Tres60 Group takes stock of the last quarter of the year: six contests won and 11,2 millions of euros16 December 2014 The last quarter of the year has had a more than positive balance for Tres60 Grupo, that has been awarded 11,2 million euros in content production competitions, services ...
Samsung SSP and Signagelive's cloud software optimize StubHub Center's digital signage network15 December 2014 The StubHub Center has replaced its traditional signage system with a digital signage network developed with the Samsung Smart Platform Signage solution (ssp) and the software based on the ...
Microsoft applies the potential of the Internet of Things in the Care hospital solution & Comfort12 December 2014 Basada en tecnologías de Microsoft, la solución Care & Comfort aprovecha las ventajas del Internet of Things (IoE) para ofrecer a los pacientes ingresados en el hospital un sistema inteligente ...
NEC inaugurates its first demo room in Spain: A space that exhibits an ecosystem of audiovisual solutions11 December 2014 Pantallas de gran formato con resolución 4K, equipos táctiles e innovadores sistemas de proyección son los principales protagonistas de la sala demo que NEC Display acaba de inaugurar en Madrid. ...
Vitelsa develops AV production at the inauguration of the new OHIM headquarters11 December 2014 The inauguration of the new building of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), based in Alicante, has had the technical capacity of Vitelsa for the installation of the ...
Metropolis Digital Media selects BroadSign to deploy five hundred screens in London taxis10 December 2014 El especialista en publicidad dooh en vehículos Metrópolis Digital Media ha elegido la tecnología de BroadSign como plataforma de software basada en ‘la nube’ en el despliegue de quinientas pantallas ...
Keywest develops a six-channel digital signage player with function to control videowalls9 December 2014 Breeze Multi-Head 6 It is a two-in-one system that offers functionalities to operate as a digital signage multimedia player, connected to the cloud to deliver content to displays, ...
A large videowall Christie Microtiles receives visitors who tour the LKAB mine9 December 2014 Located north of the Arctic Circle, the Swedish multinational LKAB, specialized in the extraction of iron ore, has installed a huge videowall in the reception of its center ...
Mahidol University in Bangkok installs a digital signage network to optimize its communications4 December 2014 A digital signage network, based on Cayin's SMP-WEB4 players and CMS-20 server, enables Mahidol University Bangkok to optimize internal communication within the campus ...
Integrated Systems Europe will be extended to four days in the edition of 20163 December 2014 A few months after celebrating its edition 2015, of the 10 to the 12 February in the Dutch city of Amsterdam, the Managing Director of Integrated Systems Europe (Ise), Mike Blackman, ...
TMTFactory and Instronic provide the audiovisual infrastructure for the Adidas Megastore of Valencia CF3 December 2014 A videowall of 8 meters high and another six more, composed of a total of 85 monitors 46 Inch, are some of the audiovisual proposals offered by the ...
Charmex brings AV professionals together in Seville to showcase the most innovative in the sector2 December 2014 The Professional Audiovisual Conference of Charmex International in Andalusia will be held on 3 and 4 of December in Seville with the aim of showing the AV sector the most advanced technologies ...
BrightSign renews its offer of players for digital signage2 December 2014 Ise 2015 This was the occasion chosen by BrightSign to unveil its renewed family of media players for digital signage. HD and XD series have been updated, while ...
Ecler CA40 and CA120: micro-amplifiers for AV integration2 December 2014 Compact size, Ecler tiene disponibles dos nuevos amplificadores estéreo que conforman la serie CA, especialmente diseñados para aquellas aplicaciones audiovisuales que requieren de integración con dispositivos de control remoto. the ...
El robot Pepper será el nuevo vendedor en las tiendas de Nescafé de Japón1 December 2014 Pepper es capaz de detectar emociones, mantener una conversación con los clientes e interactuar con ellos. Este nuevo 'agente de ventas' ha sido contratado por Nestlé para promocionar sus productos Nescafé en ...
The Spanish consultancy Sociograph Neuromarketing opens offices in Mexico City.1 December 2014 Como parte de su estrategia de internacionalización de sus servicios de comunicación basados en el análisis neurocientífico, la empresa española Sociograph Neuromarketing ha abierto oficinas en México D.F, From where ...
Ficod 2014: the Spanish commitment to internationalize the digital content industry1 December 2014 With the inauguration of the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, Jose Manuel Soria, Ficod 2014 will drive from the 2 to the 4 December the digital content industry in ...
AIS Comunicaciones deploys its HD transport technology via satellite for surgical transmissions in TEAM 201428 November 2014 AIS Communications, Specialized in audiovisual communication in the medical-hospital and pharmaceutical sector, ha llevado a cabo el suministro y la implantación de su tecnología en transmisión de señales digitales en ...
Ficod 2014: Tecnilógica participates with its multichannel proposal to interact with the client28 November 2014 Productos y servicios innovadores para que las empresas desarrollen sistemas multicanal de relación con sus clientes y desarrollos de reconocimiento de la audiencia en el sector retail son algunas de las ...
El Ayuntamiento de Utrecht utiliza la tecnología de BrightSign para su proyecto de digital signage27 November 2014 Con objeto de optimizar las comunicaciones internas y ofrecer un mejor servicio a los ciudadanos, el Ayuntamiento de Utrech ha instalado una solución de señalización digital integrada por los media ...