Cemeteries of Barcelona enables a burial location system with QR codes26 October 2012 Cemeteries of Barcelona has launched the Cemeteries Information System (SIC), a new device for the search for graves and services related to the funeral enclosures of ...
Eutikes offers CYP's DS-MSC multi-display digital signage controller26 October 2012 Eutikes, company specialized in the commercialization of distribution systems, audio and video conversion and control, has released the controller of digital signage multi-screen DS-MSC of the ...
Create a patient touchscreen that improves hospital effectiveness26 October 2012 Valencian telecommunications company Tecatel has developed a multimedia application that integrates patient data, the necessary medical devices and the own entertainment of those hospitalized in a ...
AndersDX Launches Multi-Touch Monitors with TRū Projected Capacitive Technology26 October 2012 User interface technology specialist andersDX has announced the launch of Touch Revolution's TRū range of multi-touch monitors with projected capacitive technology., with design options ...
GOT615-801, new panel PC with 15.6" touch screen and ultra-flat design26 October 2012 The manufacturer of industrial and embedded systems and components, Axiomtek, has launched a new panel PC with 15.6" TFT touch screen, with an ultra-flat design and frame ...
An interactive Woolite' display revives’ the colors of the clothes25 October 2012 To prove that Woolite is a detergent that "gives life to the colors of clothes", the Polish advertising agency Euro RSCG Warsaw has created a very peculiar interactive mupi ...
The first display for Panasonic video wall, great star of the new Visual Experience Roadshow25 October 2012 Panasonic brings back to Spain its Visual Experience Roadshow, with stops in Madrid (6 November) and Barcelona (8 November), and that will include as a great novelty the presentation ...
iGesab iPad pedestal shines on 'Oneworld Day'’25 October 2012 Iberia has hosted in the T4 of the Barajas airport the 'Oneworld Day', which has brought together representatives of the 11 airlines with flights from Madrid. Under the slogan "oneday oneteam oneworld", ...
Ainhoa Fernandez-Czech, new marketing director of Neo Advertising Spain25 October 2012 Dado que el canal de digital signage Gol T Centros Comerciales, gestionado y comercializado por Neo Advertising, no deja de mejorar sus resultados día tras día, esta empresa especializada en ...
Interactuando aportó su tecnología audiovisual al congreso SEC 201224 October 2012 El proveedor de servicios virtuales, pantallas y escaparates interactivos, touchglass, Etc. Interactuando, suministró sus equipamienros audiovisuales a SEC 2012, el Congreso de las Enfermedades Cardiovasculares, celebrado entre los días 18 ...
PuntoBilë offered its services to thousands of people at the Digital Signage World24 October 2012 PuntoBilë, empresa que ha desarrollado un servicio de cargador público de móviles y publicidad digital en pantallas, estuvo presente en la feria Viscom Sign celebrada en el recinto ferial de ...
Cayin launches the new digital signage server CMS-4024 October 2012 The provider of digital signage solutions Cayin Technology has added to its catalog the digital signage server CMS-40, that allows you to control a maximum of 80 reproductores SMP al mismo ...
Coca-Cola Zero's DOOH campaign transforms users into makeshift secret agents 00723 October 2012 Coca-Cola installed a soda machine at the train station in the Belgian city of Antwerp that invited thirsty passengers to emulate the secret agent 007 and ...
Caverin presents in MATELEC the latest trends in LED lighting and digital signage23 October 2012 Caverin Solutions, empresa mayorista de valor y proveedor global del sector TIC en España, está presente en la feria MATELEC, que se celebra en la Feria de Madrid entre los ...
Laforja Sistemas supplies the digital signage to the new Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel22 October 2012 The firm specialized in digital signage Laforja Sistemas has provided a digital signage network to the Renaissance Barcelona Fira Hotel, a hotel establishment that has recently opened its doors ...
The pink ribbon against breast cancer shines on all Comfersa dynamic advertising screens22 October 2012 El lazo rosa estuvo presente, the past 19 October, Día Internacional Contra el Cáncer de Mama, en todas las pantallas de publicidad dinámica, los soportes táctiles y los videowalls ...
Coca-Cola debuts in South Korea a vending machine that invites people to dance22 October 2012 Coca-Cola ha puesto en marcha en Corea del Sur una campaña publicitaria de digital out-of-home basada en una 'Máquina Vending de Baile', un concepto que combina un gran dispositivo de ...
Barco LiveDots provides an ultra-high contrast LED display to the Vornado building in New York22 October 2012 LiveDots boat has illuminated the busiest crossing in New York, supplying a display of three ultra high contrast LED panels with 532 baldosas TF10 al edificio de la ...
Tecco ha llevado a la Digital Signage World nuevas soluciones para el sector de cartelería digital19 October 2012 Tecco ha participado en la feria Digital Signage World, donde ha exhibido sus últimas soluciones para el mercado de cartelería digital, como su producto 'Liquen savEnergy', la mejora y ampliación ...
Kontron launches COM Express basic COMe-bIP with third-generation Intel Core processors19 October 2012 The manufacturer of open modular solutions for the telecommunications market, Kontron, has released fourteen versions of Computer-on-Modules COM Express with third-generation Intel Core processors, ...