Crowne Plaza Muscat optimizes customer experience with an end-to-end Exterity solution14 May 2020 More than 332 SmartTV screens with a combination of TV and digital signage. An infrastructure that provides coverage for 295 rooms and seven ...
Mitsubishi Electric expands its DiamondView line with a model of 100 Inch14 May 2020 El DV100UM es un monitor LCD que ofrece contenido de ultra alta resolución en una sola pantalla. Presenta una relación de aspecto 16:9, a brightness of 700 cd/m2 y utiliza ...
Absen Light Box facilitates the creation and efficiency of dynamic outdoor digital advertising14 May 2020 This solution simplifies the work of advertisers, helping them drive engagement and purchase from target audiences, con contenidos de alta calidad visual ...
LG will start in June the commercialization in Spain of its 8K OLED TV14 May 2020 The Korean manufacturer bets with the ZX model for compatibility with all HDR formats, a complete Smart TV system (webOS 5.0) and an 8K α9 smart processor ...
TouchSource Introduces Interactive Contactless Directory for Social Distancing14 May 2020 Esta solución de señalización digital incluye un nuevo directorio interactivo, habilitado para dispositivos móviles, específicamente diseñado para mantener la prevención y el distanciamiento social causado por la pandemia del Covid-19. the ...
Castanea Forum installs an AV network based on the Q-SYS ecosystem13 May 2020 La infraestructura de extremo a extremo se ha diseñado en torno al procesador Core 510i e integra, among other elements, las pantallas táctiles Q-SYS y los amplificadores de red QSC ...
AVIT Vision incorporates to its offer the platform for control of AV systems of Utelogy13 May 2020 The commercial proposal in Spain of this distributor is expanded with this solution, that integrates audiovisual devices within enterprise IT networks. The Spanish distributor AVIT Vision has reached a ...
Icon Multimedia integrates Safe&Tech in its traveler information system12 May 2020 This smart signage solution can be used together with Deneva Transit and thus minimize risks of contagion in the face of the increase in users in public transport. With the aim of ...
PowerAV creates Online Events to deliver virtual events on its multi-connection set12 May 2020 The specialist in audiovisual services adapts to the current times to offer customers tailor-made solutions, in online or hybrid format, para sus presentaciones y eventos de ...
The power to transform interactive screens in education12 May 2020 La forma de enseñar y aprender en aulas, training rooms, Etc. ha cambiado significativamente, y más en los últimos meses, en los que las clases virtuales tienen que servir ...
Sony begins marketing its A8 OLED 4K HDR range12 May 2020 Este nuevo equipo incorpora el procesador Picture Processor X1 y otras avanzadas tecnologías de imagen y sonido del fabricante japonés. La nueva gama A8 OLED 4K HDR de Sony, composed by ...
Coventry City Council uses Tripleplay technology to optimize its communications11 May 2020 The consistory has implemented its platform of digital signage and IPTV and has deployed more than 50 endpoints. A combination of charts has been used, video and TV in ...
Maverick AV offers a service of virtual demos for Smart Meeting and Smart Signage solutions11 May 2020 Aimed at its manufacturers and partners, these sessions, that will be carried out in a personalized way to be able to deepen in the different solutions, seek to generate new business opportunities. Maverick AV Solutions, the ...
TCL Electronics brings to the Spanish market its new QLED C71 and C81 series11 May 2020 Con el fin de ofrecer una experiencia de visualización inmersiva, ambas gamas de TV, with sizes from 50 to 75", cuentan con resolución 4K HDR10+ y sonido Dolby Atmos, between ...
Callao City Arts will accompany the people of Madrid at the beginning of the deconfinement11 May 2020 On the outdoor screens of the Callao cinemas you can see, during this month of May, An artistic collage made up of a selection of video art and photography pieces. Para celebrar estos ...
Panasonic projectors and cameras power Helsinki's state-of-the-art Oodi library8 May 2020 Awarded as the best public library of this year and recognized as one of the must-see places in the capital of Finland, Deliver a multimedia and collaborative experience ...
Omron enhances the digital experience of merchants with the Nexmosphere X-Eye sensor8 May 2020 This solution, que ha sido diseñada con el sensor de imagen HVC-P2, permite reconocer datos como la edad y el genero de las personas que se colocan frente a una ...
Instronic collaborates in caixabank's 'all in one' immersive technological project7 May 2020 The buildings of this bank in Barcelona and Valencia have innovative technological solutions adapted, through digital architecture, to its 'all in one' concept. The Spanish bank ...
King Outdoor and Daktronics advance in the digital signage industry7 May 2020 La publicidad exterior de esta empresa de Pensilvania saca el máximo partido de la innovadora tecnología de Daktronics desarrollada para vallas publicitarias digitales de larga vida, bajo mantenimiento y alta ...
Benq SW321C: 32" 4K monitor for image professionals7 May 2020 Idóneo tanto para el procesamiento de imágenes fijas como vídeo, ha sido diseñado con tecnologías que permiten ofrecer un brillo y color uniformes en toda la pantalla, and the software ...