MMD Philips 241B7QUPEB B-line: USB-docking monitor for dynamic professionals30 June 2017 Este equipo transmite vídeo, audio y se conecta a Internet o Intranet a través de un solo cable USB SuperSpeed. También da acceso a todos los periféricos conectados a través ...
The El Sargal pavilion in Cuenca replaces its traditional scoreboard with a high-resolution Led screen29 June 2017 To carry out this renovation, an indoor LED P6 screen has been installed 10 Mondo meters including Mondovideo software, that allows you to view both images and statistics or ...
Panasonic brings 360° and 3D projection to Hydropolis water exhibition in Poland29 June 2017 This scientific centre dedicated to water uses a total of 57 equipment from this manufacturer for 3D and 360° mapping, así como proyecciones interactivas que ...
EET Europarts centra en las soluciones de colaboración sus II Jornadas tecnológicas29 June 2017 Las oficinas del distribuidor en Madrid han sido el escenario de esta segunda convocatoria para dar a conocer a partners y clientes las propuestas de colaboración y presentación inalámbrica de ...
Bios Technology presenta su solución de cartelería digital con gestión centralizada y escalable29 June 2017 La compañía tecnológica ofrece una solución integral y a la medida para gestionar las pantallas digitales desde un punto centralizado que se administra desde cualquier lugar de manera segura, Simple ...
Leyard and Planar develop the first seamless led touch screen 196 inches and 0,9 Mm28 June 2017 Both companies have shown this interactive visual development, called Leyard Led MultiTouch, during his recent participation in InfoComm 2017, junto con un sistema visual con realidad virtual y otras soluciones ...
NCC Group centralizes the management of digital content of its brands associated with netipbox28 June 2017 Formada por cinco grandes cooperativas de ferretería, este grupo ha confiado en el software de digital signage y los reproductores de especialista en cartelería digital 3.0 y transformación digital para ...
AOC 90 Series Pro-line: professional frameless monitors on three sides28 June 2017 Five new models, sizes of 24 to 27 inches and equipped with IPS panels, componen esta gama destinada al mercado corporativo en la que el diseño para realizar múltiples ...
ViewSonic expands its range of interactive 4K ViewBoard displays with the IFP50 touch series28 June 2017 Pensada para salas de juntas y aulas, está línea incluye modelos de 65, 75 and 86 Inch. Estas pantallas están diseñadas con panel táctil de 20 puntos y dotadas de ...
Virto Building: Technological innovation and virtual assistance at the service of office users26 June 2017 An efficient space, sustainable and humane define the characteristics of Virto, a technological development carried out by Axiare Patrimonio, in collaboration with the innovation consultancy Opinno, who aspires to become ...
Peerless-AV designs a new floor-to-ceiling cable stand for screens in storefronts26 June 2017 El montaje en cable DSF265L del fabricante ofrece a los minoristas una solución versátil, fácil de instalar y discreta para soportar sus sistemas de digital signage y cartelería digital en ...
The Wanda Metropolitano will have digital signage and IPTV solutions Tripleplay26 June 2017 The stadium of Atlético de Madrid will have 300 screens with Tripleplay's digital signage technology and LG's WebOS system, and others 500 will be deployed with ...
Magos Artesanos bets on the interactive showcase Showcases to disseminate their courses26 June 2017 The magic shop offers customers an alternative and visual way to learn about and promote its courses and products from its new establishment in Madrid. The Spanish provider Movilok, ...
Fluge performs AV montage for A Summer Story electronic music festival23 June 2017 For this event that inaugurates the entrance of the summer, three scenarios have been arranged in which more than 500 lighting fixtures, 400 square meters of ...
Samsung QLED TV revives in high definition and color the television memories of the Spaniards23 June 2017 The manufacturer, and specifically its range of televisions with this technology, pay tribute to the program of the years 80 'The Crystal Ball', as part of your local campaign ...
Sono performs a rear-projection of 30.000 lumens for the charity dinner 'We Are One'23 June 2017 The fifth edition of the charity dinner 'Somos Uno' has counted, one more year, with the work of this specialist in audiovisual services, that has supplied the equipment and has ...
Zytronic and Ideum bring interactivity to smithsonian's new air and space museum exhibition22 June 2017 La nueva mesa táctil de 84 pulgadas que se ha instalado dispone de un sensor ZyBrid y un cristal resistente a los impactos. With her, los visitantes pueden diseñar, personalizar ...
Vogel's will participate again in IFA after three years of absence22 June 2017 The edition 2017 de este certamen, que se celebrará el próximo mes de septiembre en Berlín, marca una nueva etapa para el fabricante, que presentará sus nuevas y renovadas soluciones ...
Legamaster sets the guidelines for technological equipment for the new Workspace spaces 3.022 June 2017 Espacios diáfanos, con zonas de descanso, y zonas para trabajar tanto en grupo como de manera individual, todos equipados con pantallas táctiles de gran formato y herramientas de comunicación visual ...
Vueling bets on the iWall DooH circuit for its Rock Star interactive marketing campaign21 June 2017 The Spanish airline and the creative agency McCann have designed a game of gestural interaction and augmented reality, developed by the specialist Iwall in Shop to run it in your circuit ...