Bayer installs an AV infrastructure at its headquarters in London that encourages collaboration and communication6 July 2017 The building has more than 60 common spaces where a wide range of AV devices has been installed, as NEC screens of different formats, Biamp collaboration systems ...
"Daktronics accompanies the customer throughout the life of the project, with a support that sets us apart from the rest", Ivan del Rio5 July 2017 Led screens with pixel pitch of high density and resolution, with designs of any size, curved and transparent to respond to any type of project, either small or ...
Panasonic designs a small and lightweight laser projector 20.000 lumens for large spaces4 July 2017 With a filterless design and high luminosity, PT-RZ21K offers uninterrupted projection for rental applications, live events and large spaces. Panasonic's PT-RZ21K laser projector offers ...
Vinilo Lab uses Christie technology for the launch in Colombia of the AXE Black Night fragrance3 July 2017 The event shone with an evening full of music and accompanied by a projection mapping and a laser show. For its realization, three Roadster HD20K-J projectors were used ...
Battery Atlanta attracts passers-by's attention from a circular screen suspended over a water source30 June 2017 Located at the front door, has been configured with nixel curved Led panels from Nanolumens and equipped with a pixel pitch of 9,5 mm with a brightness of 7.000 ...
Panasonic brings 360° and 3D projection to Hydropolis water exhibition in Poland29 June 2017 This scientific centre dedicated to water uses a total of 57 equipment from this manufacturer for 3D and 360° mapping, así como proyecciones interactivas que ...
Leyard and Planar develop the first seamless led touch screen 196 inches and 0,9 Mm28 June 2017 Both companies have shown this interactive visual development, called Leyard Led MultiTouch, during his recent participation in InfoComm 2017, junto con un sistema visual con realidad virtual y otras soluciones ...
Crestron DM XiO Director offers unlimited flexibility and scalability of the audiovisual network27 June 2017 This device, optimized for the enterprise and designed for the DM NVX series, virtually emulates the functionality of a digitalmedia matrix switch based on traditional hardware, Transmitting ...
The Wanda Metropolitano will have digital signage and IPTV solutions Tripleplay26 June 2017 The stadium of Atlético de Madrid will have 300 screens with Tripleplay's digital signage technology and LG's WebOS system, and others 500 will be deployed with ...
Sono performs a rear-projection of 30.000 lumens for the charity dinner 'We Are One'23 June 2017 The fifth edition of the charity dinner 'Somos Uno' has counted, one more year, with the work of this specialist in audiovisual services, that has supplied the equipment and has ...
Digital Projection M-Vision: laser projection of 18.000 lumens for large installations22 June 2017 Este potente proyector DLP de un chip y resolución WUXGA está especialmente indicado como solución para proyectar imágenes de pantalla grande, con un alto rendimiento, en proyectos con un presupuesto ...
Vueling bets on the iWall DooH circuit for its Rock Star interactive marketing campaign21 June 2017 The Spanish airline and the creative agency McCann have designed a game of gestural interaction and augmented reality, developed by the specialist Iwall in Shop to run it in your circuit ...
Absen Serie Xv: robustas soluciones Led de interior y exterior para el mercado de alquiler20 June 2017 La serie Xv ofrece tres opciones de pixel pitch para adaptarse a todo tipo de eventos: of 2,6, 3,9 and 5,2 Mm. Unas soluciones que proporcionan un ángulo de visión ...
Christie DHD1075-GS and DWU1075-GS: robust laser phosphor projectors for continuous and intensive use19 June 2017 These computers, pertenecientes a la Serie GS, Offer 10.000 ISO lumens, resoluciones HD y WUXGA y BoldColor Technology. Unas soluciones idóneas para ser utilizadas en instalaciones fijas o eventos puntuales ...
Sony migrates its professional monitors to 4K with its first Bravia HDR range16 June 2017 Compuesta por nueve pantallas profesionales 4K HDR, las series XE8 y XE9 de esta gama dan respuesta a las necesidades del mercado de pantallas más grandes con una resolución y ...
Mexico participates for the first time with dynamic projections in the Festival of Light and Vanguards of Salamanca15 June 2017 Además de volver a contar con un robot español como pregonero, el festival cuenta por primera vez con la participación internacional del artista audiovisual mexicano Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, además del videomapping ...
Crestron deploys secure solutions, simple and scalable for business rooms in InfoComm 201714 June 2017 The manufacturer presents several innovative products at this event and for the first time in the United States, such as the Mercury meeting solution and the DigitalMedia NVX series, la única solución ...
Christie presenta la nueva Serie Access de paneles LCD en InfoComm 201713 June 2017 La inminente celebración, the next 14 June in Orlando (Florida – USA), de este certamen audiovisual ha sido escogido por el fabricante para mostrar cuatro modelos de paneles de ...
Daktronics installs two gigantic LED screens in the stadium of Hampden Park12 June 2017 With more than one hundred square meters, These displays replace those that were previously in place, improving the fan experience at matches and offering innovative support ...
The Palacio de Congresos de Valencia presents the AV potential of its technological transformation9 June 2017 The Valencian venue has completed its technological renovation, carried out in two phases, which has culminated in an innovative provision of audiovisual equipment in the auditoriums and rooms that compose it, ...