Christie MicroTiles en la Sala de Control del Anillo de San Petersburgo30 May 2013 Especialistas de Viking utilizan 72 cubos MicroTiles de video-proyección para crear un moderno sistema de visualización y control en la principal arteria de la ciudad. Un sistema automatizado e inteligente ...
UEFA celebrates Champions League final 2013 with a mapping show29 May 2013 UEFA commemorates Champions League final with 3D show in London. The realization of the multimedia projection, which was carried out by Acciona, he made a review ...
Samsung and Charmex see mobility as a promising future for digital signage29 May 2013 At a joint event held in Barcelona, Charmex and Samsung Electronics have revealed their commitment to digital signage tools aimed at large organizations and SMEs, as well as by ...
Intermedia Touch instala el video-wall del centro de mando de telemedicina del Hospital de Niños de Miami29 May 2013 El Hospital de Niños de Miami ha implementado un centro de mando global de telemedicina para interconectar por geolocalización a todos los médicos del mundo. To do this, Intermedia Touch ha ...
Aopen increases bedshed sales with its OpenSign digital signage solution29 May 2013 Aopen Deploys OpenSign Interactive Marketing and Digital Signage Solution at Bedshed Furniture Store (Australia). Better customer service and increased sales have been the ...
Marbella is committed to digital signage with fifty interactive panels with tourist and multilingual information28 May 2013 Fifty interactive tactile panels of the company IB-Tech will now be the tourist and multilingual digital attraction in the municipality of Marbella. Marbella City Council will install a total ...
The tourist center of Montérégie offers an immersive experience to its visitors to make the region known28 May 2013 In the tourist center of Montérégie a mobile digital tower has been installed that offers its visitors an immersive experience to make the region known. A digital kiosk ...
Saudi Arabia's National Commercial Bank Enhances User Experience with Navori QL28 May 2013 Navori helps the National Commercial Bank to strengthen the experience with users and the promotion of its services with its QL digital signage software. One of the main contributions that ...
The Google Glass will carry a microdisplay with OLED technology made by Samsung27 May 2013 El microdisplay que llevarán las Google Glass será de tecnología Oled y lo fabricará Samsung, reemplazando al de cristal líquido y silicio que utilizaba el prototipo Explorer Edition. La tecnología Oled ...
Microsoft announces that its Kinect 2 for Windows will be ready in 201427 May 2013 Microsoft ha anunciado que el próximo año estará disponible su nuevo sensor Kinect para Windows. Esta versión aportará una mayor fidelidad, un campo de visión más amplio, seguimiento del esqueleto ...
Aido brings 3D interactivity to sporting events24 May 2013 Bajo el proyecto Livestats, Aido y Planet Media están diseñando una plataforma 3D que permite la interactividad, in real time, entre el telespectador y el evento deportivo que se está ...
Sahel Project: Telemedicine services for sub-Saharan Africa24 May 2013 Indra has put its experience in the field of health at the service of the 'Sahel' project (Satellite African eHealth validation), cuyo objetivo es apoyar la implementación y extensión de servicios ...
Oprema to exclusively distribute Milestone's VMS solutions in the UK24 May 2013 Oprema strengthens its offer of IP solutions after the agreement signed with Milestone System that allows it to exclusively distribute its VMS video management solutions in the Kingdom ...
Montreal bets on digital signage in its metro stations23 May 2013 The Montreal Underground (Canada) will equip all its stations with digital signage displays. The project involves installing a total of 223 equipment and its objective is to offer ...
Large-format outdoor digital advertising provokes greater emotional reaction in people23 May 2013 Outdoor media advertising agency Ocean Outdoor and Neuro Insight, neuromarketing company, have carried out a study to know the reactions of outdoor digital advertising in the ...
Cualquier superficie puede convertirse en una pantalla táctil virtual23 May 2013 Investigadores de la Universidad norteamericana de Carnegie Mellon han desarrollado una solución, denominada Worldkit, que permite crear interfaces táctiles virtuales sobre cualquier superficie. Worldkit está diseñado para convertir cualquier sitio en ...
Earpro LED Show gathered in Madrid the most innovative screens of Leyard designed with this technology22 May 2013 En el evento Earpro LED Show, que se celebró en Madrid el pasado 8 May, se pudieron ver las pantallas más innovadoras de la marca Leyard. Con la idea de ...
Watchout and Ovation Sync Make Ghoemas Music Awards Ceremony Possible22 May 2013 La entrega de los Ghoemas Music Awards in South Africa 2013 contó, para su puesta en escena y difusión, de la integración del sistema de producción y reproducción Watchout de ...
Lumiode: microscreens with Led technology for devices of the type Google Glass22 May 2013 Máxima visibilidad y luminosidad para visualizar los avisos e información en una micropantalla como la que utiliza las Google Glass es el objetivo del desarrollo de Lumiode, que utiliza Leds ...
Samsung patents the design of what will be the TV screens of the future21 May 2013 La visión que tiene Samsung para la televisión del futuro gira alrededor de una pantalla flexible y configurable que se adapte a los requerimientos del espectador. Y con este objetivo ...