The Alfriston school optimizes communication with students thanks to digital signage25 July 2016 La plataforma de señalización digital TripleSign de Tripleplay ha sido implementada en las zonas comunes y en cada una de las cinco áreas whanau de la escuela, permitiendo una gestión ...
7-Eleven Mexico centrally manages its digital signage network with Scala22 July 2016 La infraestructura, que está instalada en 210 tiendas con planes de ampliarse a 500 before the end of the year, utiliza Scala Designer para crear y administrar el contenido de las pantallas, being easy ...
The AV facilities of the Olympic Museum of Norway recall the history of the Games22 July 2016 The centerpiece of this audiovisual exhibition is the 'Lysgaardsbakkene', an elevated interactive circular platform of 3,5 meters in diameter representing a ski jumping track. For your ...
Egade Business School Creates Stock Trading Simulation Center in Its Financial Lab22 July 2016 Wavetec has installed a ticker of 32 meters in length and a resolution of 7,872x64 pixels, which is integrated with the Thomson Reuters source in order to present ...
A spectacular curved videowall of 30 square meters transforms the façade of a shopping center in Reading21 July 2016 Los reproductores de BrightSign impulsan los contenidos de la gran pantalla Led de 6 by 5 metros que rodea la torre del edificio y acoge el centro King’s Walk. Este display ofrece ...
Leyard Led technology presides over the sessions of the delegates at the European headquarters of the UN21 July 2016 En la recién renovada Sala de los Emiratos se ha fusionado tecnología de vanguardia con un diseño que combina funcionalidad y una retrospectiva al patrimonio cultural de siglos de antigüedad. ...
The interactivity marked the presence of Sono to Event Days 201621 July 2016 At its stand, several technologies were combined as an interactive virtual stage., a large format multi-touch Led screen and a semi-transparent one. The first consisted of two ...
Promethean ActivPanel V4 interactive displays open new horizons to the teaching experience21 July 2016 A través de Maverick, llegan al mercado como una herramienta para compartir contenidos multimedia, acceder a la red y descargar aplicaciones móviles. Están diseñadas para un sencillo uso táctil, Allowing ...
McDonald's Uruguay carries out its MFY project with ViewSonic screens20 July 2016 With the Made for you system, the realization of the food begins when the customer places his order with the cashier. Para garantizar la operatividad del proceso ha sido ...
Sony's 4K laser projection brings to life the first car-free exhibition in Amsterdam20 July 2016 Con el equipo de ultra corta distancia VPL-GTZ1 y la solución de pantalla interactiva Vision Presenter, se ha creado una experiencia envolvente en el concesionario central de Bentley en Ámsterdam que ...
TecnoMultimedia InfoComm Mexico 2016 seeks the professionalization of the audiovisual sector20 July 2016 Además del área de exposición, se ofrecerá un programa académico orientado a capacitar y mostrar los avances más destacados del sector audiovisual en el que participará InfoComm International, así como KNX ...
Panasonic will carry out an extensive AV deployment for its marketing campaign as official sponsor of Rio 201619 July 2016 Contará con un pabellón corporativo, el Estadio de las Maravillas, donde se proyectarán imágenes que mostrarán su colaboración con los JJOO a los largo de 25 years. In addition, realizará diferentes ...
The Plaza de Callao in Madrid debuts the largest outdoor Led screen in Spain19 July 2016 With a surface of 240 square meters, this outdoor stand, designed with Samsung P6 display solution, It has become a prime place for advertisers to capture ...
Port Columbus Airport manages its digital signage network with Omnivex18 July 2016 Moxie software has become the backbone of this digital signage infrastructure that, recently, ha sido ampliada con dos videowalls Led de 13,4x4,2 metros, localizados en las ...
The University of Kent modernizes its library with a network of digital signage18 July 2016 The infrastructure is based on the Samsung Smart Signage Platform and cloud-based digital signage software Embed Signage. more than 35 screens have been installed in ...
Exact Change sigue ampliando su red de oficinas e incorporando soportes Led de Led&go18 July 2016 La última instalación ha sido realizada en la oficina del aeropuerto de Alicante-Elche al que se ha dotado de una pantalla indoor de 2,3 square meters, a pixel pitch of ...
Panasonic continues to enhance its presence in the education sector with the interactive screen BF115 July 2016 Diseñada en formatos de 50, 65 and 80 Inch, este equipo de visualización incorpora función de control táctil de 12 puntos y la tecnología Intel Pro Widi, que permite transmitir ...
Eikonos provided the audiovisual equipment for the delivery of the Marketing Leaders Awards15 July 2016 In this event held in Barcelona, a Christie Boxer 4K was used 30.000 lumens to make the projections of the main screen, coordinated with Spyder video control, ...
LG XS and XE monitors for digital signage applications in retail environments15 July 2016 Pensadas para utilizar en escaparates, estas pantallas ofrecen 2.500 nits de luminosidad y resistencia a las variaciones de temperatura de hasta 45º. Están diseñadas con panel IPS M+ y la tecnología ...
Clevertouch Plus Lux: large format touch monitors for the educational environment14 July 2016 Available in versions of 55, 65, 75 and 84 Inch, this line of interactive displays incorporate the Android OPS module and the Lux user interface that provides an intuitive experience, ...