LG instala sus primeras pantallas transparentes OLED en el metro de China27 August 2020 Estos equipos de 55 Inch, que se pueden encontrar en la Línea 6 de Beijing y 10 de Shenzhen, ofrecen información en tiempo real sobre la ubicación de las estaciones ...
Norwegian gallery Fineart unites art and technology with the help of NEC Display27 August 2020 En sus instalaciones ha instalado una pantalla Led de 137 pulgadas FE015i2-137, un modelo que presenta un brillo de 700 cd/m2, an aspect ratio 16:9 and Full HD resolution. when ...
Parque Rioja shopping center redesigns its large format Led display26 August 2020 LED&Go has been in charge of the new proposal made for this screen of 7 m2, a pitch of P3.9 mm and a resolution of 896x512 pixels. now, has been located in the ...
Black Box Reserva: signage for touchscreen meeting rooms25 August 2020 Esta solución está impulsada por la plataforma de señalización digital iCompel, que permite ofrecer oportunidades de comunicaciones dinámicas en la gestión de salas. Esta disponible en versiones de 10, 15,6 ...
The EcoDot Led screen turns the façade of the Gold House into a large canvas of digital art25 August 2020 Wrapping around the northeast corner of the building, se ha instalado esta solución de Planar de 44x10 metros, que ha sido calificada como la mayor pantalla Led de arte urbano no comercial ...
Datapath Image2K: 4K graphics card for multiscreen installations25 August 2020 This solution, which allows you to mix 4K and HD outputs to 60 fps via HDMI, feeds multiple videowall and individual Led screens from a single system, what the ...
Iiyama Series 42: professional large format displays with Intel SDM slot24 August 2020 Disponible en formatos que van de las 43 at 86 Inch, delgado bisel, brightness of 500 cd/m2 y resolución 4K UHD, estas pantallas pueden ser instaladas en vertical y ...
Samsung, Logitech merge their technologies to foster collaboration24 August 2020 Esta asociación reúne una completa línea de pantallas de señalización digital y monitores de escritorio de la marca coreana con la amplia cartera de soluciones de videoconferencia de Logitech para ...
A sign of things to come: “It's time to embrace the new normal and restart our industry”21 August 2020 Audiovisual technology plays a fundamental role in companies when it comes to keeping people safe in a post-COVID-19 world, says Franck Racape, Vice President EMEA ...
A spectacular LG Led screen captures the attention of passers-by in Gangnam21 August 2020 La solución de señalización digital instalada en el centro del emblemático distrito de Teherán-ro está incrustada en una estructura de 26 metros de altura y configurada por dos llamativas pantallas ...
Changsha South implements its digital signage network with Absen Led technology21 August 2020 En esta estación de tren se han instalado un total de 17 Led screens, indoor and outdoor, with a surface of 547,6 square meters. Unos equipos que brindan un ...
Mercedes-Benz Avilon Legenda in Russia optimizes customer service with AG Neovo video wall21 August 2020 This visual support has been configured with the PN-55D screens of 55 inches and a bezel of 3,5 Mm. A solution that uses the EcoSmart sensor to automatically adjust the ...
Panasonic Business adapts its point-of-sale solutions to the “new reality”20 August 2020 Con este objetivo ha firmado una alianza con Fiserv para integrar, en sus quioscos interactivos de autoservicio, la última tecnología en sistemas de pago. Esto ofrecerá una mayor seguridad, menor ...
Navori QL software boosts Dooh advertising at Istanbul Airport20 August 2020 This digital signage tool was chosen to synchronize players with different operating systems and screen designs. To do this, the company's engineers created a streamer that makes ...
BrightSign helps revitalize and unify communications at Rockefeller University19 August 2020 The center has a network of digital signage integrated by more than four dozen XT244 players. These deliver the content to an equal number of LG 49UH5C displays. ...
Basic-Fit expands the reach of its Virtual Fitness Experience initiative with Scala17 August 2020 This experience has been implemented in more than 800 locations and is made up of a videowall, a powerful sound system and a colorful set of Led lighting. In addition, herself ...
Absen renews the structure and visual performance of the led screen C15-3131 July 2020 The C15-31 Plus series is marketed with a vertical pixel pitch of 15 and 31 Mm, and 31 mm horizontal. The panel has been enlarged to 500x1,500 mm, with ...
Metrovalencia will install a new system of Led screens to optimize information to the traveler30 July 2020 The project, awarded to the company Electronic Trafic, includes near 80 Led systems for the stops of the lines 4, 6 and 8. This equipment will offer weather information ...
LG offers turnkey solutions for reopening businesses in the 'new normal'29 July 2020 New systems combine screens of different sizes, advanced software and sensors for occupancy management, temperature control and contactless digital signage tools. while ...
Tecnoseñal and Admira develop a 360° solution for booking restaurants and hotels29 July 2020 Smart Breakfast is a platform that allows, from mobile devices, reserve table and select menu. This information is transferred to a digital medium, equipped with IoT technology and functions for ...