitario13 February 2018 La gran novedad de Elo Touch viene de la mano de la renovada I-Series 2.0, un equipo ‘todo en uno’ para Android pensado para aplicaciones comerciales que precisan pantallas táctiles ...
Sharp presents two ranges of intelligent and flexible digital signage screens12 February 2018 With SoC or Mini OPS options, Sharp's new digital signage visual systems offer a variety of ways to download, Store and play content. One of the novelties ...
Leyard reduces pixel pitch to 0,7 mm in its Led DirectLight videowall line9 February 2018 In Amsterdam, Planar y Leyard apuestan por las pantallas de videowall Led exhibiendo su amplia oferta y presentando la pantalla para la configuración de videowall Led con el pixel pitch ...
Vogel's: when installing a Led videowall is no longer a problem8 February 2018 Vogel's se ha propuesto que montar un videowall Led ya no sea un problema. To do this, exhibe en ISE 21018 nuevas opciones basadas en su tecnología Connect-it Universal con una ...
Sharp presents at ISE 2018 its first Big Pad 4K screen8 February 2018 Soluciones para sala de reuniones y digital signage, además de su visión para un ecosistema 8K son los protagonistas de su stand en la feria de Ámsterdam. At Integrated Systems Europe ...
Daktronics shows its new generation of Led technology screens in ISE 20187 February 2018 El fabricante realiza en su stand demostraciones de la tecnología de chip integrado en placa (chip-on-board) y de contenido interactivo. En el día que Integrated Systems Europe (Ise) 2018 abre sus ...
Ise 2018 opens its doors to innovation and AV/IT integration of some 1.300 Exhibitors6 February 2018 Calificada por sus organizadores como ‘la más grande y emocionante en sus quince años de historia”, Ise 2018 abre hoy las puertas del Ámsterdam RAI con el compromiso de aportar ...
NEC reinforces its presence in the market of large format Led screens with Squadrat5 February 2018 La adquisición de la empresa alemana, desarrolladora de soluciones Led, le permitirá ofrecer servicios de visualización de extremo a extremo y reforzar su presencia en mercados verticales. NEC Display Solutions ha ...
B-Tech will offer its new solutions for universal Led screens in ISE 20182 February 2018 The thirteenth edition of ISE again has the participation of this manufacturer, that responds to the rapid growth of the market for Led screens with this universal range of ...
Elo renews its I-Series line and gives them greater power and flexibility1 February 2018 Compact I-Series all-in-one displays 2.0 they have the power of the octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and the flexibility of the Android operating system, en un diseño de nivel comercial ...
The Caves of Montserrat open to 3D projection and Led lighting to explain its history31 January 2018 Specialist Wasabi Produccions has carried out the audiovisual production and integration of laser and lighting projectors synchronized for this show. Located in the municipality of Collbató, in the ...
Christie projectors helped create the visual imagery for Verdi's 'Requiem'30 January 2018 For the staging of Verdi's 'Requiem', the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra accompanied the performance with a mapping provided by the laser phosphor projectors of the Series ...
A double Led display welcomes you in the skyscraper 55 Water Street of New York29 January 2018 DCBolt has custom developed the content displayed on Christie's two Led screens, which is powered by Signagelive's CMS and controlled by the software ...
Modulo PI will advance in ISE 2018 the capabilities of your media server solutions26 January 2018 Las próximas versiones de Modulo Player y Modulo Kinetic, junto con una experiencia interactiva en vivo son sus propuestas en el certamen. Crear experiencias visuales diferentes en una amplia variedad de ...
Leyard and Planar introduce the third generation of their Clarity Matrix LCD videowall system25 January 2018 La nueva Clarity Matrix G3 se basa en el éxito de esta galardonada línea de pantallas, que ofrece un avanzado procesamiento de vídeo, eficiencia energética y software de gestión inteligente. the ...
La estación de Riyadh aloja el videowall interactivo ‘made in spain’ más grande de Arabia Saudí24 January 2018 La empresa coruñesa Tattoo Contract ha sido la encargada de proporcionar este soporte visual semicircular interactivo de 37x1,20 metros, diseñado con tecnología kinética e integrado por 54 monitores LG de ...
McCarran International Airport installs a network of digital signage in its bus line23 January 2018 Each vehicle is equipped with two LG screens of 22 inches and these are controlled by BrightSign HD1023 media players, conectados mediante cables de alta velocidad a un ...
Matrox Monarch HD Provides Court Transcripts to Huney-Vaughn Team22 January 2018 With this system, generating an H.264-encoded emission stream with RMTP compatibility, with maximum rates of 20 mbps, Audiovisual professionals can broadcast and record in a way ...
Creativity and technology come together in the works of the video artists who already illuminate Amsterdam19 January 2018 World Masters of Projection Mapping already exhibits the 3D projection works of the five finalist video artists, which can be seen for three weeks in the Dutch capital. The joint initiative of the ...