ViewSonic VP2771: borderless viewing for professional multimedia applications28 February 2017 With a size of 27 inches and WQHD resolution, this equipment is an ideal solution for multi-monitor configurations, widely used and useful for video editors, diseñadores gráficos y profesionales ...
Leyard and Planar showed at ISE 2017 a clear commitment to the European market28 February 2017 In a stand in which they shared space and presentation of Led and 4K solutions for the audiovisual market, showed how they will face this year, with a ...
Macroservice markets the new range of ProDVX screens for commercial environments27 February 2017 Disponibles en formatos desde 7 a 32” pulgadas, con formato de imagen panorámico, panel IPS y ángulos de visión de hasta 160º, estos sistemas táctiles están indicados para aplicaciones intensivas ...
Hy-Vee performs a retrospective of its history with the curved screens of NanoLumens27 February 2017 Esta cadena de supermercados americana ha creado, en el vestíbulo de su centro de conferencias. un espacio futurista integrado por seis columnas que albergan pantallas Led Nixel, as well as 20 ...
AOpen adds greater capacity to the digital signage market with the DE7400XE24 February 2017 It is a media player based on the Intel Xeon processor that offers great flexibility, security and performance, while consolidating workload across digital applications ...
Brand Digital and NetScreen innovate in retail with the range of dynamic advertising POS Led Display24 February 2017 The imminent edition of the event for the retail industry Euroshop 2017 is the framework chosen to present this range that combines digital Led technology with dynamic advertising for ...
"Maverick offers all the technologies in signage and collaboration of the new AV environment", points out Joan Aixa23 February 2017 The wide deployment in new solutions for digital signage and collaboration carried out by the ProAV division of the wholesaler Tech Data in ISE 2017 is evident in this video made in ...
Videoreport brings the thrill of horse racing to the screens of the Zarzuela Racecourse23 February 2017 La empresa se encargará de la realización y datos gráficos de las carreras de caballos, así como de su distribución y retransmisión a monitores de vídeo y pantallas Led conectados ...
Samsung and Cabify offer MWC visitors 2017 a digital experience for your journeys around the city23 February 2017 The project, that has just been launched in Barcelona, allows users to use the Cabify application to request their transport vehicle, Enjoy during your journeys ...
The Argentine art of ArcoMadrid jumps to the screens of Callao23 February 2017 La Gran Vía madrileña se ha convertido estos días en un centro de arte vanguardista donde se exhiben obras de Adriana Bustos, Sebastián Díaz Morales y Eugenia Calvo. Tres producciones ...
NEC InfinityBoard: interactive solution for collaborative meetings22 February 2017 Incorpora una pantalla táctil UHD de 65 or 84 Inch, con tecnología táctil InGlass, which is combined with a Huddly camera, con un ángulo de visión de 120º, Speakers ...
Panasonic will bring smart technology solutions for airports to Mobile World Congress22 February 2017 In Barcelona, mostrará tecnologías como la herramienta de interacción personal para espacios públicos LinkRay o HD Beacon, que permite crear mapas localizados y buscar direcciones en las terminales. For the ...
Health&Pharma TV transforms the lorca earthquake pharmacy into the most digital in Spain22 February 2017 This project, realizado por la franquicia especializada en digital signage para este ámbito de Grupo Telecoalia, supone no sólo la recuperación de este establecimiento, tras el terremoto que asoló en ...
Airports in Portugal opts for the Sony Vision Presenter collaboration system for its COE22 February 2017 El nuevo Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias (COE) del Aeropuerto de Lisboa cuenta con esta solución de monitorización interactiva para reproducir, a través de un videowall en configuración 2x4, for ...
Black Box In-Session and Boxilla: Innovation in Room Programming and Control of AV/KVM Systems21 February 2017 El fabricante ha desarrollado estos nuevos sistemas, que presentó recientemente en ISE 2017, para facilitar la reserva y gestión de espacios de reunión, así como de las salas de control ...
Alfred Lozano explains in this video interview Sharp's commitment to investing in the visual environment21 February 2017 Ise 2017 ha sido la antesala de la inversión que la compañía piensa hacer en el ámbito de la visualización. Como comenta Alfred Lozano, responsable de Visual Solutions, have come ...
Madrid's Gallur sports center installs a high-resolution Led display21 February 2017 Suspended from the roof by a monitored structure, This indoor display offers a graphic surface of 50 square meters and incorporates a control system that allows, in real time, ...
Movilok will show at MWC 2017 the new management and security capabilities of Showcases21 February 2017 The renewed version of its interactive digital signage showcase incorporates a management system to know the status of the equipment remotely and in a personalized way, as well as a ...
Ricoh and IBM develop a solution that will be the cornerstone of corporate meetings20 February 2017 To this end,, New Cognitive Interactive Whiteboards Incorporate Watson IoT Capabilities, that uses real-time analytics to help drive conversations, so that ...
Beabloo analyzes five digital marketing strategies that the retailer must apply20 February 2017 No doubt, omnichannel is the star trend in the retail world, but it's not the only one, as the Spanish specialist in digital marketing analyzes in this article, ...