Datapath has available its Wall Designer software for the MacOS platform26 February 2018 En respuesta a la demanda de sus clientes, los ingenieros de Datapath han desarrollado su sistema para la plataforma MacOs, que aprovecha la arquitectura Mac de 64 bits y su ...
Mercedes-Benz brings digital signage to one of its main dealerships in Madrid26 February 2018 An indoor LED screen has been installed in the Las Rejas dealership&Go that has a surface of 11 square meters and a pixel pitch of 4 Mm. ...
Crestron Mercury expands collaboration capabilities in the new rg+p office23 February 2018 Next to this solution, that combines tools for conferencing and collaboration in a single device, LG and Clevertouch screens have been installed, as well as the SedaoLive-Pico media player. When the ...
Janus Display Completes Newark University Hospital's Digital Signage Installation23 February 2018 A triple screen has been installed in the center, as a videowall, What, thanks to Janus Display's Vizia software and the Flex tool allows you to display different types of ...
Artificial intelligence and deep learning transform the retail sector23 February 2018 Beabloo discusses how deep learning, Artificial intelligence and chatbots will transform the retail sector, that together with big data and analytics become valuable tools ...
Sharp focuses on visual innovation for meeting rooms and 8K technology its passage through ISE 201822 February 2018 Three clear messages to the market, with the common denominator of innovation in panel technology and 8K resolution as a standard-bearer, have focused Sharp's participation in Amsterdam. the ...
Elo Touch updates its line of touch monitors 02 and 03-Series for retail and healthcare environment21 February 2018 Diseñada para retail, hostelería y aplicaciones comerciales, la línea 02-Series está disponible en versiones que van de 10 to 27 Inch, mientras que la 03-Series consta de cuatro modelos que ...
Caverin/Econocom incorporates the Scala Media Player solution to its digital signage portfolio20 February 2018 This Scala solution eliminates the complexity of managing and deploying content in a digital signage network, while supporting continuous growth. Caverin/Econocom ha comenzando a comercializar para ...
BrightSign deploys its digital signage technology in all market verticals20 February 2018 Los sistemas de digital signage que utilizan los reproductores multimedia de la estadounidense BrightSign se han extendido a todo tipo de aplicaciones y áreas de mercado a nivel global. With a ...
Mango continues to advance in the future of the retail sector by combining online and offline services19 February 2018 The latest project that is being carried out is being carried out in collaboration with Vodafone and Jogotech and the objective is to continue implementing the deployment of virtual testers in their ...
Stratacache completes acquisition of Scala and strengthens global presence19 February 2018 After completing the process, with the acquisition of all outstanding shares and divisions of Scala worldwide, This has become a subsidiary one hundred ...
Alpha Display introduces a new family of 'waterproof' screens for POS/POI15 February 2018 This line, available in formats of 15 to 19 Inch, en diferentes resoluciones, dotadas vidrio de protección y con una gran variedad de tecnologías táctiles, son resistentes al agua y ...
Leyard and Planar define in ISE 2018 technological innovation in pixel pitch15 February 2018 Reduciendo hasta 0,7 Mm. its size, pero sin olvidar el estándar tradicional, seis nuevos sistemas de visualización Led y LCD son las bazas del éxito de Leyard y Planar en ...
NBC installs three videowall of Leyard for the production of the Games of PyeongChang14 February 2018 Leyard ha proporcionado a la NBC Olympics tres videowalls Led de su serie TWS para el set instalado en el International Broadcast Center en PyeongChang. NBC Olympics, una división del NBC ...
The Indico Rock hotel is committed to an interactive IPTV system that integrates leisure and music14 February 2018 Caverin|Econocom, a través de su partner comercial Soluciones, Systems and Equipment, ha realizado el equipamiento audiovisual y de movilidad del hotel. Indico Rock es un hotel de cuatro estrellas solo para ...
Earpro incorporates four companies to its commercial proposal of AV solutions14 February 2018 Green Hippo firms, Datapath, Condeco and Iadea strengthen Earpro's commercial portfolio in the audiovisual market in Spain and Portugal. After the first participation as an exhibitor of Earpro in ...
Icon Multimedia will celebrate its 25th anniversary with innovation as the central axis13 February 2018 Los Reyes de España han aceptado la presidencia del Comité de honor de los veinticinco años de trayectoria de esta empresa tecnológica española. La empresa de tecnología audiovisual Icon Multimedia, with ...
Elo amplía su línea de monitores táctiles para digital signage y entorno sanitario13 February 2018 La gran novedad de Elo Touch viene de la mano de la renovada I-Series 2.0, un equipo ‘todo en uno’ para Android pensado para aplicaciones comerciales que precisan pantallas táctiles ...
Sharp presents two ranges of intelligent and flexible digital signage screens12 February 2018 With SoC or Mini OPS options, Sharp's new digital signage visual systems offer a variety of ways to download, Store and play content. One of the novelties ...
Leyard reduces pixel pitch to 0,7 mm in its Led DirectLight videowall line9 February 2018 In Amsterdam, Planar y Leyard apuestan por las pantallas de videowall Led exhibiendo su amplia oferta y presentando la pantalla para la configuración de videowall Led con el pixel pitch ...