Charmex distributes control systems for NovaStar Led screens14 September 2016 Within the portfolio of NovaStar solutions highlights the Led display processor with NovaPro HD scaler that, in addition to its function as a controller, proporciona procesamiento frontal y dispone de ...
Sono is awarded the AV integration project of the new exhibition of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona13 September 2016 In this permanent exhibition the history of the royal shipyards and galleys is explained through interactive content, immersive audiovisuals and virtual image dioramas. All the ...
Christie develops a new series of flat LCD panels of uninterrupted performance13 September 2016 FHD492-XV y FHD552-XV son los dos modelos de la nueva serie de paneles planos LCD, desarrollados para ofrecer alto rendimiento y fiabilidad 24x7 en instalaciones que utilicen imágenes múltiples en ...
AdderLink XD150FX DVI Video Extender with USB 2.0 over LC duplex fiber cable13 September 2016 This team, que soporta resoluciones de hasta 2.560x1.600 a 60 Hz y ofrece un alcance entre 150 meters and 4 Kilometers, se distingue por su gestión Edid inteligente para sincronizar ...
Renta4 renews its digital signage circuit with Led screens of Rotuloselectronicos.net12 September 2016 This Spanish specialist has developed and installed more than sixty large format Led screens for storefronts throughout the network of offices of this bank, replacing the previous one ...
The Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo uses AV techniques to publicize the world of white sharks12 September 2016 the 42 BrightSign players, the 91 LG screens and DigiComm technology have been the architects that have allowed to give life to this audiovisual and interactive experience, ...
Sharp refuerza sus monitores interactivos para colaboración en aulas y salas de reuniones9 September 2016 With a size of 65 inches diagonally, el modelo PN-VC651 cuenta con seis puntos táctiles por infrarrojos de rápida respuesta para que puedan trabajar hasta dos usuarios simultáneamente y ...
Christie Phoenix EP: content management for flat panel displays9 September 2016 This solution, que procesa fuentes en red y descodifica y gestiona fuentes de datos en hasta dos paneles planos de Christie, está pensada para videowalls, displays de señalización digital y ...
Odyssey Ibiza: a unique advertising visual support with more than eighteen million impacts8 September 2016 Designed, manufactured and installed by Led Dream, this impressive Led display system has become a unique and exclusive advertising support, with a number of sponsors that ...
The Bavarian Granite Museum holds an interactive projection to discover the history of the Earth8 September 2016 Canon and Optoma projectors have been used in this installation, que son gestionados por el servidor de medios Avio de AV Stumpfl y cuyos contenidos son proporcionados a través ...
LG updates its line of curved monitors 21:9 UltraWide8 September 2016 Las pantallas curvas 38UC99 y 34UC79G UltraWide que LG ha mostrado en IFA 2016 disponen de innovadoras funciones para sacar el máximo rendimiento y disfrutar de la mejor calidad de ...
XGEM presents at IFA its novelties of projection and digital decoding7 September 2016 Su asistencia a la feria de Berlín está marcada por la presentación del proyector inteligente Full HD de distancia ultra corta Philips Screeneo para Android, la gama de proyectores de ...
Visiology officially presents its Polywall digital signage software in South America7 September 2016 The framework chosen for the official presentation of the company's flagship software for screen control and video wall will be the TecnoMultimedia InfoComm contest 2016, that will take place in the 11 ...
Samsung creates with German artists and SUHD tv the installation 'The origin of Quantum dot'7 September 2016 Junto a las novedades presentadas en IFA 2016, la compañía fomenta su presencia en el certamen con una singular exhibición que aúna la creatividad de un equipo de artistas alemanes con ...
InFocus Mondopad Ultra: Large-format touchscreens for collaborative environments6 September 2016 Available at 80 and 85 Inch, esta línea ‘todo en uno’ ofrece las capacidades de los tradicionales dispositivos para salas de conferencias, y son capaces de realizar una gran variedad ...
U.S. traffic offices streamline appointment management and wait with Qmatic6 September 2016 The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has deployed the solutions of this specialist in waiting management to streamline the processes and procedures that citizens carry out in their offices ...
Leyard and Planar will exhibit at IBC 2016 The ultimate in visualization innovation6 September 2016 Desde videowalls Led y LCD a displays LCD 4K y pantallas interactivas y transparentes… Leyard y su filial Planar mostrarán en IBC numerosas soluciones pensadas para entornos broadcast. Leyard y su ...
Absen revolutionizes the rental market with the M2.9 Led panel5 September 2016 Con un pitch de 2,97 mm y una relación de contraste de 7.500:1, esta solución Led indoor destaca por su sistema de bloqueo que permite apilar diferentes paneles para crear ...
HDR content shows the potential of the Perfect Pixel engine of Philips OLED screens5 September 2016 The 901F's OLED display, next to the Perfect Pixel Ultra HD engine, provides a high level of performance and a level of image quality of 3.800 Ppi. Because of its ...
LG's OLED technology transforms into a spectacular visual tunnel at IFA 20165 September 2016 Composed of a total of 216 curved screens of 55 "with this technology, assembled to create a unique structure of 447 millions of pixels, la compañía ha creado un espectacular ...