The World Masters of Projection Mapping will debut in Amsterdam with the best artistic creations20 October 2017 Esta iniciativa para exhibir las mejores soluciones de mapping de proyección, that will take place in the 14 from January to 9 February 2018, es el resultado de la cooperación ...
Crambo shows the channel the latest samsung visualization news for vertical markets19 October 2017 At the event, celebrado ayer en el Food Market Barcelo, se puso de relieve las apuestas tecnológicas del fabricante por la integración del SoC en sus monitores, las pantallas UHD ...
NEC Display offers integration and simplicity with C Series displays for commercial use18 October 2017 In sizes of 43 to 55 Inch, estos nuevos sistemas visuales de gran formato incorporan un reproductor y tecnologías de alta definición, luminosidad y conectividad, en un diseño delgado. Composed by ...
NanoLumens promotes digital signage in stores with a new interactive Led poster17 October 2017 With a pixel pitch of 2,55 Mm, esta solución de visualización está diseñada para transformar el mercado de retail y fomentar la migración de la tradicional y estática cartelería a ...
'Reflections' transforms the iconic façade of the Guggenheim with dynamic projections and light16 October 2017 Near 300.000 Spectators have seen these days the innovative projection made on the titanium façade of the Bilbao museum by the British company 59 Productions, que ha utilizado ...
Christie and Cocolab revive the archaeological zone of the pyramids of Teotihuacán11 October 2017 To create the videomapping show were used 19 Roadie 4K45 projectors, que se ubicaron en dos unidades móviles y eran gestionados por el software NUUP desde estaciones de trabajo ...
Panasonic helps optimize rail traffic management at Saint-Lazare station10 October 2017 Para mejorar el acceso a la información en tiempo real y ofrecer una visión completa y analítica de toda la red, have been installed 7 pantallas TH-55LF6W y 4 TH-47LF6W ...
The Planetarium of Madrid is renewed and migrates to 4K optical-digital projection technology9 October 2017 The installation kicks off the new technological phase of its projection room to show the Universe with a Japanese Megastar hybrid equipment and the immersive system (fulldome) Sky-scan, Paying Tribute ...
A large circular screen attracts the attention of travelers at the World Duty Free in Detroit6 October 2017 Además de este innovador anillo, que se encuentra suspendido del techo y ha sido diseñado con tres pantallas Led individuales NanoLumens Nixel Series de 3 Mm, a ...
Christie Boxer en el torneo de deporte electrónico más grande celebrado en Rusia5 October 2017 Para la puesta en escena del evento Epicenter se utilizaron proyectores Boxer 4K30 en el palco, otros 3 iluminaban el centro y otro más la figura de uno de los ...
Vitelsa implements the exhibition equipment, of lighting and security of the Museum of the Civil Refuge4 October 2017 Dentro de este proyecto museístico se ha realizado una exposición que cuenta con un área multimedia en el que se ha instalado un monitor profesional Led Full HD de gran ...
Panasonic MZ670: Solid Shine laser projectors for the company and the classroom3 October 2017 Dotados de la tecnología 3LC, proporcionan imágenes intensas y nítidas con un brillo de 6.500 lúmenes y resolución WUXGA. El módulo inalámbrico opcional ET-WM300 añade una amplia gama de soluciones ...
Citybeacon uses Zytronic technology to create smart urban platforms in the Netherlands2 October 2017 La puesta en marcha de este proyecto de smart city, que se iniciará con el despliegue de veinticinco kioscos interactivos en la ciudad holandesa de Eindhoven, ayudará a los residentes, ...
Crambo designs the office of the future with the latest collaboration solutions, AV and management of its partners29 September 2017 From the reception to the meeting room, without forgetting the offices and networking areas, The wholesaler has designed a tour with the latest solutions of its brands ...
Panasonic reduces the cost of collaboration with two affordable and powerful interactive touchscreens28 September 2017 Los modelos TH-75BQE1 y TH-65BFE1, sizes of 75 and 65 Inch, respectively, completan la gama de pantallas interactivas desarrolladas por Panasonic y son compatibles con el software de pizarra ...
Christie FHD553-XU: LCD panel for videowall configurations in control rooms and digital signage27 September 2017 This display solution is the latest addition that the manufacturer has made to its Ultra Series line. Ofrece resolución Full HD con soporte para 4K UHD en configuraciones de ...
El Departamento de Transporte de Washington renueva su centro de control con NEC y Peerless-AV26 September 2017 El proyecto de modernización se ha realizado en dos fases. En la primera se ha instalado un videowall integrado por 90 screens of 46 Inch, montados con los soportes SmartMount ...
Maverick Hosts Open Days with The Latest Logitech Collaboration Solutions25 September 2017 Titled 'Logitech Open Breakfast', The wholesaler will offer the distribution channel all the details in videoconferencing and collaboration solutions from this manufacturer, that will take place in ...
Petersen Automotive Museum, first to use Panasonic LinkRay to interact with the visitor22 September 2017 This emblematic center dedicated to the history of the automobile has been a pioneer in integrating this technology, that uses Led light to transmit information to users' mobiles, ...
Modular floor-to-ceiling systems from Peerles AV to mount screens in shop windows21 September 2017 With a versatile and secure floor-to-ceiling design, this support also allows to locate additional screens and make custom configurations for a total visualization in the shop windows of stores, ...