NEC will show its latest digital signage solutions at the Digital Signage World fair 201215 October 2012 NEC Display Solutions Ibérica mostrará su amplio portfolio de soluciones display en la feria Digital Signage World (Pavilion 10 of IFEMA), the International Exhibition of Audiovisual Technology: Digital Signage e ...
Christie MicroTiles improves the image of the flagship store of New Look in Dublin15 October 2012 El especialista en soluciones in-store para retailers, Mood Media Corporation, ha creado un contenido visual de gran atractivo para la cadena de moda New Look, montando un wall-to-wall de Christie MicroTiles ...
Visix incorporates a super-thin multimedia player to its line of digital signage11 October 2012 El proveedor de software de digital signage Visix ha anunciado la incorporación a su catálogo de productos de un nuevo player multimedia ultra-delgado compatible con varios bloques de contenido, Tickers ...
Caverin Solutions bets on digital signage at Hostelco 201211 October 2012 Caverin Solutions, empresa mayorista de valor y proveedor global del sector TIC en España, estará presente en la feria Hostelco 2012, International exhibition of equipment for catering, hostelería y ...
Icon Multimedia supplies its Deneva.cuatro solution to Huambo airport in Angola11 October 2012 La empresa de servicios multimedia Icon Multimedia ha instalado su solución integral de información al viajero y digital signage Deneva.cuatro al recién reformado aeropuerto Albano Machado de la ciudad de Huambo ...
Crambo Visuales will move its Digital Signage Academy to the Digital Signage World fair 201210 October 2012 Crambo Visuales and Reed Exhibitions Iberia -organiser of the Viscom Sign España show- will celebrate at the Digital Signage World by Viscom fair, that will take place between the days 17 and ...
Samsung and Charmex will scrutinize the horizon of interactive applications in digital signage10 October 2012 Bajo el nombre 'Marketing Interactivo', las compañías Samsung y Charmex Internacional organizan el próximo 18 de octubre en el Centro de Convenciones Norte de Feria de Madrid - IFEMA un encuentro ...
Inspecta will exhibit in Digital Signage World its solutions based on audience and InOut computer vision10 October 2012 La firma Inspecta va a presentar en la feria Digital Signage World 2012, que se celebra en el Pabellón 10 de IFEMA entre el 17 and the 19 October, ...
more than 1.200 people have already subscribed to the Symposium 2012 by Ingram Micro10 October 2012 The next 18 October, Ingram Micro celebra en la Cúpula de las Arenas de Barcelona una nueva edición de su Simposium, su ya tradicional reunión con el canal de distribución ...
Edward Bavaria (Bavaria Group): "Valuable information is another way to improve the quality of patient care"10 October 2012 Eduardo Baviera is the CEO of the Bavaria Group, healthcare company offering treatments focused on two medical specialties, ophthalmology and surgery and aesthetic medicine, and that ends ...
Toshiba llevará a Hostelco 2012 sus soluciones para hostelería y restauración10 October 2012 Toshiba España ha decidido ofrecer soluciones globales conjuntas en mercados y segmentos concretos como una salida a la situación actual de crisis. Like this, la compañía aunará las fuerzas de sus ...
Madrid's South Bus Station opens a giant screen10 October 2012 The South Bus Station of Madrid has a new giant LED screen of 15 square meters installed by the outdoor advertising company Animo TV. Animo TV ha suministrado una ...
Earpro showed the latest solutions of its portfolio for the AV market in the 5th edition of the SIA Conference10 October 2012 Barcelona hosted the past few days 2 and 3 October the 5th edition of the 'SIA – Earpro Conference': Audiovisual Integration Systems', in which the distributor summoned ...
ViewSonic brings to market the TD2220 LED touch screen9 October 2012 ViewSonic Corporation, IT solutions provider, consumer electronics and communications, has added a new product to its catalogue, la pantalla táctil LED TD2220 de 22"(21,5" Visible), incorporating ...
A bank experiments with a virtual gaming screen with augmented reality to attract consumers9 October 2012 American credit entity Grow Financial has opened a new branch in downtown Tampa (Florida, Us.) which features a virtual game screen with interactive technology ...
HKDP launches a new display of 23 inches as a complement to vending machines9 October 2012 Korean LCD display manufacturer HKDP has a new lcd monitor 23 Inch, the HanKook Displayer, which can be located in the upper area of the vending machines ...
BAA chooses NEC displays for the information service of the new Terminal 2 of Heathrow Airport9 October 2012 NEC Display Solutions suministrará más de 1.000 displays de la Serie XS a BAA, el operador británico de aeropuertos controlado por Ferrovial, para el servicio de información de vuelos de ...
BenQ debuts the BL2410PT enterprise LED monitor with 'Vertical Alignment' technology’9 October 2012 El fabricante de productos de consumo, entretenimiento y productividad, BenQ, ha incorporado el monitor de negocios de alto rendimiento BL2410PT a la Serie BL, que integra las '4 Es' de ...
Virtualware and Activa Media will show at Digital Signage World 2012 the new Atouch touch table9 October 2012 Virtualware Group, compañía tecnológica especializada en tecnologías inmersivas, y Activa Media, proveedor de soluciones interactivas de digital signage, compartirán stand (10Z045) in Digital Signage World 2012, la feria dedicada a ...
Diode Announces Elo's New Large-Format Touch Monitors for Interactive Digital Signage9 October 2012 La empresa distribuidora de componentes y subsistemas electrónicos, Diode, ha incorporado a su catálogo los monitores táctiles de gran formato para cartelería digital interactiva (Ids) de Elo Touch Solutions, with ...