AdderLink Infinity 2020: IP-based digital KVM extenders9 March 2015 The AdderLink Infinity Series 2020, con configuración single link y dual head, proporciona vídeo, audio y USB 2.0 sobre un cable de cobre o fibra óptica manteniendo la calidad de ...
VIA will display the functions of its multimedia players with Android in DSE 20156 March 2015 Los reproductores multimedia VIA Alta DS para señalización digital con Android protagonizarán la participación de VIA Technologies en Digital Signage Expo 2015, which is celebrated by the 10 to the 13 of ...
i2CAT shows at MWC apps for smart cities and data transmission through a Led light5 March 2015 La presencia de i2CAT en el MWC está marcada por demostraciones que reflejan sus avances en el área de las aplicaciones de ámbito industrial para las smart glasses, las smart cities ...
A dynamic and impactful AV exhibition shows a retrospective of the metropolitan area of Barcelona3 March 2015 Sono has provided the audiovisual equipment, control systems and infrastructures that have been required to carry out the exhibition "Metropolis Barcelona" of the AMB. Until next time 26 April can ...
Vitelsa carries out the technological production for the exhibition 'From Tilt to Byte' at MuVIM2 March 2015 'From Tilt to Byte' is the title of the technological exhibition that covers the history and evolution of the video game industry, that until next March can ...
The Deutsche Welle TV Studio in Berlin installs a curved video wall of 2 Mm2 March 2015 BFE y eyevis están instalando un videowall, configured by 144 módulos Led de alta resolución, en el Studio 3 de Deutsche Welle en Berlín. In the 24 m² de pantalla, ...
VIA Alta DS Android receives Scala certification for digital signage installations27 February 2015 El reproductor multimedia con Android VIA Alta DS ha obtenido los certificados Android Player, Android HTML Player y Enhanced Player de Scala, para ofrecer una solución todo en uno ultracompacta ...
Charmex, Hitachi and Al-Andalus School Distributions: collaborative solutions for the digital classroom26 February 2015 Las tres firmas presentarán, en una jornada de puertas abiertas que tendrá lugar el próximo 5 March, la tecnología más innovadora para entornos educativos, donde los asistentes tendrán ocasión ...
Vodafone headquarters in Milan carries out its AV installation with AMX equipment24 February 2015 Touch panels and control and management systems of AMX join the visualization solutions of Eyevis for the realization of the technological project that has been carried out ...
A digital signage network optimizes communications in The offices of Ingram Micro20 February 2015 Three videowalls of 2x2 and 42 screen of 55 and 65 NEC inches make up the display structure of the digital signage network that Ingram Micro has installed ...
National Australia Bank plans the workspace of the future with AMX solutions19 February 2015 National Australia Bank's headquarters offer its employees and visitors an innovative, intelligently designed workspace, functional and flexible in which the infrastructure ...
Ise 2015: Exterity guarantees the security and protection of content in its new IPTV range19 February 2015 Los transcodificadores AvediaStream, la suite completa de las series de TVgateways g44, la última versión de AvediaServer para simplificar la operación de los sistemas IPTV y la extensión de la ...
Blackmagic Intesity Pro 4K: video capture in SD, HD and Ultra HD19 February 2015 With great color depth in HDMI, Blackmagic Design's Intesity Pro 4K card delivers a high frame rate for capture and playback in formats up to ...
SSL Live L500 console controls the scenic productions of Manchester's Home complex17 February 2015 Home, un nuevo centro dedicado a las artes escénicas y audiovisuales ubicado en Manchester, ha confiado para sus producciones teatrales en la consola Live L500 de SSL, convirtiéndose en uno ...
Atlona introduces a 4K HDMI switch for classrooms and meeting rooms17 February 2015 Expanding its line of commercial AV switchers for hospitality and education, Atlona has introduced the AT-UHD-CLSO-601 model, A six-inning team, 4K/UHD resolution at 60Hz with a built-in ...
Shure PSM300: Stereo personal monitoring system for semi-professionals16 February 2015 Pensado para los usuarios semi-profesionales del mercado de la monitorización intraural, el sistema PSM300 de Shure ofrece un proceso detallado de audio digital de 24 bits e incorpora las tecnologías ...
AMX Alero ALR-AEC-8: Audio mixer for web conferencing in large meeting spaces16 February 2015 AMX has introduced the Alero ALR-AEC-8 Web Conferencing Audio Mixer, An easy-to-install and easy-to-configure device that supports up to 8 microphones and allows VTC conferencing. AMX, Member of the ...
Ecler NXA4BC: digital device to manage the audio process of an installation in complete safety12 February 2015 El compresor/limitador de 4 bandas NXA4BC de Ecler permite ajustar el nivel de presión sonora del espectro de frecuencias, encargándose del procesamiento de audio de una instalación con completa seguridad. in ...
Blackmagic brings content production closer to sectors such as digital signage or corporate at ISE 201512 February 2015 La compañía australiana muestra en ISE 2015 algunas de sus últimas soluciones para captación, enrutado, multipantalla o conversión de señales. Por todos es sabido que los contenidos son precisamente el principal ...
Ventuz shows at ISE 2015 the potential of your graphic software in digital signage systems12 February 2015 The graphic design capacity of Ventuz Technology software materializes these days in ISE 2015 in its integration into digital signage screens, with a workflow ...