Torrelodones Space offers two new interactive experiences for users23 April 2020 This shopping center located on the outskirts of Madrid will offer again, as soon as it reopens its doors after confinement, Two proposals of dynamic entertainment to its visitors; ...
Altabox integrates its content manager for digital retail with the new LG WebOS23 April 2020 The specialist in digital signage and retail solutions has successfully completed the integration of its RealDOOH platform to operate on LG devices with the version 4.1 ...
Axiomtek DSP600-211: 4K digital signage player with four HDMI ports23 April 2020 Diseñado para publicidad y difusión de información en el entorno de retail, puede mostrar cuatro imágenes con una resolución de hasta 4K y es idóneo para configuraciones de videowall de ...
The National Museum of Qatar installs 123 square meters with Narrow Pixel Pitch design by Daktronics22 April 2020 El museo instaló a lo largo de 2019 en su Sala 11 a total of 14 pantallas de vídeo Led que muestran vídeos y audiovisuales para compartir la historia del ...
Sony begins marketing the XH95 TV range in Europe22 April 2020 This 4K HDR Full Array Led line is available in five screen sizes: 85, 75, 65, 55 and 49 Inch. Se ha diseñado con el procesador de imagen X1 ...
Absen offers two webinars on fixed installations and applications of its Led screens22 April 2020 The manufacturer continues with its series of webinars, with one dedicated to corporate and retail environments, and another to offer basic technical knowledge about their Led screens to the ...
Ryder's digital signage network keeps customers informed of the operation of their vehicles21 April 2020 CRI administra el contenido en 356 ubicaciones de Ryder, cada una de las cuales está equipada con una pantalla PCEC Multi-Touch NEC de 48 pulgadas y un reproductor multimedia BrightSign ...
SysconFace: facial recognition and temperature detection screen for installations21 April 2020 This system is able to detect whether or not the user has a fever, whether or not you wear a mask, in addition to being an efficient tool for access control and management ...
Philips PDS analyzes demand for streaming services in enterprise environments21 April 2020 In this article, manufacturer provides growth data, increasing demand and opportunities for streaming services in commercial environments, an industry where the ...
Tecnología OLED transparente de LG en las elecciones parlamentarias de Corea del Sur20 April 2020 Seis pantallas de 55” de este fabricante se instalaron en los estudios de la cadena MBC de este país para emitir los resultados del cierre de las recientes elecciones. The chain ...
Peerless-AV 86″ UltraView UHD Outdoor TV: optimal visualization with any weather20 April 2020 Idóneo para instalar en bares y restaurantes, Stadiums, hoteles o cruceros, se ofrece como una opción de visualización lo suficientemente brillante como para utilizar bajo la luz del sol directa, ...
How to choose a Led display? Selection criteria20 April 2020 In this article, LED&Go explains the elements to take into account in a project when choosing an Led screen and that attend to the brightness, pixel pitch, dimensions, ...
Elation systems brighten and energize action at Wells Fargo Center17 April 2020 Este pabellón deportivo de Filadelfia (Pensilvania – EE.UU.) cuenta con un sistema de iluminación inteligente de este fabricante, diseñado e instalado por Light Action, junto con un gran marcador con ...
The Harry Perkins Institute updates its digital signage solution with Signagelive and BrightSign17 April 2020 The project covers the two facilities of the center, integrated by BrightSign XT244 players and Signagelive CMS. This combination allows you to manage the delivery of content to the screens ...
Daktronics Show Control strengthens its capabilities for the production of all types of events16 April 2020 Las nuevas soluciones junto a las ya existentes están más integradas que nunca y se han racionalizado para lograr producciones exitosas de todo tipo tanto localmente como por streaming. Daktronics ha anunciado ...
Vogel's promotes its NEXT wall mount 7345 with a soundbar and a subwoofer16 April 2020 This rotating TV stand can now be purchased with the soundbar and wireless subwoofer for free, making this system the SoundMount NEXT model 8365. El soporte ...
Murideo presents its new test monitor for signals up to 18Gbps 4K HDMI16 April 2020 El modelo Mur-Mon-Sing equipa un analizador de señales y adaptador de batería, en un formato compacto para facilitar tanto su movilidad como su instalación en rack. Especializada en sistemas para la ...
Maverick AV and Promethean organize three virtual events for the channel15 April 2020 Bajo el nombre 'Promethean Days at Home Edition', estas sesiones se celebrarán el 21, 22 and 23 April. Unos encuentros online en los que se mostrarán las novedades de ...
The Radiance Led videowall enriches the new multipurpose space of the Westport Library15 April 2020 After a complete transformation of the center, Digital Projection's display technology has created an innovative environment, Educational and interactive for this North American colonial city. On the shores of Long Island ...
The Fede-Aepe supports in digital media the 'heroes' who work on the street during the pandemic15 April 2020 The campaign promoted by this federation of companies is already being shown in more than 2.600 digital media distributed throughout Spain and on the screens of Metro de Barcelona and ...