Philips PDS revolutionizes meetings in Harfid with striking videowall installations and touch screens22 May 2020 The visual equipment is integrated by 26 interactive Led and LCD screens that have been installed in the offices. The common room has a videowall configured with eight screens ...
Maverick AV Solutions launches, next to Microsoft, test&Buy22 May 2020 With this program, it offers its customers Surface Hub 2S units so that they can be used in demonstrations to end users.. Maverick AV Solutions, the specialized audiovisual division of Tech ...
Avit Vision incorporates into its catalog the solution for booking and managing Telelogos rooms21 May 2020 Distribuye ahora en España el software Meeting4Display, junto con el de señalización digital Media4Display de este desarrollador europeo, que se suman a su propuesta de sistemas de reserva de espacios ...
Ocean Outdoor uses Ultraleap technology to deliver contactless Dooh campaigns21 May 2020 It will deploy 'mid-air haptics' technology on its advertising screens, replacing the activity of touch systems with displays and interfaces that work with the natural interactions of the hands. Ocean Outdoor ...
The sixth edition of 4K HDR Summit will be held in November and will be virtual21 May 2020 of the 17 to the 19 November, la industria audiovisual española, europea y mundial pondrán en común, safely and risk-free, los avances que se están produciendo en la ...
Sharp bets on TeamViewer to offer remote support to customers on its screens20 May 2020 Customers and partners will now be able to connect seamlessly to any of the manufacturer's displays with SoC processor, such as Smart Signage models, Big Pad and 4K, What ...
AG Neovo brings visualization and security from all angles to the maritime environment20 May 2020 Un total de veintiséis pantallas de la serie QX, in formats of 55, 24 and 17", se han instalado en el buque pesquero Pia Glanz, que ahora realiza su actividad ...
TrauluxDS is presented as a cloud solution for content management20 May 2020 This tool for digital signage is offered with predefined design templates, all kinds of add-ons to display dynamic information from different Internet sources, a module for the management of ...
Bewin Safe & Service: solutions to improve customer service and safety in retail19 May 2020 This proposal of Altabox Econocom for the post-Covid-19 era has solutions for the management of influxes and capacities, along with appointment management systems, Shifts, collection and ...
BrightSign offers contactless customer interactivity in restaurants and retail centers19 May 2020 Las nuevas plataformas BrightLink y BrightMenu ayudan a minoristas y restaurantes a abrir sus negocios de forma segura y evitar el contacto con las soluciones de señalización digital. BrightSign ha desarrollado ...
Newline Mira: interactive display for remote collaboration19 May 2020 This all-in-one tactile solution, available at 65, 75 and 86 Inch, integrates four microphones and a Full HD camera for productive meetings and video conferencing. The coronavirus has converted ...
Movilok Showcases facilitates the virtual interaction of tourists in the post-Covid-19 era19 May 2020 In view of the imminent reactivation of tourism in Spain in the de-escalation process, All those involved in this industry will have to take extreme safety and hygiene measures and bet on ...
Sony expands its line of professional monitors Bravia for business and education19 May 2020 La nueva generación incluye 17 modelos 8K, 4K y con sintonizadores integrados. Unos equipos que cuentan con calidad de imagen mejorada, mayor velocidad y un diseño actualizado. Sony ha presentado la ...
Kansas State University updates audio and video screens with Daktronics18 May 2020 Las instalaciones para fútbol y béisbol de este campus universitario de Estados Unidos se refuerzan con nuevas pantallas Led y mejoras en los sistemas de audio. Daktronics mantiene una larga relación ...
Bagel Biz combines NoviSign and Sharp technologies to update its digital signage network18 May 2020 Con objeto de maximizar las ventas e incluir una nueva vía de ingresos a través de la publicidad, este restaurante de Nueva York ha reemplazado su antigua solución por pantallas ...
Peerless-AV strengthens its offer of large format screens for the Dooh market18 May 2020 Con este objetivo ha incorporado un modelo de 65 pulgadas a su línea de alto brillo para exterior Xtreme. Una solución idónea para aplicaciones de digital signage diseñada con clasificación ...
Barco has strengthened its offer of Led solutions for indoor applications15 May 2020 The XT family has been completed with the addition of two new series, XT-E, which includes models suitable for projects that do not require all the extras, and XT-HB, designed for ...
Panasonic trae a Europa las pantallas para videowall VF2/VF2H15 May 2020 Con un marco ultra fino, estas soluciones LCD D-Led de 55 pulgadas son idóneas para comercios minoristas, espacios públicos y salas de control. Panasonic ha anunciado el lanzamiento en Europa de ...
Tripleplay unveils its Caveman software platform 3.0 with the six-way Multiview feature15 May 2020 The manufacturer offers an important advance in level of integration, capabilities and functions for the AV/IT market. Caveman 3.0 is the latest software platform that Tripleplay has developed and just ...
Diversified integrates aurora multimedia sensors into its screens to measure temperature15 May 2020 The vitalsign kiosks and digital screens from this manufacturer help reduce the risks of contagion and improve public safety in multiple sectors, who can use your proposal ...