Tocqueville's new public library fuses culture and technology16 May 2017 En el centro de Ciencia y Tecnología se da la bienvenida a los visitantes con un vídeo semicilíndrico cuyos contenidos son visualizados en una superficie de proyección de 22x5 metros ...
Crystal Display develops the largest transparent display on the market: 98″ and 4K16 May 2017 El especialista en sistemas visuales sigue innovando en tamaño y resolución en sus pantallas transparentes con un sistema visual 4K UHD con grandes ángulos de visión para su aplicación en ...
Food Market Barceló dresses its facilities with digital solutions from Crambo and SDI Consultores16 May 2017 This innovative gastronomic space in Madrid now has equipment, sistemas y aplicaciones de última generación para ofrecer a sus clientes una experiencia acorde a la propuesta de cada uno ...
NEC shows how to improve the shopping experience in Smart & Intuitive16 May 2017 The event, que ha organizado junto a su partner Waapiti, se presenta como una oportunidad para dar a conocer las últimas novedades de visualización y proyección para el mercado de ...
Videotel gives interactivity to its digital signage player VP71XD15 May 2017 Involucrar a la audiencia con la marca y sus productos es el objetivo de los cinco periféricos que la compañía ha desarrollado para este media player y cuyas funciones se ...
Beabloo and Advantech join technologies to improve omnichannel digital signage solutions15 May 2017 The first will use the ARK-1123 industrial PC developed by the second as a gateway in its digital signage and analytics solutions for retail, Internet-based transport and tourism ...
National September 11 Memorial & Museum renews its digital signage network with BrightSign12 May 2017 The manufacturer has been selected to supply its multimedia players to this museum dedicated to the memory and remembrance of the victims of the tragic terrorist attack of 2001 in Nueva ...
Philips 328E8QJAB5: monitor con pantalla curva para aplicaciones gráficas12 May 2017 Diseñado con la pantalla Led VA, incorpora la tecnología Ultra Wide-Color y SmartContrast. A team of 32 pulgadas con resolución Full HD idóneo para el tratamiento de contenidos multimedia e ...
Cofitel Group presents HD video converters and data up to 20 Km from Adilec12 May 2017 The new models ACVI5 and A5CVI transmit the HDTVI video signal, HDCVI and AHD, Auto configurable and uncompressed, as well as RS-485 data at a distance of 20 ...
Peerless-AV brings to Europe its new digital kiosk with curved touch screen for interiors11 May 2017 This new line of interactive digital signage systems in kiosk format, with panels of 40 and 55 Inch, se fabrica en el mercado europeo para agilizar los plazos de ...
The ViewSonic VX4380-4K monitor combines 4K resolution with a narrow bezel on a 43 Inch11 May 2017 Flexible y versátil para aplicaciones que van desde la edición de documentos al diseño gráfico, este equipo UHD de 3.840x2.160 píxeles y 350 nits está construido con un panel IPS ...
NTT Docomo develops a spherical drone with the ability to emit Led images in the air11 May 2017 This Japanese telecommunications company has presented the first omnidirectional spherical screen integrated into these unmanned aerial vehicles, that displays images and advertising messages while on air. This drone, ...
SpinetiX presents the new version of its software for digital signage Elementi11 May 2017 The version 2017, now available for download and trial, Incorporates 250 widges for social networks, QR codes, wayfinding, Menus, Etc. in addition to greater security and full compatibility with the ...
Shure Expands Lineup of Conferencing Solutions with Interpretation Console and Information Display11 May 2017 The interpreting console is designed to offer greater control and flexibility to interpreters, while the electronic information display makes it easier to identify participants through the interpretation process. ...
LG Partner 360: a successful strategy to change business with technological innovation10 May 2017 innovation, attitude and passion in its developments and projects are the indispensable values that mark the strategy of the Spanish subsidiary of LG, and specifically its B2B division, ...
Zuckerberg's hospital installs a videowall to pay tribute to all those who have made his project possible10 May 2017 An interactive video wall configured with the Christie MicroTiles solution has been installed in the centre's hall, enhancing its dynamism with PowerGraze LED luminaires that are integrated with the system ...
BenQ PD2500Q: 2K QHD monitor designed for editing and graphics professionals10 May 2017 Este equipo integra un panel IPS para mostrar toda la gama de colores del espectro sRGB, con resolución de 2.560x1.440 píxeles y ángulos de visión de 178º. El nuevo monitor profesional ...
Charmex supplies AV equipment for new BMW Ibérica training rooms9 May 2017 The project has included the provision of solutions in 12 spaces for which ten Clevertouch multi-touch panels of 84 Inch, three Samsung UE55D monitors and two projectors ...
Atletico Madrid trusts LG Partner 360 the AV innovation of the Wanda Metropolitano stadium9 May 2017 El club de fútbol madrileño y el fabricante tecnológico han firmado un acuerdo para dotar el nuevo estadio rojiblanco de pantallas profesionales, televisores y soluciones de señalética outdoor de última ...
Solstice Pod: turnkey collaboration for conference rooms and classrooms9 May 2017 This solution, que ha dado a conocer Vogel's Iberica, permite transmitir streaming de forma inalámbrica entre varios usuarios. Combina un software y un hardware basado en la plataforma Android. Dentro de la ...