AMS Pictures Helps HP Share Innovation at enterprise Services Experience Center16 May 2014 The interactive and 3D installation performed by AMS Pictures in the HP Enterprise Services Experience Center Innovation Space, allows the company to show customers and visitors ...
VIA shows at ESEC 2014 its latest solutions for digital signage and the Internet of Things15 May 2014 La asistencia de VIA Technologies al evento ESEC 2014 de Japón se ha visto protagonizada por un videowall de seis pantallas con arquitectura VIA Fishbone, dotado con un controlador de ...
Samsung and Charmex explain the future of videowall with the new series of UDD monitors15 May 2014 La nueva serie de pantallas de señalización Samsung UDD dispone de innovadoras funcionalidades que suponen un paso adelante en los monitores de gran formato, ya que permiten la configuración en ...
Interactive, real-time digital donations that foster citizen solidarity15 May 2014 Dynamic digital communication technology and its supports have helped stimulate people's willingness to make donations for different and urgent social causes, but in a way ...
Wavetec's digital signage solution enables Interbank to improve customer service15 May 2014 Interbank Explora is the name of the project that this bank has carried out in its branches in Peru to optimize and personalize the attention with its customers. and, ...
Eye Airports deploys BroadSign's cloud platform in its UK digital signage network14 May 2014 La plataforma de digital signage en la nube de BroadSign ha sido la opción elegida por Eye Airport para incrementar las prestaciones de la red de pantallas que tiene repartidas ...
Sono's AV technology and production at the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site in Barcelona14 May 2014 The private Foundation Hospital de la Santa Creu and Sant Pau in Barcelona, in which the Modernist Enclosure is located, an architectural ensemble of high artistic and heritage value, ...
Ingram Micro thanks and analyzes the positive results of IMagine event 201414 May 2014 En la segunda edición de IMagine event, las divisiones de AVPro y DC/POS de Ingram Micro congregaron a 320 asistentes y 27 marcas expositoras, mostrando un gran abanico de soluciones ...
Barco optimizes its 23" TL display with new features for video processing14 May 2014 La nueva pantalla TL-358/2 conserva todas las características de diseño y robusted de su predecesora pero ahora incluye la tecnología multitouch PCAP y conectividad para los nuevos formatos de señal. ship ...
Sublimotion es la nueva experiencia multisensorial del chef Paco Roncero donde fusiona gastronomía y tecnología audiovisual13 May 2014 Paco Roncero ofrece una nueva experiencia gastronómica en Sublimotion, un restaurante exclusivo en el que los comensales disfrutarán de una fusión de arte culinario y tecnología audiovisual, sentados sobre una ...
Denmark turns the Eurovision Song Contest into one of the most innovative audiovisual shows of the year12 May 2014 the 59 Eurovision Song Contest, held at the B&W Hallerne Arena, former shipyards in the capital of Denmark, ha puesto en escena uno de los mayores espectáculos audiovisuales ...
DigaliX XTable brings works of art exhibited in museums to visitors for in-detail observing12 May 2014 The interactive table of the Catalan company DigaliX was the main protagonist of the space dedicated to art at the IngramMicro Symposium, Imagine event, celebrated the past 7 and 8 ...
Ultra high resolution videowall to show the business trajectory to customers and visitors12 May 2014 Brookfield Office Properties, a reference company in the ownership and management of luxury offices in the United States , Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom, has incorporated in its new headquarters, ...
Icon Multimedia traduce al árabe su solución de digital signage Deneva12 May 2014 Como parte de su estrategia de internacionalización, Icon Multimedia ha traducido a un nuevo idioma su solución de digital signage, Deneva.cuatro. Tras conseguir la homologación Halal, ahora está disponible en ...
LSI Industries acquires the assets of 3M's digital signage business12 May 2014 Hardware, software y base de clientes son algunos de los activos del negocio de digital signage de 3M que LSI Industries acaba de adquirir, tras una larga trayectoria de colaboración ...
Videowall becomes the indispensable display system of control rooms9 May 2014 The solution exposed in IMagine event 2014 highlighted how display systems have been imposed at airports. In the terminals, Large format screens are ...
The channel supports the integrated and valuable proposal in IMagine event for the Pro AV and digital signage market8 May 2014 La primera jornada de IMagine event, organizado por las divisiones Pro AV y DC/POS de Ingram Micro, has had the support of more than 240 profesionales del canal de ...
IMagine event shows Ingram Micro's commitment to comprehensive hospitality solutions for common spaces8 May 2014 IMagine Event está mostrando en su segunda edición una solución completa para Hospitality integrada por pantallas de Samsung, Sharp y Elo Touch, montadas con soportes de Vogels y mobiliario realizado ...
Cubensis creates an interactive virtual assistant for the pharmaceutical company Grunenthal8 May 2014 La asistente virtual que Cubensis ha creado para la firma alemana Grunenthal ofrece información sobre los programas y servicios de la compañía y permite que los empleados puedan interactuar con ...
Digital signage to improve communication in intensive work environments7 May 2014 Corporate Muñoz, the largest call center in Mexico, has adopted Cayin Technology digital signage solutions to improve internal communications between its employees and branches, showing the ...