Peerless-AV develops a specific support for Samsung OMN-D screens5 March 2019 This solution has been designed for smart signage 46 and 55 Samsung inches. Un soporte para montaje en suelo o techo idóneo para instalar las pantallas en ...
The new molecular medicine center in Berlin installs the first Quad FHDQ130 screen from Optoma4 March 2019 Ubicada en el nuevo edificio de laboratorios, esta pantalla todo en uno de 130" incorpora un píxel SMD 4 in 1 de la serie Quad de este fabricante, that offers ...
McCarran Airport renews its advertising platform with NanoLumens4 March 2019 In the baggage claim area of the Terminal 1 Traditional signage stands have been replaced by 60 pantallas NanoLumens Engage y Performance Series de diferentes tamaños ...
Charmex Academy presents the webinar calendar on technological solutions of its partners4 March 2019 El mayorista B2B ha creado este espacio de formación para ampliar conocimientos con la última tecnología de sus partners, con webinars que imparten especialistas de producto. Con el objetivo de dar ...
BNP Paribas creates a spectacular visual universe based on Game of Thrones with Christie and Europalco1 March 2019 Technological innovation and creativity marked the annual event of this bank. Para la ocasión se diseñó una espectacular pantalla en truss de 64x12 metros, inspirada en la anatomía de ...
Mondo Ibérica inaugurates a showroom in Zaragoza to show its Smart Systems1 March 2019 In this space different types of Led screens of the company are shown, its versatility and potential in terms of content, as well as its operation and integration with other devices ...
"Absen has been an export number one in Led for ten consecutive years", Borja Janariz28 February 2019 Borja Janariz, Industry Director Retail & Corporate, explica en esta vídeo entrevista la apuesta de Absen por el mercado Led y su estrategia centrada en desarrollar soluciones de píxel pequeño ...
LED&Go and Exterior Plus reinforce the advertising and broadcast of events of the Airesur shopping center in Seville28 February 2019 This Led screen, located in the common areas of the enclosure, offers high brightness and high image quality to display and broadcast content and events of the mall itself, Like this ...
El Tour Charmex Educación 2019 comienza su andadura en Valladolid28 February 2019 Esta gira que acaba de iniciarse recorrerá ocho ciudades españolas y finalizará en el mes de septiembre en Bilbao. Su objetivo es mostrar cómo la tecnología permite desarrollar nuevos métodos ...
Toy Planet relies on Deneva solutions for the digitalization of its store network27 February 2019 The deployment of this digital signage software in the circuit of more than four hundred screens of this toy chain manages to transmit a modern and dynamic image of all ...
Heathrow installs the DirectView Led screen of NEC Display to guide passengers27 February 2019 Located in the Terminal 3 of this London airport, This Led screen shows information so that passengers know the correct door to check in each airline. Visible incluso con luz ...
B-Tech presents its high resistance support for large format screens with pop-out system26 February 2019 The new BT8310XL high-strength removable stand is capable of holding screens up to 125 Kg. of weight and 120 inches in size, in both landscape and portrait orientation. the ...
Maverick AV Solutions distributes IAdea digital signage solutions in Europe26 February 2019 With this pan-European agreement, the wholesaler will market the IAdea screens, which are available in sizes of 10 to 22 Inch, for indoor and semi-outdoor, as well as its multimedia players ...
Sahara Benelux Creates Matrox IP-Based Demo Room25 February 2019 En la nueva zona de demostración, localizada en las nuevas oficinas de Sahara Benelux, se han creado varios ecosistemas AV sobre IP con tecnología de Matrox, entre los que se ...
Pokéria relies on Philips Display digital signage for its establishments in Italy22 February 2019 The chain specializing in Hawaiian cuisine has installed digital menus to inform and interact with its customers in its new establishments in Milan and Florence, whose solution it will extend in its ...
eSport competitions reach their peak with Absen at the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Shanghai22 February 2019 For the final of the G-League eSport tournament, a four-sided LED screen was used, with dimensions of 16x9 meters each, installed at 20 meters high. G-League ...
JCDecaux wins and extends the advertising concession of the urban furniture of Bilbao22 February 2019 With a duration of fifteen years, The company will be in charge of the marketing of the advertising spaces, both analogue and digital, in the capital of Biscay and will install innovative digital canopies ...
Morgancrea designs the audiovisuals of the exhibition 'All the libraries of tomorrow'22 February 2019 Este estudio donostiarra ha diseñado lienzos audiovisuales en los que el visitante puede conocer en detalle la historia de cada biblioteca. Catorce salas componen la recién inaugurada exposición ‘Todas las bibliotecas ...
The Tiki Bar of Maverick AV reopened in ISE 2019 with the most innovative Smart Meeting technology21 February 2019 En esta vídeo entrevista Ana Martínez, sales manager Maverick AV Tech Data, y Sarah Torrents, IS Team Leader Maverick AV Solutions, explican cuál es la apuesta de la compañía en ...
Luxury and Led technology merge in the new residential tower of Baltimore21 February 2019 En la séptima planta del lujoso edificio 414 Light Street hay un espacio exterior, donde se han instalado dos pantallas Led FlexStorm enfrentadas, de aproximadamente 4,8x2,7 metros, que se ha ...