Samsung takes IFA to IFA 2016 A futuristic and immersive gaming environment with its new curved monitors31 August 2016 Las series CFG70 y CF791 integran la tecnología quantum dot, para mostrar un 125% de espectro sRGB, potentes funcionalidades y diseño ‘Super Arena’ para ofrecer una experiencia visual inmersiva y ...
NanoLumens brings Led visualization to sports betting venues30 August 2016 Los nuevos sistemas de visualización de este fabricante fomentan la experiencia del fútbol en los centros para realizar apuestas deportivas asociados con Station Casinos en Las Vegas. El centro de entretenimiento ...
Zytronic Brings PCT Technology with Interactive Digital Signage Features to Car Wash29 August 2016 Con una interfaz de usuario mejorada y características digital signage integradas, la compañía europea de lavado de coches Nilfisk ha mejorado su negocio y la satisfacción de sus clientes con ...
Sony Bravia FWD-100ZD9501: 4K monitor 100 pulgadas para entornos corporativos29 August 2016 Con un innovador diseño tipo pizarra, especialmente indicado para salas de reuniones y de juntas o en la entrada de una empresa, este equipo de gran formato incorpora el recién ...
Panasonic, Sony and NHK: Japanese alliance to promote 8K technology before Tokyo 202029 August 2016 The announcement by Japanese public television that the next Olympic Games, to be held in the Japanese capital, will be broadcast with resolution Super Hi-Vision/8K has given way to ...
The Sensory Lab creates a personalized and interactive music channel for Media Markt Digital Store26 August 2016 This innovative store that the chain has just opened in Barcelona offers the customer a different and omnichannel experience when looking for and buying products, connecting digitally ...
Leyard's Led video screens, protagonists of the NBC Olympics set in Rio 201626 August 2016 NBC Olympics, división del Grupo NBC Sports, seleccionó las pantallas de visualización Led de Leyard de la serie TVH para configurar los videowalls, with pixel pich of 1,9 Mm, como plataforma ...
Royal Caribbean bets again on lighting and Led screens of Elation25 August 2016 El nuevo crucero 'Ovation of the Seas', que cubre las rutas en los mares de China y del Pacífico Sur, utiliza centenares de luminarias de esta empresa, así como pantallas ...
Tripleplay embarca su tecnología IPTV y de digital signage a bordo de los barcos ‘Spirit of Tasmania’24 August 2016 Pantallas de digital signage y televisión en vivo para crear una experiencia visual única en alta mar para los pasajeros que realizan el recorrido de Australia a esta isla conforman el ...
MMD-Philips bets on curved visualization and 4K resolution in IFA 201624 August 2016 Mayor brillo de color, precisión y velocidad para aportar al usuario inmersión visual con una pantalla curva 4K, un monitor con webcan emergente y sistemas de diseño ultra delgado definen ...
Peru's Alianza Lima Stadium Renews Sponsorship and Digital Screens with AOC24 August 2016 Through its partner Technology Envision Peru, the manufacturer has renewed its sponsorship contract with this sports facility, in which it will install two new large digital screens ...
The Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia recovers virtually in 3D the Iberian city of Ullastret23 August 2016 Produced by the Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage and the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia-Ullastret, the recreation project of this Iberian city has an immersive projection room ...
Sony BVM-X300 Oled: second-generation reference monitor for 4K production22 August 2016 Updates to this system include new firmware, HDMI input, Second 3G/HD-SDI connection and enhanced features for high dynamic range production. BVM-X300 Oled supone la segunda generación de monitores de ...
Matrox C900 begins its commercialization in the market to facilitate the management of videowall19 August 2016 This single-slot PCI Express® x16 graphics card controls nine, six or three screens, as well as projectors with resolutions up to 1,920x1,200p per output, is now available in ...
BenQ adds to its proposal of monitors the borderless model VZ2470H19 August 2016 Diseño minimalista, pantalla sin bordes y delgada es la nueva propuesta del fabricante con este sistema de 24 Inch, resolución Full HD y panel Led Amva+. El nuevo monitor VZ2470H de ...
Beabloo provides analytical intelligence to the Chinese car rental company DiDi19 August 2016 This Taxi Rental Platform from China, the largest in the country, uses the technology of this Spanish developer of omnichannel digital marketing in the totems of its stations in ...
Leyard expands its investment in Europe with a new factory in Slovakia18 August 2016 The manufacturer of digital screens wants to strengthen its European presence and international expansion with the construction of this facility, located near Prešov, which will also have a large room of ...
Crestron will market in September its solution for meeting rooms DM-DGE-200-C18 August 2016 Versátil, compacto y de gran alcance, este sistema que se comercializará a mediados del próximo mes en EMEA aporta simplicidad en la gestión de salas de reuniones para múltiples aplicaciones ...
River 2016: the Spanish joint venture MoveWild creates the interactive space for the candidacy of Los Angeles18 August 2016 Este grupo de empresas españolas han desarrollado el concepto y producción de un innovador espacio de proyección interactiva e inmersiva que puede visitarse durante los actuales Juegos Olímpicos para conocer ...
AOC develops two new professional monitors Premium 4K UHD18 August 2016 La marca añade dos nuevos modelos profesionales Premium 4K UHD a su serie 77, sizes of 27 and 31,5 Inch, con resolución ultra nítida (3.840x2,160 pixels) y proporción de ...