Pablo Olavide University installs the Clevertouch Plus PDI for teaching use28 October 2016 Esta PDI Android, of 84 pulgadas con resolución 4K y 10 toques táctiles, ha sido instalada en el edificio Alexander von Humboldt con objeto de dotar al profesorado de herramientas ...
Eizo FlexScan EV2780 incorporates USB Type-C connectivity for fast data transmission27 October 2016 Este monitor profesional de 27 pulgadas utiliza este conector USB para el envío de señal de vídeo, audio y datos mediante un único cable, con tasas de transferencia de hasta ...
Ideum develops an interactive and sensory experience to enjoy wine tasting27 October 2016 Visitors who come to the room to taste the wines have a multi-touch table with the ability to identify the wine contained in the glass when it is placed on ...
Sony LMD-X550MT and LMD-X310MT: surgical monitors with 4K and 3D technologies27 October 2016 These computers, designed for use with 4K or 3D endoscopes and microscopes in operating rooms, Medical training and education facilities, ofrecen una mayor resolución para la identificación de la estructura ...
Google enters the market of collaborative digital whiteboards with Jamboard26 October 2016 Esta solución de visualización interactiva táctil en la nube 4K de 55 Inch, integrada en el ecosistema de herramientas empresariales G Suite, fusiona los mundos de la creatividad física y ...
Peerless-AV designs bespoke digital electric vehicle charging stations for Volta Industries26 October 2016 This American company has made the transition of advertising and static information in favor of the advantages and possibilities offered by digital signage technology integrating it into a ...
The SAS Forum scenario 2016 featured a spectacular projection of 108 square meters26 October 2016 For the realization of the largest event on analytics in Spain was installed a giant screen of 18x6 meters with multiprojection of two Christie Boxer 4K30 equipment. The contents were managed by ...
Telefónica shows its IoT solutions to consolidate digital transformation in the company25 October 2016 En el Congreso Mundial de Internet de las Cosas, que ha abierto hoy sus puertas, la compañía cuenta con un stand, divided into four zones, donde recrea el entorno real ...
more than 130 exhibitors will debut at ISE 2017 and there will be 3.000 more square meters of space25 October 2016 The organization of this event foresees that it will be another successful edition, since more than three months before the RAI of Amsterdam opens its doors, it's already ...
Beabloo myBloo: service that uses digital signage to increase the visibility of small businesses25 October 2016 Este sistema omnicanal aplica, de forma integrada, herramientas como el marketing digital, la cartelería digital y los beacons al sector del comercio de proximidad. A través de pantallas digitales, atrae a ...
Samsung deploys its visual display solutions, Premium TV and efficiency at Hostelco 201625 October 2016 El fabricante muestra en este certamen su tecnología de visualización profesionales y televisores con imagen Premium para ofrecer confort, información y servicios de valor a los huéspedes, junto con eficientes ...
The insurer Acuity implements a spectacular AV solution to promote communication with its employees24 October 2016 NanoLumens proporciona cinco pantallas curvas Led NanoSlim de 3 mm para diseñar la configuración en pentágono instalada en el teatro que la empresa de seguros ha creado para celebrar sus ...
Newline Interactive and its peers provide an advanced technological proposal for the classroom24 October 2016 The American manufacturer attended its first participation in the recent edition of Simo Educación 2016 with the touch screens with 4K resolution of the UB Series, as well as with ...
Legamaster STX: 87" multi-touch interactive display with 4K resolution for education24 October 2016 El fabricante ha centrado su participación en la reciente edición SIMO Educación 2016 en su nueva gama de pantallas táctiles de gama alta y Ultra Alta Resolución, with the new ...
Reinvent the Classroom program seeks immersive learning, key to reaching the classroom of the future24 October 2016 This is an initiative developed jointly with SMART, Hp, Microsoft e Intel que quiere dar respuesta a la necesidad que tienen los centros para adaptarse a la educación del siglo ...
The Crambo stand exhibits Stronger hey!Tech, Awarded as the best tablet for the classroom21 October 2016 It is a robust and rugged device designed with the Intel Atom X5-Z8300 processor, 2GB of RAM and 32 GB capacity, that has a panel of ...
Maverick shows in SIMO Education its AV solutions for schools21 October 2016 El panel interactivo multi-táctil ActivPanel v4 con Android embebido de la firma Promethean y las soluciones de audio de Vision son las novedades más representativas del mayorista para el aula. Tech ...
NEC Display expands its MultiSync range with two ultra-thin and energy-efficient frame monitors21 October 2016 The EA245WMi and EX241UN, with a size of 24", IPS panel and minimal frame, reaffirm the manufacturer's commitment to minimise environmental impact without reducing performance. Especialmente desarrollados ...
Charmex transforms its stand into SIMO Education into a technological tour of its brands21 October 2016 The wholesaler has a large stand in this edition, Structured in defined zones, to showcase the latest developments in visual and projection solutions, Stands, Connectivity & Collaboration for ...
Avit Vision discovers what's new in AMX, Arec and smartPerform at SIMO Education 201621 October 2016 En su stand pueden verse los sistemas autónomos de grabación y streaming, así como el posicionador de seguimiento automático TP-100 de Arec, marca que ha incorporado recientemente a su catálogo; ...