Spotwifi promotes digital marketing at the point of sale of SMEs11 March 2016 Se trata de una propuesta de Movistar y Onthespot que facilita la creación de campañas promocionales, y permite analizar los resultados en cuanto a afluencia de clientes y perfil, besides ...
Tech Data incorporates NAS solutions, digital signage and security from QNAP Systems11 March 2016 The wholesaler will market NAS systems for businesses and consumers in the Spanish market, as well as NVR recorders, software and digital signage solutions from this Taiwanese manufacturer. Tech Data has ...
Panasonic reduces to 1,8 mm the distance of screens to configure videowall10 March 2016 El fabricante ha anunciado una nueva gama de pantallas para videowall, with a model of 55 Inch, que incorpora un marco extraordinariamente fino para ofrecer una imagen sin divisiones perceptibles ...
Televes presents its advanced television solutions for hospitality at Cabsat10 March 2016 These solutions integrate and adapt to the needs of each client the offer of content accessible from platforms such as DTT, satellite, cable, IPTV, OTT or VOD, así como servicios de ...
Riedel connects av equipment used by athem of the Seas cruiser for his shows9 March 2016 An all-in-one solution allows connection, management and distribution of multimedia signals that affect both the IPTV services of this great Royal Caribbean ocean liner and ...
B-Tech appreciates the positive response received at ISE 2016 to your new AV mounting solutions9 March 2016 En su undécima participación en el certamen, este proveedor de montajes AV manifiesta el éxito obtenido en la edición 2016 con sus novedades y la aceptación por parte de los ...
Caverin Solutions supplies ultra-thin frame video wall to Las Vegas Malaga hotel8 March 2016 Caverin Solutions, a través de su partner comercial en la capital malagueña, ha suministrado un videowall formado por tres monitores de 46 NEC Display inches, con player de Aopen, ...
Panasonic presents its DLP laser projector 1 lighter and more compact chip7 March 2016 With a brightness of 10.000 lumens and WUXGA resolution, the PT-RZ970 projector is the ideal solution for rental markets, exhibitions, large conferences and classrooms, as well as for ...
Led videowall combined with audio as a new experience in events7 March 2016 Un videowall de VuePix, composed of more than 500.000 Leds para cubrir 52 square meters, protagoniza la experiencia visual y creativa durante los eventos que se celebran en el hotel ...
Sharp expands its line of videowall for digital signage with the 55" screen PN-V5507 March 2016 Esta pantalla combina una resolución Full HD con un brillo de 500 cd/m2 y la tecnología de calibración uniforme del color UCCT de Sharp. Un equipo idóneo para utilizar en ...
Charmex creates a division focused on the market of Led screens7 March 2016 The company has reorganized the Display department that will unify the markets for monitors and Led screens. In addition, has strengthened its presence in different fairs such as Bit Broadcast and Afial, ...
Tripleplay provides live content, menu board and interactive TV to Daytona Speedway4 March 2016 The manufacturer of digital signage and IPTV solutions has been selected by the Daytona International Speedway (dis) to deliver live content, communications, Digital menus and services ...
"In LG we bet on the channel to offer a quality digital signage to the customer", Pablo Gomez, B2B display4 March 2016 Provide a high quality visual solution in any business environment is the maximum of developments in professional digital signage screens (4K, outside, Windows, Etc) of the ...
ETH Zurich University renews its digital signage network with 120 BrightSign players4 March 2016 El campus tiene instaladas un gran número de pantallas de NEC y Samsung, así como proyectores de Panasonic. Los media player XD1030 y XD1032 de BrightSign se encargan de proporcionar ...
Santalucía extends its digital signage channel with a new content strategy4 March 2016 La aseguradora en protección familiar cuenta con una nueva pantalla de digital signage, como parte de la solución desarrollada por Neo Advertising, instalada en un atípico videowall situado en su ...
NEC will fly for Led technology and digital surfaces at the PTE fair 20164 March 2016 Acudirá al congreso Passenger Terminal Expo para mostrar sus aplicaciones dirigidas a las diferentes fases de la experiencia aeroportuaria, con pantallas que muestran la información sobre los vuelos, señalética interactiva, ...
"With our complete portfolio we respond to the needs of any type of audiovisual application", Christian Orcin de Leyard3 March 2016 Tras la adquisición de Planar, la compañía dispone de un amplio portfolio con el que dar respuesta a cualquier tipo de aplicación audiovisual. Como explica Christian Orcin, VP of Sales EMEA de ...
Pyramid Computer develops new interactive IoT modules for your retail application3 March 2016 The German specialist has expanded its all-in-one polytouch systems with new IoT smart modules, Integrated in innovative vending machines that facilitate not only the check-out process and ...
Navori optimizes content flow in large digital signage deployments3 March 2016 The new modules Navori has added to its QL software, Load Balancing, Failover and CDN, facilitate the distribution of content in digital signage networks that integrate a large ...
Daktronics designs its first large-format curved Led screen for a shopping center2 March 2016 La comunicación digital ha tomado un nuevo giro en un importante centro comercial de California con la instalación de una gran pantalla de vídeo Led curva, que rodea un ascensor ...