Dell Brings Interactivity to Conference Rooms and Classrooms with the C7017T Monitor29 June 2016 Esta pantalla interactiva LCD de 70 pulgadas ofrece hasta 10 toques táctiles con una resolución Full HD. In addition, incorpora una amplia variedad de puertos de conectividad como HDMI, vga, DisplayPort, ...
The Chilean Army uses The Spanish technology of AR and virtual of Bienetec for its training28 June 2016 This Valencian company, through its Aumentaty division, ha desarrollado una herramienta para el ejército chileno que une la tecnología multitáctil con la de realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual ...
Biamp Devio: collaborative work tool for small meeting rooms28 June 2016 Esta nueva plataforma del fabricante de sistemas audiovisuales en red simplifica la celebración de reuniones en salas pequeñas con una óptima calidad de audio y vídeo utilizando el software de ...
NEC incorporates InGlass touch technology in X551UHD and X651UHD-2 screens28 June 2016 They are designed to be used as tables, being ideal for sectors such as entertainment, education, Corporate environments, Creative media and interactive games. Estas soluciones ofrecen una interfaz XUHD con rendimiento ...
The Cathedral of Tarragona offers multimedia video guides with AR to encourage cultural visits27 June 2016 Atraer al templo a nuevos visitantes, principalmente jóvenes, y que conozcan su patrimonio cultural es el principal objetivo del nuevo servicio de videoguía multimedia, creado por DNA Expertus Turismo y ...
Harman shows in Madrid its solution to bring 4K over IP networks of 1 Gbps27 June 2016 Durante roadshow europeo ‘Connect with Harman’, que recaló en Madrid el pasado 22 June, el fabricante presentó sus últimas innovaciones tecnológicas en el campo de la transmisión de AV ...
Western Digital optimizes the storage of creatives' works with the Pro Series27 June 2016 These solutions make it easy to directly transfer content between devices, providing great reliability and speed, regardless of whether users are in a remote session. are ...
The City Council of El Puerto de Santa Maria serves four hundred citizens daily with Qmatic27 June 2016 With this project in the Office of Citizen Attention (OAC) of the town of Cadiz, the company expands its presence in the Andalusian public sector with its management solutions ...
Public schools in one of Florida's largest districts rely on SMART technology24 June 2016 In the more than 240 schools located in the areas have been installed more than 1.800 SMART Board interactive flat panel displays, together with the Learning Suite software. The goal ...
Panasonic unveiled in InfoComm its novelties of visualization and laser projection24 June 2016 Diseñado para eventos y aplicaciones del sector de alquiler y escenarios, la novedad se centra en el proyector de 3 chips DLPTM y 27.000 Lumens, PT-RQ32K. For its part, the ...
B-Tech presents its new range of kiosks for screens of 27 to 98 Inch23 June 2016 El certamen European Digital Signage Summit, que hoy ha abierto sus puertas en la ciudad alemana de Munich y uno de los referentes en digital signage y DooH, has been ...
Internet Kiosks continues to bet on digital signage with the IKSignage 22T23 June 2016 It is a new concept of terminal designed with an all-in-one barebone system that integrates into a touch screen of 21,5 inches with Full HD LED technology ...
La sala de control más alta de Alemania gestiona las señales de radio y televisión con eyevis23 June 2016 Para monitorizar la transmisión de las señales y la calidad de la imagen se ha instalado un videowall, configurado por tres pantallas LCD Ultra-HD de 58 pulgadas EYE-LCD-QHD en la parte ...
Xavi Bové creates a large-format interactive installation that combines mapping and creative coding23 June 2016 This show, denominado 'Banda Sonora Visual', can be seen on Thursday 30 June, and its objective is to create a link between a soundtrack and its visual representation, custom ...
Daktronics provides its visual technology Led to offer the best image during the UEFA Euro 201622 June 2016 Dos pantallas Led gigantes de 70 metros cuadrados de este fabricante, instaladas en el estadio Matmut Atlántico de Burdeos, ofrecen a los aficionados del estadio una experiencia visual más cercana ...
The largest telecommunications company in Lithuania bets on digital signage22 June 2016 Para esta red de señalización digital, made up of 4 videowall de Samsung y pantallas táctiles de 65 Inch, se ha utilizado el software basado en la nube de Signagelive. one ...
Nuvelar develops its new cloud management platform for digital signage22 June 2016 With a complete design of its interface, This new cloud-based digital platform allows you to manage, Combine and send content, both static and dynamic, a diferentes dispositivos desde un ...
JCB optimizes its control center with the Highlite laser projection system21 June 2016 The four Digital Projection equipment that has been installed on the ceiling of the room optimizes the work carried out in the center that consists of collecting the data in ...
Beabloo y el Colegio de Economistas de Cataluña firman un acuerdo de colaboración21 June 2016 El especialista de marketing digital multicanal y big data desplegará su tecnología en una de las pantallas digitales instaladas en la sede de esta institución para ayudar a difundir contenido ...
Sonar 2016 consolidates with the support of 115.500 visitors its commitment as a 'cultural laboratory'21 June 2016 The twenty-third edition of this musical contest, audiovisual and experimental also incorporates Hong Kong and Istanbul to its international headquarters, and Sónar+D consolidates its congress format by bringing together ...