Venco strengthens its commercial strategy and corporate communication thanks to digital signage13 December 2016 Hand in hand with Neo Advertising, You have installed a totem pole, where company branding pieces and welcome templates are displayed, y se ha creado un segundo canal ...
Accenture and Golden State Warriors Foster Fannovate Fan Experience12 December 2016 El futuro pabellón Chase Center contará con el acuerdo de ambas organizaciones a largo plazo, centrado en la innovación tecnológica y en el programa ‘Fannovate’, cuyo objetivo es interactuar con ...
Selfridges renews the showcase of its flagship store in London with a videowall of DynaScan12 December 2016 El principal reto que había que superar era evitar los efectos de la luz solar que inciden directamente en la ventana y que provocaban una mala visibilidad de los contenidos. ...
Leyard Europe strengthens its management team and appoints Marco Bruine CEO of the region12 December 2016 In your new role you will be responsible for sales, marketing, support and operations for which you will use your expertise in segments ranging from sport and digital out-of-home ...
The Tekniska Verken plant centralises the information in its control room with a collaborative video wall9 December 2016 Configurado por 18 monitores Philips Ultra Narrow Bezel de 55 Inch, el mural de vídeo es gestionado con el sistema de control Trenton TVC4403, which includes 6 tarjetas Mura MPX-4/4. ...
B-Tech inaugurates a showroom of solutions and knowledge at its headquarters in the United Kingdom9 December 2016 The manufacturer of audiovisual media has opened the doors of its impressive showroom of its solutions, which is also used as a place of training and business, fruit of ...
LG enters the medical imaging market with the presentation of two 8MP monitors9 December 2016 In a format of 27 inches and equipped with IPS technology, These devices have been designed to deliver a sharp and accurate image. El monitor de revisión química es ...
Arthur Holm DB2: retractable monitors that create minimal impact on meeting room design7 December 2016 With a width of 20 Mm, This range is available in configurations of 17,3 and 21,5 inches with Full HD resolution and 2 DVI inputs, HDCP compatible. Unos equipos construidos con ...
Alder Hey Children's Hospital connects the center with an IP video network7 December 2016 Con esta infraestructura se pueden asignar imágenes de cirugía de alta definición a monitores de trece quirófanos integrados o compartirse con cirujanos y estudiantes que se encuentren en cualquier lugar ...
Tripleplay will present at ISE 2017 its new UHD 4K STB with HEVC to deliver digital content7 December 2016 El fabricante sumará este desarrollo a otras nuevas soluciones que estarán en su stand, como el codificador de baja latencia HD, el media video player (MVP), la aplicación Mobile Media ...
Panasonic develops a liquid crystal IPS panel with contrast ratio of 1.000.000:17 December 2016 Multiplicando por seiscientos la relación de contraste que tienen este tipo de paneles normalmente, according to the data provided by the manufacturer, este avance ha sido posible gracias a la integración ...
Led Visual equips the CRA room of Grupo Sureste's new headquarters with AV systems7 December 2016 La compañía española de seguridad privada cuenta ahora con la mayor receptora de alarmas del Arco Mediterráneo, para lo que este especialista AV ha instalado pantallas de alta resolución en ...
NEC Display shows resellers a scenario of value solutions and open platforms5 December 2016 Around fifty resellers have attended the open days that the Iberian subsidiary has organized in its Demo Room in Madrid, in which ...
Volanti Display incorporates BrightSign players in its videowall solution5 December 2016 The Media Player Series 3 XT have been combined with large format touch screens to offer an integrated solution for digital signage and business applications. Volanti Displays has announced ...
JVC strengthens its medical line with its own brand after the acquisition of the company Totoku5 December 2016 The company has announced the decision to enhance its range of products for the health sector, after the acquisition of Totoku two years ago, as well as that ...
BenQ EW3270ZL Monitor with Eye Care Technology for Heavy Use5 December 2016 Con un panel AMVA +, esta pantalla Led de 32 pulgadas con resolución WQHD incorpora la tecnología Brightness Intelligence Technology, para optimizar su rendimiento, y Flicker-free, así como el modo Low ...
The National Shrine of St. John Paul II pays tribute to his work with immersive and interactive technology2 December 2016 Gift from the Vatican to the City of Washington, this center is not only a place where visitors learn the history of the former Pope and his subsequent canonization, ...
Panasonic LinkRay: information at the point of sale through Led light frequencies2 December 2016 Para su utilización, solo hay que descargar la app, activar la cámara del móvil y apuntarlo hacia la pantalla, cartel luminoso o lámpara de un mostrador, que disponga de la fuente de ...
Mutua Universal takes its digital corporate communication strategy to the center of Barcelona2 December 2016 Con objeto de mejorar la calidad de atención al paciente, se han instalado en el centro de salud de la Ciudad Condal dos pantallas de 43 pulgadas en vertical para ...
Maler will lead to his DEBUT at ISE 2017 new monitoring solutions and digital signage projects2 December 2016 The implementation of the digital signage network of the London Underground, his latest tailor-made projects for KFC, O2 Arena or Taco Bell, together with new solutions ...