Reflect System and BrightSign create a voice-activated digital signage experience4 November 2020 Verizon is deploying voice-activated 5G experiences in its stores and for its development has used Reflect Systems' smart signage technology and media players ...
Fernando Pessoa Hospital implements Partteam's queue management solution & Oemkiosks4 November 2020 El proyecto ha incluido la instalación del sistema QMagine, así como el quiosco digital QTicket Touch que incorpora una pantalla interactiva de digital signage, donde se ofrece información de los ...
Dnp provides high-end viewing in a bright meeting space3 November 2020 An Infinity Supernova, in the form of 155 Inch, has been installed in the Scientific Laboratory of California, in a room full of windows. The challenge of the Scientific Laboratory (Scientific Laboratory) of ...
Pictures That Move presents its Call Studio TV platform with Ventuz technology3 November 2020 The Madrid company has extended its technological offer of interactive 3D presentations in real time, with the development of virtual proposal to respond to the communication needs of ...
Disney uses LG's OLED technology for content creation3 November 2020 La asociación entre ambas empresas ha comenzado con la instalación del equipo Signature All Red 8K de 88 pulgadas en Marvel Studio, así como de soluciones OLED TV para la ...
Hisense trusts in AVIT Vision the distribution in Iberia of its professional screens2 November 2020 En vigor desde el 1 November, esta compañía comercializará en España y Portugal la gama de sistemas visuales comerciales de este fabricante global con sede en Qingdao (China). AVIT Vision, ...
IIyama expands its Series 23 with interactive touch screens with Android and POE2 November 2020 The new Prolite models TW1023ASC-B1P and TW1523AS-B1P, of 10,1 and 15,6 Inch, respectively they are ideal for use as points of sale or information in stores. Iiyama ha incorporado a ...
Aragon Business Center improves corporate image with AV systems2 November 2020 En su compromiso de dar un servicio diferencial a sus clientes, este edificio de oficinas cuenta con un videowall, configurado con monitores Philips e instalado por Hubtech, y otros sistemas ...
Italy bets on the technology Led of Mondo for the stadium of Molfetta2 November 2020 Las instalaciones de atletismo Mario Saverio Cozzoli cuentan con una gran pantalla Led outdoor de casi 50 square meters, 7.000 nits y un pixel pitch P10. Italia inauguró el pasado mes ...
VuWall introduces VuTrex technology that unites AV systems, IT and IP30 October 2020 It is the architecture and methodology that lies at the core of every software component in the manufacturer's ecosystem., Bringing efficiency to the entire management workflow ...
Crestron automatiza el lugar de trabajo con las pantallas táctiles de la Serie 7030 October 2020 These solutions, conectadas a la nube y con montaje en pared o en formato de mesa, son idóneas para gestionar una amplia gama de sistemas AV en salas de control, ...
Samsung responds to collaboration requirements with its new 85" interactive display30 October 2020 For the classroom and business environments, esta pizarra digital 4K de 20 touch points join those already available from 55 and 65 Inch. Con su funcionalidad fácil de ...
LianTronics surprises with its dynamic curved Led screen with effect 'Star Treck' 3D29 October 2020 No need for glasses, the company has transformed its gigantic Led screen, installed on the façade of Chengdu's Taikoo Li shopping complex, thanks to a 3D visualization effect ...
The Brent Council continues to bet on AV technology and with new supports of digital signage29 October 2020 In the main lobby have been installed four Led solutions in vertical format of 1.5x4 meters. Absen A2725 Plus panels have been used for its configuration, BrightSign media players and ...
Sony Bravia BZ40H: professional monitors for large format corporate applications28 October 2020 El fabricante ha presentado cuatro nuevos modelos, en tamaños entre 55 and 85" and 4K resolution, especialmente indicados para videoconferencias y transferencia de contenido. Los nuevos monitores profesionales Bravia BZ40H que ...
Fishtech dota a su Centro de Defensa Cibernética con la tecnología de Crestron27 October 2020 Con objeto de proporcionar una experiencia de Comunicaciones Unificadas nativa, así como una solución en distribución de audio y vídeo optimizada, las salas de conferencia y reunión se han estandarizado ...
Led Dream performs the digital and interactive transformation of the retail group Marfranc27 October 2020 The specialist in Led solutions has been in charge of the manufacture of a large screen in 'banner' format and the installation of the interactive totems of ViewSonic, the system ...
Philips PDS brings to its MediaSuite range for hospitality the free update of Android P27 October 2020 Among other features, includes google assistant, Integrated Netflix and the latest professional-grade security patches for all new and existing HFL5014 customers ...
Ergonomic design and no side bezels define acer's new range of monitors26 October 2020 El fabricante ha anunciado tres nuevos equipos para mejorar la actividad laboral: B248Y, con elementos para reducir la fatiga visual; CBL272U, con capacidad HDR, y BL270 prácticamente sin biseles laterales. designed ...
Edinburgh Airport installs a Led screen of 85 meters with Absen technology23 October 2020 Considered the largest in Europe, in a billing area, this large format display stand has been configured with Led Acclaim A2725 Plus panels 2,5 Mm. ...