Netipbox offers content on Covid-19 of free access for digital signage networks14 April 2020 La compañía también ha desarrollado la aplicación RRSS para publicar directamente el contenido en redes sociales desde su plataforma y ha adaptado su descarga para su uso en otros ...
Dnp Supernova helps project Canon's story at its headquarters in Japan14 April 2020 To complete the installation of your own projectors, at its headquarters in Japan, eight Supernova Blade screens have been used 100 Inch. These form a very long rectangle in ...
The new range of Samsung QLED 4K and 8K TVs reaches the Spanish market14 April 2020 Disponibles para su comercialización en España, estos equipos incorporan además la tecnología Quantum dot del fabricante. Con resoluciones 4K y 8K, la gama de televisores QLED de Samsung, presentada hace unos ...
Isabel II debuts on the Piccadilly Lights Led screen in her speech to the nation for Covid-1913 April 2020 Tres mensajes de apoyo y ánimo extraídos del discurso de la soberana inglesa a sus ciudadanos ante la pandemia del coronavirus se muestran, until next time 19 April, in ...
The South Point Casino in Las Vegas bets on AMX technology for its betting rooms13 April 2020 La solución Networked AV SVSI de este fabricante ha sido la opción elegida por este complejo hotelero para dar respuesta a las áreas multivisión de apuestas de carreras de caballos ...
MCR incorporates Sony's professional solutions into its portfolio8 April 2020 A través de su división MCR Pro comercializará su gama de proyectores, monitores y cámaras de red, así como soluciones de integración para entornos de negocio y entornos educativos. MCR ha ...
ACE empowers and unites the DooH ecosystem to raise awareness and fight against Covid-197 April 2020 Advocates for Connected Experiences (ACE) es una nueva formación que tiene como objetivo unir y potenciar a todos los agentes involucrados en la industria DooH, venta al por menor y ...
Daktronics and DCL design a wavy double-sided Led screen for Complexity Gaming eSports7 April 2020 This Frisco eSports Center (Texas – USA) has chosen this spectacular Led display system, in which a pixel pitch of 4 and 10 ...
NoviSign helps fight coronavirus with digital signage kiosks with hand sanitist7 April 2020 Estos equipos han sido diseñados con una resistente carcasa de metal y una pantalla de grado comercial de 21,5 Inch, en la que se puede mostrar información sobre el Covid-19. ...
Digital communication in times of coronavirus7 April 2020 If at any time, before the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of digital communication was questioned, now there is no doubt. This is how Marta Fernández analyzes it, CMO of ...
Hotel Zafiro replaces the projection system with an outdoor Led display6 April 2020 In order to offer a greater visual impact in the entertainment and chill out area, An Led display has been installed&Go from 1,8 m2, a resolution of ...
Philips Professional Display offers tailor-made online technical training for AV installers6 April 2020 El equipo de la compañía en Reino Unido está disponible en directo a través de Internet, ofreciendo sesiones de formación técnica online adaptadas a las necesidades de las empresas de ...
Peru's largest shopping mall uses Absen's transparent LED technology6 April 2020 In its digital signage infrastructure, more than 200 square meters of Led screens but the most striking project is the one carried out in the elevator. In this ...
Datapath Names David Griffiths Vice President of Global Sales6 April 2020 The former head of Christie in EMEA has joined the company to which he will bring his experience in the market of display systems for control rooms ...
The eLive Events space offers state-of-the-art technology to continue holding events remotely3 April 2020 Creado por 4foreverythings, junto con su empresa tecnológica kuantiko studio, se trata de un espacio pionero para seguir compartiendo experiencias y conocimientos gracias a la tecnología. Totalmente aislado, eLive Events es ...
Matrox QuadHead2Go Q155: videowall controller with HDMI input and HDCP support3 April 2020 this computer captures a video signal, 4Kp60 and 8Kx8K, to display on up to four screens, with resolutions of 1,920x1,200 per output. Input content can come from any ...
Unilumin takes a step further in ultra mini-Led technology with its UMini range2 April 2020 Both this new development of Led visualization of 162 Inch, as UMini Led 4K of 0.9mm integrate this technological innovation. Led visual innovation, with a high resolution, durability and energy efficiency ...
The musical 'We Will Rock You’ featured Kinesys automation systems2 April 2020 En su última gira realizada por Estados Unidos, se utilizaron dos elevadores de media tonelada de velocidad variable y la herramienta Vector para darle movimiento a la gran pantalla de ...
Large format Led display to welcome visitors to Acciona service center2 April 2020 The reception of this facility, located in the Madrid town of Alcobendas, It has two large LED screens&go, with pixel pitch of 3,9 Mm. This LED display project from ...
Sonotrack: real-time capacity management and control system for retail2 April 2020 Esta solución en tiempo real garantiza el cumplimiento de las normativas relacionadas con la máxima ocupación de un local en supermercados, grandes superficies y otros establecimientos. El estado de alarma por ...