Daktronics installs two gigantic LED screens in the stadium of Hampden Park12 June 2017 With more than one hundred square meters, These displays replace those that were previously in place, improving the fan experience at matches and offering innovative support ...
Charmex Latinoamérica SAS debuts at infoComm and Expo Virtual Educa Colombia 201712 June 2017 El proveedor B2B del sector audiovisual sigue intensificando su presencia en América Latina con su primera participación en estos importantes certámenes donde exhibirá la gama de monitores interactivos Clevertouch, Like this ...
Vogel's strengthens its position in the audio and video market with the acquisition of Marmitek12 June 2017 Tras esta operación, Marmitek continuará su actividad como una empresa independiente, beneficiándose de la red de distribución internacional de Vogel’s; mientras que esta última podrá utilizar su conocimiento y experiencia en ...
The Palacio de Congresos de Valencia presents the AV potential of its technological transformation9 June 2017 The Valencian venue has completed its technological renovation, carried out in two phases, which has culminated in an innovative provision of audiovisual equipment in the auditoriums and rooms that compose it, ...
Roland Pro A/V updates V-800HD multi-format video switch with Mark II version9 June 2017 Idóneo para utilizar con pantallas de gran formato en salas de conferencias o presentaciones, así como en instalaciones fijas en auditorios o para la transmisión de eventos en vivo; this ...
An innovative cube-shaped digital signage stand is installed in the Plaza de Stureplan9 June 2017 The Pavilion is built as a booth with three of its walls covered by Led screens that are used to show creative messages of high impact digital advertising. La plaza ...
Tyco develops The RFID Fitting Room solution to improve the shopping and business experience9 June 2017 Este probador inteligente con tecnología de identificación por radiofrecuencia aporta a los minoristas mayor precisión de inventario dentro de los probadores, el área de mayor conversión de ventas de la ...
Ingram Micro adds ViewSonic visualization solutions to its catalog9 June 2017 Su portfolio incluye las líneas de monitores Led, pantallas táctiles y de gran formato, tecnología de virtualización de escritorio y proyectores, unas soluciones diseñadas para una amplia variedad de mercados. the ...
Two spectacular Led screens attract players to the new bingo hall of Palace Station8 June 2017 At the entrance there is a NanoLumens Nixel Series display half a meter high by 17 wide and a pixel pitch of 4 Mm, mientras que en ...
Carrefour consolidates its omnichannel strategy, multi-format and multi-brand with Clear Channel8 June 2017 The objective of this alliance is the renewal of a large part of the supports already installed, as well as the incorporation of new elements of digital advertising in 82 centres, with ...
The TSG Stadium 1899 Hoffenheim bets on Exterity's IP video solution8 June 2017 The TSG football team 1899 Hoffenheim de Alemania ha cerrado un acuerdo con este proveedor de tecnología de vídeo IP y digital signage para distribuir televisión en directo y vídeo ...
The largest Led display aboard a ship sails on msc Meraviglia through the Mediterranean7 June 2017 The new flagship of Swiss cruise company MSC Meraviglia has not repaired technological investment to make the passenger stay as comfortable as possible. ...
The Dubai Festival City gets its second Guinness with the screening 'A child's dream’7 June 2017 The first was for the largest water projection in the world, Now for the largest permanent mapping. For the staging of the latter have been used ...
Peerless-AV focuses its participation in DSS Europe on the DS-VW775 support and the KIPC25 curved kiosk7 June 2017 A key event for the manufacturer's strategy in the European business market, en el que además de contactar con partners y distribuidores centrará su participación en los últimos desarrollos ...
Diode markets Seypos solutions aimed at the retail rector, Catering and Industry7 June 2017 Esta firma española incluye en su catálogo soluciones como los TPV todo-en-uno dotados de pantallas de 12, 15 or 17 pulgadas y tecnología táctil resistiva de 5 Threads, Elo Touch y ...
The House of European History opens its doors to show its legacy with AV technology6 June 2017 The President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, has opened this museum in the Eastman building in Brussels, whose design and technical development has been carried out by the Spanish company APD, that collects ...
AV Stumpfl will present at the Orlando fair new projection screens and media servers6 June 2017 Para el mercado de alquiler y espectáculos se presentará la pantalla de proyección móvil Monoclip. In addition, se exhibirá la pantalla curva FullWhite y una actualización del servidor de medios Wings ...
Zielo is visually renewed with a large format exterior Led screen and 7000 nits of brilliance6 June 2017 The first shopping centre in Europe with Leed Gold certification, has updated the outdoor Led display for a new visual support with this technology, 82m2 and pixel pitch ...
Shuttle DS77: mini PCs with support for up to three 4K displays6 June 2017 Esta familia, integrada por cuatro modelos diseñados con procesadores que van desde el Celeron de bajo consumo al Intel i7, está pensada para su utilización en mercados verticales donde se ...
Christie tackles the next generation spyder for spectacular visual experiences5 June 2017 The X80 is the new multi-window and multi-screen processor ideal for the rental market and large format applications. Offers the ability to manage 4K at a speed of 60 ...