Electrosonic provides AV equipment for the new Exhibition of the Museum of Tolerance12 May 2016 The Appeasement is the last permanent exhibition of this cultural center of Los Angeles that has as its protagonist a large interactive map that shows the advance of the troops during ...
Sony Medical offers its integral video chain to visualize surgical processes in 4K12 May 2016 “La tecnología 4K es el siguiente paso para mejorar las imágenes durante las intervenciones quirúrgicas”, señala John Herman, responsable de marketing europeo de soluciones de uso quirúrgico de Sony Medical, ...
Smoke & Mirrors creates a digital audio matrix, video and USB over an IP network with AdderLink12 May 2016 Los extensores AdderLink Infinity han ayudado en el traslado de las nuevas oficinas de la compañía de efectos visuales y post-producción que precisaba que sus recursos informáticos high-end estuvieran disponibles en ...
InfoComm 2016 will feature the participation of Arthur Holm and his 'experience table'12 May 2016 Durante su nueva participación en el certamen, la marca mostrará una mesa completa de conferencias, la ‘experience table’, equipada con DynamicShare, un sistema de distribución y selección de señal de ...
Yamaha CIS transforms the archive of the oldest bank in Italy into a multimedia environment11 May 2016 Bank of Naples has opened to the public several of the rooms in which its archives are, in which a hidden speaker system plays a key role in ...
Oehlbach Falcon HD: HDMI wireless transmitter for long-range AV signals11 May 2016 This solution, integrated by a transmitter and a receiver, enables wireless transmission of HDMI signals at 1080p Full HD, and even in 3D, with a range of reach that ...
'Imperdible_01' will offer in Madrid a unique experience in innovation and 3D music11 May 2016 The Cotec Foundation, with the collaboration of Sónar+D and Madrid City Council, organizes the first installment of its 'Must-sees', A collection of unique experiences around innovation, ...
Exterity develops the version 2.0 de AvediaStream t5600 para distribución de contenidos10 May 2016 Techex, mayorista especializado para España y Portugal de la soluciones IPTV de Exterity, tiene disponible la nueva versión de esta herramienta de transformación de contenidos de alto rendimiento a un ...
Valencia CF creates an audiovisual system in Mestalla to improve the fan experience9 May 2016 The Spanish sports club has modernized the audiovisual production system of the Mestalla stadium to offer fans a better experience in information and spectacle before and during ...
Grupo Anfi is committed to dynamic digital communication with the solution iLed.TV6 May 2016 Esta empresa especializada en afiliación vacacional ha incorporado un sistema de comunicación dinámica basado en una pantalla Led de más de 8 metros cuadrados del fabricante Absen, integrated by the specialist ...
Acer responds to the demand of the digital signage market from its BYOC platform6 May 2016 Build Your Own Cloud desempeña un papel determinante en las próximas soluciones de digital signage del fabricante, al aumentar la escalabilidad y flexibilidad para las transmisiones de sentido único, and ...
The University of Alcalá de Henares entrusts Vitelsa with the AV and communications equipment of the CRAI5 May 2016 The Learning and Research Resource Center (CRAI) de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares ha confiado en este integrador el equipamiento audiovisual y de comunicaciones de ...
Banco Sabadell holds its Shareholders' Meeting supported by audiovisual technology4 May 2016 To celebrate the event, the room was equipped with a large-format LED screen (10,5x4 metros) Absen A3 from 3,9 pixel pitch mm, 8 screens of 80 ...
Telefónica goes one step further with Mysphera to make the digital hospital of the future a reality3 May 2016 Se trata de un sistema que permite la identificación y trazabilidad en tiempo real de pacientes y activos del entorno hospitalario mediante tags que emite señales a una red de ...
Telefónica Spain and Huawei lay the foundations of the metro network for the development of 4K video services29 April 2016 Ambas compañías realizarán el despliegue conjunto de la red de metro inteligente de 100G en España con el fin de ofrecer un servicio de banda ancha de mayor calidad para ...
Visiology develops a new data visualization module for its Polywall software28 April 2016 The company will take advantage of its upcoming participation in the InfoComm audiovisual contest 2016 in Las Vegas to show how this module creates a new model of interaction between your software and ...
Readers have already chosen the finalists of the Panorama Awards 201627 April 2016 After a first phase, where a total of 6.227 Audiovisual Panorama readers have chosen the third finalist in each category, among the five proposals by the drafting, ...
Afial 2016 brings together the audio and lighting industry with the entire venue26 April 2016 El séptimo Salón del Sonido, la Iluminación y Tecnologías Audiovisual, that today has opened its doors, promete superar las expectativas en todos sus parámetros, con todo el espacio del Pabellón ...
Lexon Distribution deploys in Afial 2016 the audio innovation of their brands26 April 2016 The seventh edition of Afial, that today has opened its doors in the Multipurpose Pavilion Madrid Arena, has again with the participation of this distributor and all the news ...
Sónar+D lands in Madrid with innovative and creative Spanish projects25 April 2016 For the first time, el festival llega a la capital de la mano de su MarketLab en el que se exhibirán una selección de los proyectos españoles de creatividad y tecnología ...