Charmex shows the latest AV solutions for the education sector in its showroom in Barcelona11 July 2017 Las jornadas de puertas abiertas, que está celebrando para distribuidores y usuarios finales, están sirviendo de escenario para dar a conocer soluciones como los monitores multitáctiles interactivos Clevertouch, the systems ...
Datapath FX4: multi-screen controllers for digital signage projects11 July 2017 Desarrollados para facilitar el despliegue y creación de pequeñas y medianas soluciones de señalización digital, esta gama de controladores independientes ofrece más posibilidades de conexiones entrantes y salidas sincronizadas, between ...
EET Europarts strengthens its Pro-AV and digital signage area with the purchase of Fusion Technologies11 July 2017 The Irish audiovisual distributor will become part of this growing business area of the technology wholesaler, que ha anunciado que continuará con su política de empresas para aumentar su ...
Crestron and Electric String take Ineos corporate gym to a new AV dimension10 July 2017 The project is based on the creation of an audio system, video and control for employees using this sports space located at the manufacturer's headquarters ...
Netipbox helps to boost the offer in the restaurant area of the Aquarium of Barcelona10 July 2017 Los objetivos marcados se consiguieron gracias a la implementación de varios reproductores plug&play detrás de 11 Samsung screens. Estos equipos también incorporan las herramientas netipmanager y netipmaker. El grupo Aspro Parks, ...
Samsung DeX creates a mobile space connected to any screen10 July 2017 Esta solución permite volcar los datos e información del teléfono móvil al monitor del ordenador o una pantalla externa de manera fácil y segura para fomentar la estrategia de movilidad ...
Mad Cool 2017 premieres the stage Radio Station with the recording of the first cd-dvd live7 July 2017 The Madrid festival opened its doors yesterday to more than 40.000 people who, despite the rain, they did not want to miss a proposal of music and staging of ...
Panasonic provides the interactive and immersive approach that comics Station Antwerp was looking for7 July 2017 El objetivo era implementar una solución que consiguiera que los visitantes pudieran sumergirse en el mundo de los personajes del cómic y experimentaran cómo han cambiado con el paso del ...
Crambo will present with its partners new solutions and applications of digital signage7 July 2017 The next 12 July in Madrid, in the innovative gastronomic space Food Market Barceló, the wholesaler will show in operation its latest solutions, systems and applications in visualization, in collaboration ...
Bayer installs an AV infrastructure at its headquarters in London that encourages collaboration and communication6 July 2017 The building has more than 60 common spaces where a wide range of AV devices has been installed, as NEC screens of different formats, Biamp collaboration systems ...
Black Box presents its new HDMI controllers to create spectacular videowall6 July 2017 VPlex4 models (with DVI input) and VPlex4000 (with HDMI and Display Port) solve the limitations of the screens of the standard videowall for the distribution of content by the ...
Australian atp event centre centralises its AV solutions with AMX SVSI6 July 2017 With this IP-based system the complex has established a distribution center where content can be sent instantly to screens located anywhere in the building.. between ...
"Daktronics accompanies the customer throughout the life of the project, with a support that sets us apart from the rest", Ivan del Rio5 July 2017 Led screens with pixel pitch of high density and resolution, with designs of any size, curved and transparent to respond to any type of project, either small or ...
Marmitek MegaView 90: HDMI extender to transmit the signal to multiple displays with a single CAT5 cable4 July 2017 With the installation of a single decoder located in a central site, it is possible to transmit the signal over a CAT5e/5 cable to one or more screens at a distance of ...
BGL performs AV integration of three of astana Expo pavilions 20174 July 2017 In Spain he has installed an explanatory mural and immersive audiovisuals that provide the visitor with a more dynamic and interactive experience; while in the United Arab Emirates ...
Sono performs a projection of more than 60 m2 and blending for the SAS Forum event 20174 July 2017 This AV service provider has made a large deployment in equipment, configuration and technical execution for this event on analytics, that has brought together more than 1.300 professionals at ...
Polycom Pano makes it easy to exchange up to four streams of content from any device3 July 2017 This new system allows you to share content securely and wirelessly in real time, no wasted time on connecting different external devices, streamlining work meetings ...
B-Tech attends DSSE 2017 with a wide portfolio of solutions for digital signage3 July 2017 In its stand will be exposed its range of kiosks, its new ultra-slim pop-out video wall mount and latest addition to its Led panel mounting line: ...
Islazul installs in the restoration area a Led screen of 24 square meters3 July 2017 With a pixel pitch of 4,8 Mm, this Led display&Go allows visitors to know the latest news and events related to the center, while offering a ...
Battery Atlanta attracts passers-by's attention from a circular screen suspended over a water source30 June 2017 Located at the front door, has been configured with nixel curved Led panels from Nanolumens and equipped with a pixel pitch of 9,5 mm with a brightness of 7.000 ...