D&b amplía las funcionalidades e interoperabilidad de sus soluciones para instalaciones fijas11 February 2016 En la feria Integrated Systems Europe (Ise) 2016, is showing visitors how to install their systems in any type of fixed application and focuses its news on the subwoofer ...
Audio-Technica introduces ISE professionals 2016 your digital cable conferencing system11 February 2016 The Japanese audio manufacturer has made before the professionals who visit the event the official presentation of Atuc-50, a wired conferencing system that supports up to 150 units ...
Allen & Heath shows at ISE different state-of-the-art mixing possibilities10 February 2016 The British manufacturer goes to ISE 2016 with its most popular mixers: GLD, which incorporates new Chrome Edition models, its flagship dLive and the Qu line, with the latest ...
Ise 2016: Christie capta el impacto visual de los profesionales con sus nuevos cubos Led Velvet de la Serie Apex10 February 2016 Con píxel pich de 1,2 and 1,6 Mm. la nueva Serie Apex de cubos Led amplía la galardonada familia Velvet de la compañía para dar respuesta a las aplicaciones de ...
Atlona focuses its presence on ISE 2016 in 4K switching for AV environments10 February 2016 Two five- and six-port switches for audiovisual environments, such as classrooms and meeting rooms, a collaboration system based on HDBaseT and the first range of 4K/UHD amplifiers ...
NEC Display creates an immersive showroom for visualization and laser projection at ISE 201610 February 2016 Un espectacular showroom de soluciones visuales y proyección láser, con aplicaciones únicas desarrolladas con partners y demostraciones de los beneficios que aportan en la vida real y profesional estructura el ...
Blackmagic at ISE 2016: Production and distribution of high-level content at unimaginable prices10 February 2016 La compañía australiana está sorprendiendo al mercado con una oferta muy tentadora que integra productos ATEM Production Studio 4K y HyperDeck Studio 12G. Blackmagic está presente en ISE 2016 demostrando que ...
PosterDigital offers simple and functional interconnectivity of digital platforms in ISE 201610 February 2016 La interconectividad de distintas plataformas, un player para ChromeOS y un innovador piloto denominado Beacon Screen centran la participación en el certamen de esta compañía española, cuya máxima es que el ...
Clear-Com goes to ISE 2016 with its innovative intercom solutions for AV9 February 2016 The new version 3.0 of your software for HelixNet, the Agent-IC mobile app, the DX410 wireless intercom system and the family of connectivity devices for connecting systems ...
Navori presents the second generation of the Android media player for digital signage9 February 2016 The player for digital signage, compatible with native Android, Navori QL Stix 3500, integrates scalable storage options (until 32 GB) and support for 4K content, while reducing ...
HDR content playback, BrightSign's big bet on ISE 20169 February 2016 Rated as the next level in the visual systems industry after 4K, esta compañía realiza demostraciones en el certamen con esta tecnología con sus nuevos reproductores para digital ...
Harman offers at ISE 2016 an immersive experience through the integration of your brands9 February 2016 An immersive world in 4K resolution around your professional audio solutions, system control, audiovisual transmission, lighting applied to a club, hotel, boardroom, Hotels, ...
Deneva software manages digital systems in Latin American shopping malls8 February 2016 Developed by the Spanish Icon Multimedia, This CMS for the management and reproduction of digital signage content is integrated into totems and screens of two important commercial spaces of ...
Crestron will deploy in ISE 2016 its integrated technology for intelligent and innovative environments5 February 2016 Bajo el eslógan 'Life in Crestron', el fabricante estadounidense exhibirá en ISE 2016 sus últimas soluciones para control avanzado en entornos que van desde el empresarial al hogar. La multinacional Crestron ...
Extron HAI 100 4K makes the integration of audio into HDMI signals more flexible for AV applications5 February 2016 This solution is intended for audiovisual applications that require a sound system embedded in an HDMI video signal, as well as easing the transition to 4K video resolutions. the ...
Boris Yeltsin Presidential Centre: interactive and immersive museum facility around former Russian president4 February 2016 The opening of this center dedicated to the figure of the first president of the Russian Federation and to the historical events of the decade of the 90 it has the ...
Honolulu Airport reports flights from two large-format LED screens3 February 2016 En la terminal de Interisland se han instalado dos pantallas NanoSlim, with a pixel pitch of 6 mm y unas dimensiones de 44,65x7,28 pulgadas. Unos equipos que son utilizados para informar ...
TD Maverick comercializa el nuevo sistema de colaboración ClickShare CS-100 de Barco3 February 2016 Ayudar a los usuarios a realizar fácilmente presentaciones en pantalla y favorecer la colaboración activa de los asistentes compartiendo contenidos es el objetivo de esta nueva versión del sistema del ...
Indra and Televes apply IoT in the healthcare sector with the Sisens project3 February 2016 Este sistema pionero en Europa permite monitorizar todos los parámetros de relativos a un paciente, ha sido desarrollado con tecnología española fruto de la UTE de Indra y Televés, and ...
LED&Go develops a widescreen in the elevator of the Splau shopping center2 February 2016 A spectacular Led screen of 25 square meters and pixel pitch of 5 mm now occupies the entire face of the panoramic elevator of the Splau shopping center, In the municipality of Barcelona ...