BroadSign CMS helps manage Carrefour France's Dooh network6 February 2017 Two hundred Led totems of 55 Mediaperformances ShopperCast inches have been installed in the entrance areas of 150 supermarkets in order to provide information about the establishment, promote the image ...
3D Glasses-Free: the new way of advertising at the point of sale6 February 2017 Vladimir Diaz Noboa, of the company ProVision 3D Iberia, explains in this article how the way consumers buy is changing and the strategies they have to take ...
The Maritime Museum of Barcelona is digitized with a large format Led screen3 February 2017 Located in the main hall to welcome all visitors who want to know the maritime heritage of the city, this large format screen designed by Led&go ...
ViewSonic develops complete solutions for interactive and collaborative learning3 February 2017 La propuesta del fabricante para entornos educativos y empresariales incluye herramientas de nueva generación para fomentar la interacción y nuevas metodologías de trabajo en equipo desde diferentes sistemas visuales, Wireless ...
Charmex sells Clevertouch multi-touch monitors in Latin America3 February 2017 To expand the brand's reach in the area, the wholesaler is beginning to establish relationships with different distributors and integrators in the region. In addition, will be present for the first time ...
Christie will build a bridge over the 'intermediate space' at ISE 20173 February 2017 En el Space Between se presentará una solución prácticamente integral, con apoyo del fabricante de pantallas para proyección Da Lite y de los especialistas belgas de contenido New Solid. Space Between ...
Samsung responds to OLED with its QLED technology for the future of its TVs3 February 2017 Basada en la evolución de las nanopartículas Quantum Dot, la nueva generación de televisores QLED, representados por las serie Q9, Q8 y Q7, ofrecen el 100% of the color volume ...
Innogy SE launches two digital communication channels at its Spanish headquarters3 February 2017 El especialista en digital signage Neo Advertising ha desarrollado y gestionado este proyecto para la multinacional alemana de energía, que cuenta ahora con un canal de comunicación interna y otro ...
MTA On the Go adds four double-screen kiosks to its New York Subway digital network2 February 2017 Los pasajeros del metro de la ciudad de Nueva York contarán ahora con cuatro nuevos kioscos digitales de doble pantalla, ubicados en las tres nuevas estaciones de la Segunda Avenida, ...
Panasonic helps discover the landscape and culture of the Swiss Alps at the WNF2 February 2017 In the heart of the Alpine mountain range stands the World Nature Forum, a research and knowledge centre, which offers an interactive exhibition for the installation of which they have been used ...
Haivision and Dish develop a secure IPTV solution for companies2 February 2017 The solution between the Dish Smartbox platform and the Haivision IPTV system incorporates a framework that allows content protection for each desktop and set-top box. In addition, the ...
Via Technologies acelera el despliegue de soluciones de digital signage2 February 2017 VAB-630 HMI combina una placa base SBC de 3,5” y un monitor táctil de 10,1 Inch, además de incorporar funcionalidades avanzadas para gráficos y vídeo con objeto de garantizar un ...
Christie will show the present and future of AV technology at ISE 20171 February 2017 Among the novelties that will be exhibited in its two stands are the flat LCD panel Extreme FHD553-XE-H; the series of displays Led direct vision Ultrascape, The projectors of ...
SMART Technologies expands its educational offer with three ranges of interactive displays1 February 2017 La reciente celebración de la feria de educación Bett 2017 en Londres ha servido para presentar tres nuevas gamas de pantallas educativas y de software con las que el fabricante ...
Advantech and Matrox develop videowall solutions for digital signage1 February 2017 The first tests have been carried out with the C420 video card combined with the DS-980 player, achieving a six-screen signage solution that allows integrators to ...
McDonalds brings its digital signage solutions to the Philippines with Cayin1 February 2017 Dos de las franquicias de este país han sido dotadas con un sistema de menú board que se ha configurado con pantallas profesionales LFD y los media player SMP-6000 y ...
Audiovisual Architecture carries out the audio and video project for the Hard Rock of Valencia31 January 2017 The Zaragoza company has signed an agreement with the American franchise to design the project, supply the systems and execute all the audiovisual equipment of this new premises of the ...
Viewsonic expands its line of professional monitors with VP3881 equipment, VP3268-4K and VX2781-UC31 January 2017 Tres modelos que incorporan las últimas tecnologías de visualización con resoluciones que van desde Quad HD hasta 4K UHD, amplias opciones de conectividad y paneles de 27, 32 and 38 ...
Elo Touch will teach how to easily deploy interactive digital signage solutions at ISE 201731 January 2017 Responding to the demand of retailers to simplify the deployment and management of digital signage systems in their establishments is the objective that the manufacturer ...
Avalue develops an HDBaseT solution for digital signage and education30 January 2017 The combination of the IPM-1501B touch monitor and the IP-TBOXB extender meet the needs of digital signage applications, corporate image, receptions and entrance areas, educational campuses, Industrial PCs and ...