Zytronic mejora el servicio de los vending de pizza franceses con sus sensores táctiles PCT23 August 2017 La máquinas expendedoras autoservicio de Adial Pizzadoor han sido actualizadas con sensores táctiles, con tecnología capacitiva proyectada (PCT and MPCT) duraderos y de alto rendimiento, de este fabricante para ofrecer a ...
Laser projection immerses visitors in the pictorial world of Bosch, Brueghel and Arcimboldo22 August 2017 Culturespaces, gestor de la antigua cantera de roca Carrières des Lumières de la localidad francesa de Lex Baux de Provence, has used 75 proyectores de fósforo láser de la firma ...
UFC communicates its brand image on a large NanoLumens Led Engage display21 August 2017 Ubicada en el vestíbulo del nuevo campus del referente en artes marciales mixtas mundial, esta impresionante pantalla de 4x6 metros y píxel pitch 2,5 Mm. responde al objetivo de esta ...
Netipbox digitizes and deploys a communication channel at the GMA Clinic18 August 2017 La solución de cartelería digital 3.0 de este especialista ha mejorado tanto la imagen interior y exterior del centro como la experiencia de los usuarios que acuden a esta policlínica ...
LG achieves with its gigantic OLED screen of high definition in Dubai Mall three Guinness World Records17 August 2017 Built with 820 High definition OLED Open Frame panels from the South Korean manufacturer, this giant screen is located in the Dubai Aquarium shopping center & Underwater Zoo, one of the ...
The historic German gasometer from Oberhausen is renewed with Panasonic laser projection16 August 2017 The central element of this industrial symbol converted into a museum is the exhibition dedicated to nature, where the projectors of this manufacturer are fundamental to represent the Earth in ...
Absen A27 screens: offer the best of LCD and Led to the environment of digital signage28 July 2017 Available with a pixel pitch of 1,58 to 2,54 Mm, a refresh rate of 3.840 Hz and up to brightness 1.000 Nits, esta serie se presenta como una ...
Selfridges implements an internal communication strategy through a digital signage network27 July 2017 The installation is integrated by a high impact Led screen of digiLED in the London 'Team Tunnel' and a network that encompasses more than 30 Samsung Smart displays ...
Panasonic LFV8: screens for configurations of videowall in resolution 4K26 July 2017 Available in 49 and 55 Inch, this series, distribuida por Crambo, incluye una distancia entre marcos de 3,5 Mm, que se combina con la tecnología IPS de alta ...
Four NanoLumens Displays Bring Wall Street Aesthetic to LPL Financial's Commercial Building25 July 2017 The structural columns of the second floor have been covered with Nixel Series equipment that wraps them and provides an unobstructed view of financial information. These displays, Mounted ...
RealMotion boosts the contents of Sofitel Paris Baltimore's immersive video wall24 July 2017 Este intuitivo e interactivo soporte digital, localizado en el vestíbulo, ha sido diseñado utilizando los paneles Christie MicroTiles y sus contenidos son gestionados con el software de Float4. It's about ...
B the travel brand boosts its communication with more than four hundred LG screens21 July 2017 El proyecto para la red de digital signage en los más de cuatrocientos establecimientos de esta agencia de viajes del Grupo Barceló ha sido realizado por el mayorista audiovisual Caverin|Econocom, ...
Panasonic expands its line of digital signage screens for indoor with the SF2 range20 July 2017 Available in 43, 49, 55 and 65 Inch, this line is designed with a wide-view IPS panel and 450 cd/m2 que incluye una función de conmutación ...
Crestron updates its EMEA experience centers with the most innovative solutions19 July 2017 This strategic initiative has begun with the Cobham flagship where the latest generation of DigitalMedia has been installed., the Mercury console, the SSW room availability system, the ...
The iconic Mivtachim Sanitarium becomes a modern hotel with the latest AV equipment18 July 2017 The interior renovation of this iconic building that served in its first sanatorium to Israeli workers in the modern Elma Arts Hotel has brought with it the creation of ...
The UDE equips its academic departments with ViewSonic projection systems17 July 2017 Para dar respuesta a los requerimientos de la Universidad de la Empresa de Uruguay se han instalado más 100 Projectors, que incluyen desde los equipos más básicos (PJD5155) for the ...
Icon Multimedia manages with Deneva more than two hundred videowalls of Dentix Clinics14 July 2017 El sistema de gestión de digital signage de esta compañía española está ya operando en más de 120 clínicas de esta cadena en todo el mundo, como en Colombia, where ...
The first mapping in Valencia on a basketball court uses Christie's technology13 July 2017 The 3D projection occupied an area of 25x15 meters and for its execution two Boxer 2K30 projectors were used, they were placed in tandem at a distance of 30 metre ...
Holo-Gauze creates the world's largest hologram again for the Epic show 5.0 by Eric Pryd12 July 2017 El internacional DJ de origen sueco Eric Pryd apostado de nuevo por esta solución de visualización 3D de Holotronica para crear grandes efectos holográficos durante su concierto en el Victoria ...
Jerusalem celebrates the 50 Anniversary of the reunification of the city with a spectacular projection11 July 2017 Para iluminar sus murallas se instalaron veinte proyectores EB-L25000U de Epson, con más de seis kilómetros de cables de fibra óptica y cien hubs, y se utilizaron cientos de drones. ...