Galileo powers dazzling videowall in eSports training facilities27 November 2020 GameStop Performance has been equipped with an extensive viewing infrastructure, integrated by 4K videowall and screens of different sizes, as well as two Galileo processors that are responsible for ...
Philips PDS brings its Visual Solution for PeopleCount Capacity Control to the corporate environment27 November 2020 Dutch accounting firm Acar Accountants & Adviseurs has installed this new smart display, that integrates Bosch IP camera technology, to manage and limit the ...
WaFd Bank strengthens its brand image with Planar's videowall solutions26 November 2020 The option chosen is the LCD Clarity Matrix G3. At the main entrance two 'connected walls' of just over 7 m2, in portrait orientation and settings ...
Deneva.Catalog is Icon Multimedia's new bet to boost digital signage 2.026 November 2020 It is a new way of presenting and segmenting content in real time, that seeks to provide a better service at the point of sale and allows the ...
JCDecaux implements the innovative visualization solution 'The Wave' in the DXB24 November 2020 In the arrivals area of the Terminal 3 of Dubai International Airport has been installed a curved screen of 87 m2, which has been designed to capture the ...
Lisbon Metro trusts Spain's Trison to digitize its advertising media24 November 2020 With a comprehensive OoH project, the company has installed eleven Led screens of the firm Absen and mupis (triple and single) configured with Samsung 55" screens. The project of ...
Arthur Holm brings digital signage to Denmark's International Effort Monument24 November 2020 Los monitores de cristal de montaje en pared Rise, junto con los del modelo Pylon de este fabricante, han sido seleccionados para mostrar información y mejorar la experiencia de los ...
Digital Design Services and BrightSign: a decade of partnerships creating immersive experiences23 November 2020 Numerous projects have been in which both companies have participated, such as the one held in Forest County Potawatomi in Wisconsin, at the entrance to the zoo's Gathering Place ...
Icon Multimedia brings its information system to the traveler to the Metrovalencia network20 November 2020 The Deneva platform is the core of this project to offer real-time communication about waiting times at stops and other warnings, as well as audible information for ...
The Titletown center optimizes its digital signage network with SNA Displays19 November 2020 En el restaurante The Turn se ha instalado una solución en forma de cubo, suspendida del techo, diseñada con pantallas Brilliant. Una segunda se ha realizado con el modelo Bold ...
Grupo Delta strengthens its digital signage business with the purchase of Donosti Led Screens19 November 2020 With this acquisition, dispondrá de un centro demo en San Sebastián, dedicado a los escaparates digitales. In addition, espera, gracias a este negocio, facturar un 40% more. Grupo Delta sigue apostando por ...
Xiaomi applies Altabox digital signage solutions|Econocom in its new stores19 November 2020 The company of smartphones and electronic products Xiaomi continues its expansion plan and opening of new stores in Spain, in which it is incorporating the technological proposal of this specialist. The new ones ...
Bilbao's Euskalduna Palace renews its visual image with Ondoan Servicios and Led Dream16 November 2020 With the installation of eight large format Led screens located both outside and inside this unique congress and music venue to improve and ...
Circa Resort & Las Vegas Casino debuts Daktronics' largest 'Sportsbook' indoor screen with Led technology13 November 2020 Located on popular Fremont Street, the new hotel-casino Circa has a spectacular SportsBook with information on sports results and statistics, and a pool area from which ...
Stratacache Linq: all-in-one smart tablets for digital signage applications12 November 2020 Available in versions ranging from 11 at 55 Inch, This line is ideal for use in the retail and hospitality environment, as points of sale, kiosks ...
3efes Mupi Style: digital signage communication and protection solution11 November 2020 This totem, ideal for installation in indoor public spaces, incorporates a gel dispenser and a 22 inches on which it is possible to display informative content and ...
Ultraleap TouchFree Adds Touchless Gesture Control to Interactive Displays10 November 2020 Esta aplicación permite modernizar los quioscos interactivos, los tótem publicitarios, touch screens. Es capaz de detectar la mano de un usuario en el aire y convertirla en un cursor. the ...
Guiyan Int. Financial Center welcomes its visitors with visuals of 52 millions of pixels10 November 2020 Absen has recently completed an eye-catching AV installation, with a large 12K ultra high definition Led videowall, with which it receives visitors to this iconic building, ...
Leadenhall building renews its display structure to provide an immersive experience9 November 2020 Visitors are welcomed into the reception area with a large video wall of 32 m2. The installation of this Led solution, configured with Samsung technology, has been ...
Videotel incorporates non-contact infrared activation into display equipment9 November 2020 Its new Led buttons are an ideal solution for interactive screens and kiosks in museums, instalaciones médicas y todas aquellas aplicaciones donde se desea llevar la señalización táctil interactiva ...