A curved Screen of Nanolumens attracts visitors to the McNamara Alumni center20 November 2017 Esta entidad de la Universidad de Minnesota ha instalado en su nuevo espacio de innovación, Discovery Nexus, una pantalla curva inmersiva Nixel Serie de 4,5x5 metros con un pixel pitch ...
Tech Data consolida la estructura de su división Maverick AV Solutions17 November 2017 Tras la reorganización, la compañía ha quedado dividida en dos grandes divisiones (Endpoint Solutions y Advanced Solutions), junto con otras tres especializadas que seguirán operando de forma independiente: Maverick AV ...
Christie Crimson: 3DLP laser phosphor projectors with 25.000 Lumens for rental and fixed installations16 November 2017 Los equipos de esta serie ofrecen un procesamiento ultrarrápido gracias a la electrónica TruLife e incorporan de serie capacidades de warping y blending de Twist. In addition, con la funcionalidad Mystique ...
Los Juegos Olímpicos de PyeongChang 2018 contarán con videowalls Led de Leyard15 November 2017 Para la cobertura de este evento deportivo, NBC ha optado por la serie TWS que con un pitch ultra fino destaca por su versatilidad y cómodo diseño con módulos de ...
Barco redefines the design of LCD videowall with UniSee14 November 2017 Esta plataforma presenta un diseño sin marcos, gracias a la tecnología NoGap; una alta uniformidad de brillo y colores, tanto dentro del mismo panel como entre los que componen la ...
The University Clinic Foundation of the URJC is committed to AV technology for its new spaces13 November 2017 Para la creación del nuevo gabinete médico y un salón de actos, Vitelsa ha proporcionado una arquitectura audiovisual en alta definición, además de la infraestructura de cableado necesaria para soportar ...
Toronto's new Air Jordan store attracts customers with a dynamic and attractive AV system10 November 2017 Para ofrecer una innovadora experiencia de compra, se ha instalado un sofisticado sistema de audio multi-zona y un equipamiento visual integrado por proyectores de Panasonic, pantallas de SiliconCore y reproductores ...
Antycip Simulation relies on Barco's projection technology for its demonstration centers9 November 2017 The European specialist in simulation and virtual reality solutions has opened its first space in Italy with these technologies applied to vertical markets in which it offers customers ...
The Colosseum cinema turns its dome into a spectacle of light and color8 November 2017 Para llevar las imágenes más allá de la tradicional pantalla se han instalado 16 equipos Optoma ProScene ZU850, alrededor de la base de la cúpula, y han sido montados de ...
The NEC Demo room hosts an open day to show its AV solutions7 November 2017 In this day aimed at its partners, to be held next year 15 November, You can see the most innovative systems of the company such as the interactive multi-touch table or ...
Valencia celebrated its big day with spectacular 2D and 3D animations projected onto the facade6 November 2017 The art of video projection has been one of the protagonists of the numerous activities scheduled to commemorate the day of the Valencian Community, that the company VideomappingPro made with the ...
Elo Touch takes self-service systems with Wallaby equipment to a new level3 November 2017 Estos nuevos puestos todo-en-uno, disponibles con soporte de suelo y para colocar sobre una superficie, son personalizables y pueden incorporar pantallas táctiles I- Series y X-Series. Cuentan con conexiones para ...
Vitelsa provides AV equipment to the auditorium of Sant Carles de la Rápita2 November 2017 In the new building, two double columns of speakers have been installed on the sides of the stage, as well as other high performance in the front and subwoofers to reinforce ...
Mercedes-Benz Arena renews its IPTV and digital signage infrastructure with Tripleplay31 October 2017 In the VIP areas, Bars, F restaurants and outlets&B have been installed around 200 Screens. A network that offers a direct communication channel with the ...
The holographic projection of Panasonic and NovaLine 'revives' André Hazes30 October 2017 Both companies have used a new technology to create a realistic hologram of Dutch artist André Hazes at tribute concerts., based on laser projection and a ...
London's iconic Piccadilly Circus lights up with its new curved Led display27 October 2017 The world-famous Piccadilly lights were turned on again yesterday by their owner Land Securities, after a nine-month renewal period of its signage ...
At SIMO Education 2017, Crambo and Smart respond to the challenges posed by the world of education26 October 2017 The interactive screens of the series are shown on the stand 7000, 6000 and 2000, that seek to streamline the teaching and learning process. The first is the most advanced, ...
The OUE Tower in Los Angeles welcomes its visitors with a brilliant work of visual engineering25 October 2017 America's iconic bank tower, now from the OUE group, has remodeled its entrance with a striking curved Led screen, of 38x5 meters, by prolific artist David Niles, ...
Christie 630-GS Series: Compact and versatile high-brightness, low-noise laser phosphor projectors24 October 2017 Esta nueva línea de hasta 6.750 lúmenes está disponible en resoluciones HD (1.920x1,080) and WUXGA (1.920x1.200) with a contrast ratio 4.000.000:1. Unos equipos de compacto diseño, idóneos para espacios ...
Spain leads the application of mixed reality in surgical operations with HoloSurg23 October 2017 El Hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid ha desarrollado un proyecto hasta ahora único en el mundo que permite hacer uso de la realidad mixta en una cirugía real, in the ...