Nexcom NDIS B325: digital signage player for semi-outdoor environments17 December 2015 The Nexcom NDIS B325 player has been designed in a lightweight and compact format capable of withstanding a wide range of temperatures. A team, compatible with 4K displays, idóneo para ...
Ise 2016 enriches your proposal to be much more than an exhibition17 December 2015 A few months away from its most lasting celebration, for the first time four days of contest, Integrated Systems Europe (Ise), the edition 2016 will offer "an unprecedented experience", as their ...
"Samsung has invested a lot in digital signage to offer the best solutions”, video-interview with Berta Conde17 December 2015 A highly effective means of communication; large format screens for immersive visual experiences and integrated, interactive applications, are some of the proposals that Berta Conde, Smart Signage ...
The digital signage market and its vision of the future, to debate by display manufacturers16 December 2015 Pantallas de gran formato y resolución, despliegue de displays en entornos de exterior, homologación del canal de distribución y, chiefly, contenidos de calidad y elementos que fomenten la interacción con ...
Eyevis prepares its assistance to ISE 2016 where it will show 4K videowalls of ultra narrow bezel16 December 2015 El stand de eyevis estará presidido por un gran videowall 4K construido con un nuevo display de 0,9 Mm. In addition, los módulos Led de la serie eyeLed tendrán un apartado especial ...
United Nations opts for Tripleplay's digital signage solution for COP2116 December 2015 Tripleplay has provided its digital signage solution to facilitate communication between attendees at the climate change summit held in Paris, COP21, between the 30 November ...
IKSignage10: digital touch system for small Internet spaces Kiosks16 December 2015 La empresa española de soluciones multimedia tiene disponible un nuevo sistema digital, con pantalla táctil capacitiva de 10,1 Inch, especialmente indicado para entornos reducidos. IKSignage10 es el último desarrollo multimedia del ...
Mocha, HiMedia and 014 Media develop a proximity marketing solution15 December 2015 Las tres compañías han desarrollado una solución que permite implementar campañas que combinan estrategias de marketing de proximidad, publicidad a través de aplicaciones móviles y segmentación personalizada. Moca Platform, HiMedia Group y ...
Waapiti integrates videowalls, content and music in the Oxygene store in Barcelona15 December 2015 La cadena de ropa libanesa especializada en moda femenina ha abierto una tienda en Barcelona, en línea con su estrategia de convertirse en un referente en el mercado español y ...
The new flagship of Nespresso in Barcelona is designed around a large curved led dream screen14 December 2015 The signature of machines, coffee capsules and accessories has taken a new step forward in its concept of coffee boutique with the recent opening of its flagship store ...
VIA Alta DS 2 receives Capital Networks Android Software Certification10 December 2015 Este reproductor multimedia del fabricante taiwanés, ahora compatible con el software de Capital Networks, cuenta con dos salidas con Android para instalaciones de digital signage comerciales. La multinacional con sede en ...
PCAP touch monitors for the gaming industry and digital kiosks10 December 2015 Alpha Display tiene disponible su nueva gama de monitores ultradelgados, con pantallas táctiles capacitivas proyectadas (PCAP) para la industria del juego y kioscos digitales. El fabricante coreano Alpha Display, representada en ...
The Space Needle tower tells its story through an interactive touch videowall Planar9 December 2015 To design the video wall of the Space Needle, known as SkyPad, have been used 15 Planar Clarity Matrix MultiTouch displays, A solution that allows up to 32 toques de contacto simultáneos ...
TD Maverick develops the 'Projection Guide' to help the AV channel in its facilities9 December 2015 Como parte de su programa Simply Done, la división especializada en soluciones audiovisuales profesionales del mayorista Tech Data ha publicado la ‘Guía de proyección’, en la que además de analizar ...
Toshiba TD-E2: Professional Full HD displays for digital signage4 December 2015 Optimizadas para trabajar 16 daily hours, las pantallas Full HD TD-E2 de Toshiba pueden ser utilizadas en una amplia variedad de entornos de retail, restauración o corporativos, for applications of ...
Goethe-Institut Barcelona bets on aracast Digital Signage to improve its communication3 December 2015 Coincidiendo con la celebración del sesenta aniversario desde que abrió sus puertas en Barcelona, este instituto cultural alemán ha decidido apostar por la tecnología de digital signage con un videowall, ...
The Nassica Getafe shopping centre welcomes its customers from an outdoor LED screen3 December 2015 Un mueble digital integrado por una pantalla Led outdoor de Led&Go da la bienvenida e informa a los clientes que acuden al centro comercial Nassica de Getafe. Este display de ...
A large videowall installed by Eikonos presides over the Gala of the Stars of Catalan Football1 December 2015 The Catalan Football Federation, organizer of the fourth Gala of the Stars of Catalan Football (Les Estrelles del Futbol Calalà) has had the audiovisual services of Eikonos for ...
Randstad uses dynamic digital communication to attract the right candidate1 December 2015 This HR service provider has modernized 140 offices with 3.350 Digital signage screens with dynamic visual content, managed by two hundred media player of Scala, to offer ...
Caverin accompanies NEC Display on its technology days and presents itself to the channel as a wholesaler30 November 2015 El desayuno tecnológico que NEC Display celebró en su Sala Demo de Madrid el pasado viernes fue la ocasión elegida por Caverin para dar a conocer su alianza como nuevo mayorista ...