Esprinet opens a cash & carry in Barcelona and commitment to interactivity with the customer19 September 2017 Smart labels and a digital totem are the signage solutions that have been implemented in the new store in Hospitalet de Llobregat inaugurated, yesterday by the wholesaler, So what ...
NanoLumens Helps Bring a More Modern Look to Scripps Networks Interactive Headquarters18 September 2017 En el vestíbulo se ha instalado una pantalla Led Nixel Serie de 2,4x4,7 metros y un pixel pitch de 1,2 Mm. Para gestionar los contenidos que se visualizan en el ...
The AG Neovo QD-Series screens offer an optimal visual experience in digital signage15 September 2017 Con resolución 4K UHD y opciones en formato retrato y paisaje, está línea es capaz de soportar operaciones 24x7, lo que la convierte en una solución idónea para aplicaciones en ...
Charmex organizes open day of projection, collaboration and signage around Vivitek14 September 2017 La proyección láser centra el Open Days, that will take place on the 19, 20 and 21 of this month of September, de la marca del grupo Delta en el showroom ...
A 3D mapping projection energizes the new Leo Baeck Institute exhibition13 September 2017 Los reproductores multimedia 4K de BrightSign son la base para distribuir los elementos visuales, topográficos y archivos que se muestran en una mesa de videoproyección en 3D, according to the project ...
Panasonic's 4K screens help Riba create exclusive spaces for its events12 September 2017 Those responsible for the Royal Institute of British Architects have once again relied on the visual technology of this manufacturer, replacing one of its ten-inch 103" plasma screens ...
NEC contributes to the audiovisual transformation of the Palacio de Congresos de Valencia11 September 2017 In two auditoriums of this building, the PH1202HL laser projection systems of 12.000 lumens and PX803U 8.000 Lumens; while nine boardrooms ...
Changi's T4 installs one of the world's largest indoor screens at an airport8 September 2017 Expected to open before the end of the year, this terminal has been built with the most innovative technologies including a 70x5 video wall that has been ...
B-Tech offers a new range of floor supports for digital signage and videoconferencing7 September 2017 La línea BT8380-FSB se ofrece en una amplia variedad de opciones de montaje, tanto en tamaño como en lo que respecta a la orientación de la pantalla. Una base premium ...
Scala software facilitates communication on Kuala Lumpur Pantai Hospital's digital network6 September 2017 The contents of the digital signage network deployed in the new hospital center building are managed with this software quickly and continuously updated to facilitate the ...
Vue Entertainment bets on digital signage as a communication platform in its cinemas5 September 2017 The company is replacing static advertising posters with Samsung digital displays in 85 UK rooms, which are managed with the media players of the ...
Elo expands its line of TOUCH SCREENS POS with a model of 15″ and aspect ratio 4:34 September 2017 The E-Series 15E3 is an all-in-one computer with projected capacitive screen that includes a fanless computer equipped with the Intel Celeron J1900 Quad-Core processor with 4 GB of ...
Mediapro Exhibitions produces AV and interactive content from the Athletic Club Museum1 September 2017 Located in the San Mamés Stadium, this facility opens its doors to the public today after the official opening by authorities and board of directors of the football club ...
Sony and the University of Wales unscreed technology and knowledge to drive active learning31 August 2017 The prestigious Welsh academic center works closely with the manufacturer to offer students from all campuses new learning practices based on the ...
Vitelsa carries out the digital signage project for Plaça Catalunya station for FGC30 August 2017 Como parte del proyecto de remodelación, esta compañía ha sido adjudicataria en concurso público de la instalación de un nuevo sistema digital de alto impacto visual y ultra alta resolución ...
Elo Touch develops open panel touch screens PCAP for kiosks and self-service29 August 2017 Estos monitores panelables de gran formato -4343L y 5543L-, sizes of 43 and 55", respectively, están diseñados para aplicaciones de uso público intensivo en las que el espacio es ...
Panasonic AV solutions transform learning at the University of Copenhagen28 August 2017 The new building with which the Faculty of Medicine and Sciences has been expanded has digital signage screens to share information distributed throughout the building, as well as ...
Ávila celebrates thirty years of World Heritage with a videomapping and percussion show25 August 2017 The audiovisual production company Xtrañas Producciones will use 30.000 watts of sound and 60.000 projection lumens in the show 'The heritage illuminates Ávila' to celebrate the 25 and 26 August, ...
Coca-Cola transforms DooH with the world's first robotic 3D billboard24 August 2017 In New York's iconic Times Square, the specialist Space150 and the soft drink brand have given a new dimension to outdoor digital advertising, en esta ocasión con ...
Zytronic mejora el servicio de los vending de pizza franceses con sus sensores táctiles PCT23 August 2017 La máquinas expendedoras autoservicio de Adial Pizzadoor han sido actualizadas con sensores táctiles, con tecnología capacitiva proyectada (PCT and MPCT) duraderos y de alto rendimiento, de este fabricante para ofrecer a ...